>>> print(x2.signed)
+With this capability it becomes possible to use the Liskov Substitution
+Principle in dynamically compiling code that switches between scalar and
+ # scalar context
+ scalarctx = scl = object()
+ scl.XLEN = 64
+ scl.SigKls = Signal
+ # SIMD context
+ simdctx = sdc = object()
+ sdc = SimdShape(64, ....)
+ sdc.SigKls = SimdSignal
+ sdc.elwidth = Signal(2)
+ # select one
+ if compiletime_switch == 'SIMD':
+ ctx = simdctx
+ else:
+ ctx = scalarctx
+ # exact same code switching context at compile time
+ m = Module():
+ with ctx:
+ x = ctx.SigKls(ctx.XLEN)
+ ...