// note that we must get all "component types" of a type, so that
// e.g. U is printed as a sort declaration when we have type (Array U Int).
- std::unordered_set<TypeNode> ctypes;
- expr::getComponentTypes(st, ctypes);
- for (const TypeNode& stc : ctypes)
+ ensureTypeDefinitionPrinted(preamble, st, sts, tupleArity);
+ }
+ // print datatype definitions for the above sorts
+ for (const TypeNode& stc : sts)
+ {
+ if (!stc.isDatatype() || stc.getKind() == PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE)
- if (sts.find(stc) != sts.end())
- {
- continue;
- }
- sts.insert(stc);
- if (stc.isSort())
+ // skip the instance of a parametric datatype
+ continue;
+ }
+ const DType& dt = stc.getDType();
+ preamble << "; DATATYPE " << dt.getName() << std::endl;
+ NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
+ for (size_t i = 0, ncons = dt.getNumConstructors(); i < ncons; i++)
+ {
+ const DTypeConstructor& cons = dt[i];
+ std::string cname = d_tproc.getNameForUserNameOf(cons.getConstructor());
+ // for now, must print as node to ensure same policy for printing
+ // variable names. For instance, this means that cvc.X is printed as
+ // LFSC identifier |cvc.X| if X contains symbols legal in LFSC but not
+ // SMT-LIB. (cvc5-projects/issues/466) We should disable printing quote
+ // escapes in the smt2 printing of LFSC converted terms.
+ Node cc = nm->mkBoundVar(cname, stc);
+ // print constructor/tester
+ preamble << "(declare " << cc << " term)" << std::endl;
+ for (size_t j = 0, nargs = cons.getNumArgs(); j < nargs; j++)
- preamble << "(declare ";
- printType(preamble, stc);
- preamble << " sort)" << std::endl;
+ const DTypeSelector& arg = cons[j];
+ // print selector
+ std::string sname = d_tproc.getNameForUserNameOf(arg.getSelector());
+ Node sc = nm->mkBoundVar(sname, stc);
+ preamble << "(declare " << sc << " term)" << std::endl;
- else if (stc.isDatatype())
- {
- const DType& dt = stc.getDType();
- if (stc.getKind() == PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE)
- {
- // skip the instance of a parametric datatype
- continue;
- }
- preamble << "; DATATYPE " << dt.getName() << std::endl;
- if (dt.isTuple())
- {
- const DTypeConstructor& cons = dt[0];
- size_t arity = cons.getNumArgs();
- if (tupleArity.find(arity) == tupleArity.end())
- {
- tupleArity.insert(arity);
- preamble << "(declare Tuple_" << arity << " ";
- std::stringstream tcparen;
- for (size_t j = 0, nargs = cons.getNumArgs(); j < nargs; j++)
- {
- preamble << "(! s" << j << " sort ";
- tcparen << ")";
- }
- preamble << "sort" << tcparen.str() << ")";
- }
- preamble << std::endl;
- }
- else
- {
- preamble << "(declare ";
- printType(preamble, stc);
- std::stringstream cdttparens;
- if (dt.isParametric())
- {
- std::vector<TypeNode> params = dt.getParameters();
- for (const TypeNode& tn : params)
- {
- preamble << " (! " << tn << " sort";
- cdttparens << ")";
- }
- }
- preamble << " sort)" << cdttparens.str() << std::endl;
- }
- for (size_t i = 0, ncons = dt.getNumConstructors(); i < ncons; i++)
- {
- const DTypeConstructor& cons = dt[i];
- std::stringstream sscons;
- sscons << d_tproc.convert(cons.getConstructor());
- std::string cname =
- LfscNodeConverter::getNameForUserName(sscons.str());
- // print construct/tester
- preamble << "(declare " << cname << " term)" << std::endl;
- for (size_t j = 0, nargs = cons.getNumArgs(); j < nargs; j++)
- {
- const DTypeSelector& arg = cons[j];
- // print selector
- Node si = d_tproc.convert(arg.getSelector());
- std::stringstream sns;
- sns << si;
- std::string sname =
- LfscNodeConverter::getNameForUserName(sns.str());
- preamble << "(declare " << sname << " term)" << std::endl;
- }
- }
- // testers and updaters are instances of parametric symbols
- // shared selectors are instance of parametric symbol "sel"
- preamble << "; END DATATYPE " << std::endl;
- }
- // all other sorts are builtin into the LFSC signature
+ // testers and updaters are instances of parametric symbols
+ // shared selectors are instance of parametric symbol "sel"
+ preamble << "; END DATATYPE " << std::endl;
Trace("lfsc-print-debug") << "; print user symbols" << std::endl;
// [1b] user declare function symbols
out << cparen.str() << std::endl;
+void LfscPrinter::ensureTypeDefinitionPrinted(
+ std::ostream& os,
+ TypeNode tn,
+ std::unordered_set<TypeNode>& processed,
+ std::unordered_set<size_t>& tupleArityProcessed)
+ // note that we must get all "component types" of a type, so that
+ // e.g. U is printed as a sort declaration when we have type (Array U Int).
+ std::unordered_set<TypeNode> ctypes;
+ expr::getComponentTypes(tn, ctypes);
+ for (const TypeNode& stc : ctypes)
+ {
+ printTypeDefinition(os, stc, processed, tupleArityProcessed);
+ }
+void LfscPrinter::printTypeDefinition(
+ std::ostream& os,
+ TypeNode tn,
+ std::unordered_set<TypeNode>& processed,
+ std::unordered_set<size_t>& tupleArityProcessed)
+ if (processed.find(tn) != processed.end())
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ processed.insert(tn);
+ if (tn.isSort())
+ {
+ os << "(declare ";
+ printType(os, tn);
+ os << " sort)" << std::endl;
+ }
+ else if (tn.isDatatype())
+ {
+ const DType& dt = tn.getDType();
+ if (tn.getKind() == PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE)
+ {
+ // skip the instance of a parametric datatype
+ return;
+ }
+ if (dt.isTuple())
+ {
+ const DTypeConstructor& cons = dt[0];
+ size_t arity = cons.getNumArgs();
+ if (tupleArityProcessed.find(arity) == tupleArityProcessed.end())
+ {
+ tupleArityProcessed.insert(arity);
+ os << "(declare Tuple_" << arity << " ";
+ std::stringstream tcparen;
+ for (size_t j = 0, nargs = cons.getNumArgs(); j < nargs; j++)
+ {
+ os << "(! s" << j << " sort ";
+ tcparen << ")";
+ }
+ os << "sort" << tcparen.str() << ")";
+ }
+ os << std::endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ os << "(declare ";
+ printType(os, tn);
+ std::stringstream cdttparens;
+ if (dt.isParametric())
+ {
+ std::vector<TypeNode> params = dt.getParameters();
+ for (const TypeNode& p : params)
+ {
+ os << " (! " << p << " sort";
+ cdttparens << ")";
+ }
+ }
+ os << " sort)" << cdttparens.str() << std::endl;
+ }
+ // must also ensure the subfield types of the datatype are printed
+ std::unordered_set<TypeNode> sftypes = dt.getSubfieldTypes();
+ for (const TypeNode& sft : sftypes)
+ {
+ ensureTypeDefinitionPrinted(os, sft, processed, tupleArityProcessed);
+ }
+ }
+ // all other sorts are builtin into the LFSC signature
void LfscPrinter::printProofLetify(
LfscPrintChannel* out,
const ProofNode* pn,
Node res = d_tproc.convert(cur->getResult());
res = lbind.convert(res, "__t", true);
out->printTrust(res, r);
- if (d_trustWarned.find(r) == d_trustWarned.end())
- {
- d_trustWarned.insert(r);
- }
+ d_trustWarned.insert(r);
Assert(res[1].getKind() == CONST_RATIONAL);
pf << h << h << d_tproc.convert(res[1]) << cs[0];
+ break;
// strings
- break;case PfRule::STRING_LENGTH_POS:
pf << as[0] << d_tproc.convertType(as[0].getType()) << h;
case PfRule::STRING_LENGTH_NON_EMPTY: pf << h << h << cs[0]; break;