``"{0.name:}/{0.value:}"``, or a number if the signal value
is not a member of the enumeration.
+An [example how to do this](https://git.libre-soc.org/?p=nmutil.git;a=blob;f=src/nmutil/test/example_gtkwave.py;h=1b8c3b9c1b0bb5cde23c6896fc5cbde991790384;hb=HEAD#l262):
+ 262 # demonstrates adding extra debug signal traces
+ 263 # they end up in the top module
+ 264 #
+ 265 zero = Signal() # mark an interesting place
+ 266 #
+ 267 # demonstrates string traces
+ 268 #
+ 269 # display a message when the signal is high
+ 270 # the low level is just an horizontal line
+ 271 interesting = Signal(decoder=lambda v: 'interesting!' if v else '')
+ 272 # choose between alternate strings based on numerical value
+ 273 test_cases = ['', '13>>2', '3<<4', '21<<0']
+ 274 test_case = Signal(8, decoder=lambda v: test_cases[v])
+ 275 # hack to display arbitrary strings, like debug statements
+ 276 msg = Signal(decoder=lambda _: msg.str)
+ 277 msg.str = ''