catch "exec $AS -version < /dev/null" tmp
# Should find a way to discard constant parts, keep whatever's
# left, so the version string could be almost anything at all...
- regexp " \[0-9\]\[0-9\.a-zA-Z-\]+" $tmp version
+ regexp "version (cygnus-|)\[-0-9.a-zA-Z-\]+" $tmp version
set tmp $version
- regexp "\[0-9\.a-zA-Z-\]+" $tmp version
- clone_output "[which $AS] version $version\n"
+ clone_output "[which $AS] $version\n"
unset tmp
unset version
want_no_output "$testname ($extra_opts)"
+ if [info exists errorInfo] then {
+ unset errorInfo
+ }
proc gas_test_ignore_stdout { file as_opts testname } {