class Simulator:
- def __init__(self, fragment, **kwargs):
+ def __init__(self, fragment):
self._state = _SimulatorState()
self._signal_names = SignalDict()
self._fragment = Fragment.get(fragment, platform=None).prepare()
self._processes = _FragmentCompiler(self._state, self._signal_names)(self._fragment)
- if kwargs: # :nocov:
- # TODO(nmigen-0.3): remove
- self._state.start_waveform(_VCDWaveformWriter(self._signal_names, **kwargs))
self._clocked = set()
def _check_process(self, process):
if not (inspect.isgeneratorfunction(process) or inspect.iscoroutinefunction(process)):
- if inspect.isgenerator(process) or inspect.iscoroutine(process):
- warnings.warn("instead of generators, use generator functions as processes; "
- "this allows the simulator to be repeatedly reset",
- DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=3)
- def wrapper():
- yield from process
- return wrapper
- else:
- raise TypeError("Cannot add a process {!r} because it is not a generator function"
- .format(process))
+ raise TypeError("Cannot add a process {!r} because it is not a generator function"
+ .format(process))
return process
def _add_coroutine_process(self, process, *, default_cmd):
waveform_writer = _VCDWaveformWriter(self._signal_names,
vcd_file=vcd_file, gtkw_file=gtkw_file, traces=traces)
return _WaveformContextManager(self._state, waveform_writer)
- # TODO(nmigen-0.3): remove
- @deprecated("instead of `with Simulator(fragment, ...) as sim:`, use "
- "`sim = Simulator(fragment); with sim.write_vcd(...):`")
- def __enter__(self): # :nocov:
- return self
- # TODO(nmigen-0.3): remove
- def __exit__(self, *args): # :nocov:
- self._state.finish_waveform()
def test_add_process_wrong_generator(self):
with self.assertSimulation(Module()) as sim:
- with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning,
- msg="instead of generators, use generator functions as processes; "
- "this allows the simulator to be repeatedly reset"):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
+ r"^Cannot add a process <.+?> because it is not a generator function$"):
def process():
yield Delay()