def period_ns(freq):
return 1e9/freq
-# Xilinx
+# Xilinx / 7-Series
class S7Clocking(Module, AutoCSR):
clkfbout_mult_frange = (2, 64+1)
self.specials += Instance("IDELAYCTRL", i_REFCLK=cd.clk, i_RST=ic_reset)
-# Lattice
+# Xilinx / Ultrascale
+# TODO:
+# - use Ultrascale primitives instead of 7-Series' ones. (Vivado recognize and convert them).
+class USClocking(Module, AutoCSR):
+ clkfbout_mult_frange = (2, 64+1)
+ clkout_divide_range = (1, 128+1)
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.reset = Signal()
+ self.locked = Signal()
+ self.clkin_freq = None
+ self.vcxo_freq = None
+ self.nclkouts = 0
+ self.clkouts = {}
+ self.config = {}
+ self.params = {}
+ def register_clkin(self, clkin, freq):
+ self.clkin = Signal()
+ if isinstance(clkin, Signal):
+ self.comb += self.clkin.eq(clkin)
+ elif isinstance(clkin, Record):
+ self.specials += DifferentialInput(clkin.p, clkin.n, self.clkin)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError
+ self.clkin_freq = freq
+ def create_clkout(self, cd, freq, phase=0, buf="bufg", margin=1e-2, with_reset=True):
+ assert self.nclkouts < self.nclkouts_max
+ clkout = Signal()
+ self.clkouts[self.nclkouts] = (clkout, freq, phase, margin)
+ self.nclkouts += 1
+ if with_reset:
+ self.specials += AsyncResetSynchronizer(cd, ~self.locked | self.reset)
+ if buf is None:
+ self.comb += cd.clk.eq(clkout)
+ else:
+ clkout_buf = Signal()
+ self.comb += cd.clk.eq(clkout_buf)
+ if buf == "bufg":
+ self.specials += Instance("BUFG", i_I=clkout, o_O=clkout_buf)
+ elif buf == "bufr":
+ self.specials += Instance("BUFR", i_I=clkout, o_O=clkout_buf)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError
+ def compute_config(self):
+ config = {}
+ config["divclk_divide"] = 1
+ for clkfbout_mult in range(*self.clkfbout_mult_frange):
+ all_valid = True
+ vco_freq = self.clkin_freq*clkfbout_mult
+ (vco_freq_min, vco_freq_max) = self.vco_freq_range
+ if vco_freq >= vco_freq_min and vco_freq <= vco_freq_max:
+ for n, (clk, f, p, m) in sorted(self.clkouts.items()):
+ valid = False
+ for d in range(*self.clkout_divide_range):
+ clk_freq = vco_freq/d
+ if abs(clk_freq - f) < f*m:
+ config["clkout{}_divide".format(n)] = d
+ config["clkout{}_phase".format(n)] = p
+ valid = True
+ break
+ if not valid:
+ all_valid = False
+ else:
+ all_valid = False
+ if all_valid:
+ config["vco"] = vco_freq
+ config["clkfbout_mult"] = clkfbout_mult
+ return config
+ raise ValueError("No PLL config found")
+ def expose_drp(self):
+ self.drp_reset = CSR()
+ self.drp_read = CSR()
+ self.drp_write = CSR()
+ self.drp_drdy = CSRStatus()
+ self.drp_adr = CSRStorage(7)
+ self.drp_dat_w = CSRStorage(16)
+ self.drp_dat_r = CSRStatus(16)
+ # # #
+ drp_drdy = Signal()
+ self.params.update(
+ i_DCLK=ClockSignal(),
+ |,
+ o_DRDY=drp_drdy,
+ o_DO=self.drp_dat_r.status
+ )
+ self.sync += [
+ If( |,
+ self.drp_drdy.status.eq(0)
+ ).Elif(drp_drdy,
+ self.drp_drdy.status.eq(1)
+ )
+ ]
+ def do_finalize(self):
+ assert hasattr(self, "clkin")
+class USPLL(USClocking):
+ nclkouts_max = 6
+ def __init__(self, speedgrade=-1):
+ USClocking.__init__(self)
+ self.clkin_freq_range = {
+ -1: (70e6, 800e6),
+ -2: (70e6, 933e6),
+ -3: (70e6, 1066e6),
+ }[speedgrade]
+ self.vco_freq_range = {
+ -1: (600e6, 1200e6),
+ -2: (600e6, 1335e6),
+ -3: (600e6, 1335e6),
+ }[speedgrade]
+ def do_finalize(self):
+ USClocking.do_finalize(self)
+ config = self.compute_config()
+ pll_fb = Signal()
+ self.params.update(
+ p_STARTUP_WAIT="FALSE", o_LOCKED=self.locked,
+ # VCO
+ p_REF_JITTER1=0.01, p_CLKIN1_PERIOD=period_ns(self.clkin_freq),
+ p_CLKFBOUT_MULT=config["clkfbout_mult"], p_DIVCLK_DIVIDE=config["divclk_divide"],
+ i_CLKIN1=self.clkin, i_CLKFBIN=pll_fb, o_CLKFBOUT=pll_fb,
+ )
+ for n, (clk, f, p, m) in sorted(self.clkouts.items()):
+ self.params["p_CLKOUT{}_DIVIDE".format(n)] = config["clkout{}_divide".format(n)]
+ self.params["p_CLKOUT{}_PHASE".format(n)] = config["clkout{}_phase".format(n)]
+ self.params["o_CLKOUT{}".format(n)] = clk
+ self.specials += Instance("PLLE2_ADV", **self.params)
+class USMMCM(USClocking):
+ nclkouts_max = 7
+ def __init__(self, speedgrade=-1):
+ USClocking.__init__(self)
+ self.clkin_freq_range = {
+ -1: (10e6, 800e6),
+ -2: (10e6, 933e6),
+ -3: (10e6, 1066e6),
+ }[speedgrade]
+ self.vco_freq_range = {
+ -1: (600e6, 1200e6),
+ -2: (600e6, 1440e6),
+ -3: (600e6, 1600e6),
+ }[speedgrade]
+ def do_finalize(self):
+ USClocking.do_finalize(self)
+ config = self.compute_config()
+ mmcm_fb = Signal()
+ self.params.update(
+ p_BANDWIDTH="OPTIMIZED", o_LOCKED=self.locked,
+ # VCO
+ p_REF_JITTER1=0.01, p_CLKIN1_PERIOD=period_ns(self.clkin_freq),
+ p_CLKFBOUT_MULT_F=config["clkfbout_mult"], p_DIVCLK_DIVIDE=config["divclk_divide"],
+ i_CLKIN1=self.clkin, i_CLKFBIN=mmcm_fb, o_CLKFBOUT=mmcm_fb,
+ )
+ for n, (clk, f, p, m) in sorted(self.clkouts.items()):
+ if n == 0:
+ self.params["p_CLKOUT{}_DIVIDE_F".format(n)] = config["clkout{}_divide".format(n)]
+ else:
+ self.params["p_CLKOUT{}_DIVIDE".format(n)] = config["clkout{}_divide".format(n)]
+ self.params["p_CLKOUT{}_PHASE".format(n)] = config["clkout{}_phase".format(n)]
+ self.params["o_CLKOUT{}".format(n)] = clk
+ self.specials += Instance("MMCME2_ADV", **self.params)
+# Lattice / ECP5
# - add proper phase support.