We shouldn't use i variable for SWTCL_OVM_TEX because textures doesn't have to be enabled in "packed" order.
We could have tex1,tex3 and fog which would receive 7,9,8 OVM locations instead of 6,7,8.
InputsRead |= 1 << (VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0 + i);
OutputsWritten |= 1 << (VERT_RESULT_TEX0 + i);
- ADD_ATTR(VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0 + i, hw_format, SWTCL_OVM_TEX(i), swiz, MASK_XYZW, 0);
+ ADD_ATTR(VERT_ATTRIB_TEX0 + i, hw_format, SWTCL_OVM_TEX(first_free_tex), swiz, MASK_XYZW, 0);