self.comb += Case(self.sel, cases)
+# UART Crossover -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class UARTCrossover(UART):
+ """
+ UART crossover trough Wishbone bridge.
+ Creates a fully compatible UART that can be used by the CPU as a regular UART and adds a second
+ UART, cross-connected to the main one to allow terminal emulation over a Wishbone bridge.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ assert kwargs.get("phy", None) == None
+ UART.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+ self.submodules.xover = UART(tx_fifo_depth=2, rx_fifo_depth=2)
+ self.comb += self.connect(self.xover)
self.submodules.uart = uart.UART()
if uart_name == "stub":
self.comb += uart.sink.ready.eq(1)
+ elif uart_name == "crossover":
+ self.submodules.uart = uart.UARTCrossover()
if uart_name == "jtag_atlantic":
from litex.soc.cores.jtag import JTAGAtlantic