Objcopy was used to create a binary file of just the executable code
since the environment requires code to based at address 0. We can
accomplish the same thing with the -Ttext=0 flag, so switch to that
to get rid of custom logic.
# All machines.
set all_machs "example"
+ set global_ld_options "-Ttext=0"
foreach src [lsort [glob -nocomplain $srcdir/$subdir/*.s]] {
# If we're only testing specific files and this isn't one of them,
# skip it.
run_sim_test $src $all_machs
+ unset global_ld_options
set options "$options timeout=$opts(timeout)"
- if [string match "example" "$mach"] {
- set objcopy [find_binutils_prog objcopy]
- set comp_output [remote_exec host $objcopy "-O binary -j .text ${name}.x ${name}.bin"]
- file rename -force "${name}.bin" "${name}.x"
- append opts(sim,$mach) " --target binary"
- }
set result [sim_run ${name}.x "$opts(sim,$mach) $global_sim_options" "$opts(progopts)" "" "$options"]
set return_code [lindex $result 0]
set output [lindex $result 1]