Formal extensions to Verilog
+Any Verilog file may be read using ``read -formal <file>`` within the
+SymbiYosys ``script`` section. Multiple files may be given on the sames
+line, or various files may be read in subsequent lines.
+``read -formal`` will also define the ``FORMAL`` macro, which can be used
+to separate a section having formal properties from the rest of the logic
+within the core.
+.. code-block:: systemverilog
-``read -sv``
+ module somemodule(port1, port2, ...);
+ // User logic here
+ //
+ `ifdef FORMAL
+ // Formal properties here
+ `endif
+ endmodule
-``read_verilog -sv``
+The ``bind()`` operator can also be used when using the Verific front end.
+This will provide an option to attach formal properties to a given piece
+of logic, without actually modifying the module in question to do so as
+we did in the example above.
SystemVerilog Immediate Assertions
+SymbiYosys supports three basic immediate assertion types.
+1. ``assume(<expr>);``
+ An assumption restricts the possibilities the formal tool examines, making
+ the search space smaller. In any solver generated trace, all of the
+ assumptions will always be true.
+2. ``assert(<expr>);``
+ An assertion is something the solver will try to make false. Any time
+ SymbiYosys is run with ``mode bmc``, the proof will fail if some set
+ of inputs can cause the ``<expr>`` within the assertion to be zero (false).
+ When SymbiYosys is run with ``mode prove``, the proof may also yield an
+ ``UNKNOWN`` result if an assertion can be made to fail during the induction
+ step.
+3. ``cover(<expr>);``
+ A cover statement only applies when SymbiYosys is ran with option
+ ``mode cover``. In this case, the formal solver will start at the
+ beginning of time (i.e. when all initial statements are true), and it will
+ try to find some clock when ``<expr>`` can be made to be true. Such a
+ cover run will "PASS" once all internal ``cover()`` statements have been
+ fulfilled. It will "FAIL" if any ``cover()`` statement exists that cannot
+ be reached in the first ``N`` states, where ``N`` is set by the
+ ``depth`` option. A cover pass will also fail if an assertion needs to
+ be broken in order to reach the covered state.
+To be used, each of these statements needs to be placed into an *immediate*
+context. That is, it needs to be placed within an ``always`` block of some
+type. Two types of ``always`` block contexts are permitted:
+- ``always @(*)``
+ Formal properties within an ``always @(*)`` block will be checked on every
+ time step. For synchronous proofs, the property will be checked every
+ clock period. For asynchronous proofs, i.e. those with ``multiclock on``,
+ the property will still be checked on every time step but, depending upon
+ how you set up your time steps, it may also be checked multiple times
+ per clock interval.
+ As an example, consider the following assertion that the ``error_flag``
+ signal must remain low.
+.. code-block:: systemverilog
+ always @(*)
+ assert(!error_flag);
+While it is not recommended that formal properties be mixed with logic in
+the same ``always @(*)`` block, the language supports it. In such cases,
+the formal property will be evaluated as though it took place in the middle
+of the logic block.
+- ``always @(posedge <clock>)``
+ The second form of immediate assertion is one within a clocked always block.
+ This form of assertion is required when attempting to use the ``$past``,
+ ``$stable``, ``$changed``, ``$rose``, or ``$fell`` SystemVerilog functions
+ discussed in the next section.
+ Unlike the ``@(*)`` assertion, this one will only be checked on the clock
+ edge. Depending upon how the clock is set up, that may mean that there are
+ several formal time steps between when this assertion is checked.
+ The two types of immediate assertions, both with and without a clock
+ reference, are very similar. There is one critical difference between
+ them, however. The clocked assertion will not be checked until the
+ positive edge of the clock following the time period in question. Within
+ a synchronous design, this means that the fault will not lie on the last
+ time step, but rather the time step prior. New users often find this
+ non-intuitive.
+One subtlety to be aware of is that any ``always @(*)`` assertion that
+depends upon an ``always @(posedge <clock>)`` assumption might fail before
+the assumption is applied. One solution is to use all clocked or all
+combinatorial blocks. Another solution is to move the assertion into an
+``always @(posedge <clock>)`` block.
SystemVerilog Functions
+Yosys supports five formal related functions: ``$past``, ``$stable``,
+``$changed``, ``$rose``, and ``$fell``. Internally, these are all implemented
+in terms of the implementation of the ``$past`` operator.
+The ``$past(<expr>)`` function returns the value of ``<expr>`` from one clock
+ago. It can only be used within a clocked always block, since the clock is
+used to define "one clock ago." It is roughly equivalent to,
+.. code-block:: systemverilog
+ reg past_value;
+ always @(posedge clock)
+ past_value <= expression;
+There are two keys to the use of ``$past``. The first is that
+``$past(<expr>)`` can only be used within a clocked always block. The second
+is that there is no initial value given to any ``$past(<expr>)``. That means
+that on the first clock period of any design, ``$past(<expr>)`` will be
+Yosys supports both one and two arguments to ``$past``. In the two argument
+form, ``$past(<expr>,N)``, the expression returns the value of ``<expr>``
+from ``N`` clocks ago. ``N`` must be a synthesis time constant.
+``$stable(<expr>)`` is short hand for ``<expr> == $past(<expr>)``.
-``$rose``, ``$fell``
+``$changed(<expr>)`` is short hand for ``<expr> != $past(<expr>)``.
+While the next two functions, ``$rose`` and ``$fell``, can be applied to
+multi-bit expressions, only the least significant bits will be examined.
+If we allow that ``<expr>`` has only a single bit within it, perhaps selected
+from the least significant bit of a larger expression, then we can
+express the following equivalencies.
+``$rose(<expr>)`` is short hand for ``<expr> && !$past(<expr)``.
+``$fell(<expr>)`` is short hand for ``!<expr> && $past(<expr)``.
Liveness and Fairness
Unconstrained Variables
+Yosys supports four attributes which can be used to create unconstrained
+variables. These attributes can be applied to the variable at declaration
+time, as in
+.. code-block:: systemverilog
-``(* anyconst *)``
+ (* anyconst ) reg some_value;
-``(* anyseq *)``
+The ``(* anyconst *)`` attribute will create a solver chosen constant.
+It is often used when verifying memories: the proof allows the solver to
+pick a constant address, and then proves that the value at that address
+matches however the designer desires.
-``(* allconst *)``
+``(* anyseq *)`` differs from ``(* anyconst *)`` in that the solver chosen
+value can change from one time step to the next. In many ways, it is
+similar to how the solver will treat an input to the design, with the
+difference that an ``(* anyseq *)`` variable can originate internal
+to the design.
-``(* allseq *)``
+Both ``(* anyseq *)`` and ``(* anyconst *)`` marked values can be constrained
+with assumptions.
+Yosys supports two other attributes useful to formal processing,
+``(* allconst *)`` and ``(* allseq *)``. These are very similar in their
+functionality to the ``(* anyseq *)`` and ``(* anyconst *)`` attributes we
+just discussed for creating unconstrained values. Indeed, for both assertions
+and cover statements, the two sets are identical. Where they differ is
+with respect to assumptions. Assumed properties of an ``(* allseq *)``
+or ``(* allconst *)`` value will be applied to all possible values of that
+variable may take on. This gets around the annoying reality associated with
+defining a property using ``(* anyconst *)`` or ``(* anyseq *)`` only to
+have the solver pick a value which wasn't the one that was constrained.
Global Clock
+Accessing the formal timestep becomes important when verifying code in any
+asynchronous context. In such asynchronous contexts, there may be multiple
+independent clocks within the design. Each of the clocks may be defined by
+an assumption allowing the designer to carefully select the relationships
+between them.
+All of this requires the ``multiclock on`` line in the SBY options section.
+It also requires the ``(* gclk *)`` attribute.
+To use ``(* gclk *)``, define a register with that attribute, as in:
+.. code-block:: systemverilog
+ (* gclk ) reg formal_timestep;
+You can then reference this ``formal_timestep`` in the clocking section
+of an always block, as in,
+.. code-block:: systemverilog
-``(* gclk *)``
+ always @(posedge formal_timestep)
+ assume(incoming_clock == !$past(incoming_clock));
SystemVerilog Concurrent Assertions