with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with System.Soft_Links;
-package body System.Secondary_Stack is
- package SSL renames System.Soft_Links;
+with System.Parameters; use System.Parameters;
+with System.Soft_Links; use System.Soft_Links;
+with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
- use type System.Parameters.Size_Type;
+package body System.Secondary_Stack is
procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Chunk_Id, Chunk_Ptr);
-- Free a dynamically allocated chunk
+ procedure SS_Allocate_Dynamic
+ (Stack : SS_Stack_Ptr;
+ Mem_Request : SS_Ptr;
+ Addr : out Address);
+ pragma Inline (SS_Allocate_Dynamic);
+ -- Allocate enough space on dynamic secondary stack Stack to accommodate an
+ -- object of size Mem_Request. Addr denotes the address where the object is
+ -- to be placed.
+ procedure SS_Allocate_Static
+ (Stack : SS_Stack_Ptr;
+ Mem_Request : SS_Ptr;
+ Addr : out Address);
+ pragma Inline (SS_Allocate_Static);
+ -- Allocate enough space on static secondary stack Stack to accommodate an
+ -- object of size Mem_Request. Addr denotes the address where the object is
+ -- to be placed.
-- SS_Allocate --
procedure SS_Allocate
(Addr : out Address;
- Storage_Size : SSE.Storage_Count)
+ Storage_Size : Storage_Count)
- use type System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count;
+ function Round_Up (Size : Storage_Count) return SS_Ptr;
+ pragma Inline (Round_Up);
+ -- Round up Size to the nearest multiple of the maximum alignment on the
+ -- target.
+ function Round_Up_Overflows (Size : Storage_Count) return Boolean;
+ pragma Inline (Round_Up_Overflows);
+ -- Determine whether a round up of Size to the nearest multiple of the
+ -- maximum alignment will overflow the operation.
+ --------------
+ -- Round_Up --
+ --------------
+ function Round_Up (Size : Storage_Count) return SS_Ptr is
+ Max_Align : constant SS_Ptr := SS_Ptr (Standard'Maximum_Alignment);
+ begin
+ return ((SS_Ptr (Size) + Max_Align - 1) / Max_Align) * Max_Align;
+ end Round_Up;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Round_Up_Overflows --
+ ------------------------
+ function Round_Up_Overflows (Size : Storage_Count) return Boolean is
+ Max_Align : constant Storage_Count := Standard'Maximum_Alignment;
+ begin
+ return Storage_Count (SS_Ptr'Last) - Max_Align < Size;
+ end Round_Up_Overflows;
+ -- Local variables
+ Stack : constant SS_Stack_Ptr := Get_Sec_Stack.all;
+ -- The secondary stack of the current task
- Max_Align : constant SS_Ptr := SS_Ptr (Standard'Maximum_Alignment);
Mem_Request : SS_Ptr;
- Stack : constant SS_Stack_Ptr := SSL.Get_Sec_Stack.all;
+ -- Start of processing for SS_Allocate
- -- Round up Storage_Size to the nearest multiple of the max alignment
- -- value for the target. This ensures efficient stack access. First
- -- perform a check to ensure that the rounding operation does not
- -- overflow SS_Ptr.
- if SSE.Storage_Count (SS_Ptr'Last) - Standard'Maximum_Alignment <
- Storage_Size
- then
+ -- It should not be possible to allocate an object of size zero
+ pragma Assert (Storage_Size > 0);
+ -- Round up the requested allocation size to the nearest multiple of the
+ -- maximum alignment value for the target. This ensures efficient stack
+ -- access. Check that the rounding operation does not overflow SS_Ptr.
+ if Round_Up_Overflows (Storage_Size) then
raise Storage_Error;
end if;
- Mem_Request := ((SS_Ptr (Storage_Size) + Max_Align - 1) / Max_Align) *
- Max_Align;
+ Mem_Request := Round_Up (Storage_Size);
- -- Case of fixed secondary stack
+ if Sec_Stack_Dynamic then
+ SS_Allocate_Dynamic (Stack, Mem_Request, Addr);
- if not SP.Sec_Stack_Dynamic then
- -- Check if max stack usage is increasing
+ else
+ SS_Allocate_Static (Stack, Mem_Request, Addr);
+ end if;
+ end SS_Allocate;
+ -------------------------
+ -- SS_Allocate_Dynamic --
+ -------------------------
+ procedure SS_Allocate_Dynamic
+ (Stack : SS_Stack_Ptr;
+ Mem_Request : SS_Ptr;
+ Addr : out Address)
+ is
+ procedure Delete_Chunk (Chunk : in out Chunk_Ptr);
+ pragma Inline (Delete_Chunk);
+ -- Unchain chunk Chunk from the secondary stack and delete it
- if Stack.Max - Stack.Top - Mem_Request < 0 then
+ procedure Link_Chunks (First : Chunk_Ptr; Second : Chunk_Ptr);
+ pragma Inline (Link_Chunks);
+ -- Link chunk Second to chunk First
- -- If so, check if the stack is exceeded, noting Stack.Top points
- -- to the first free byte (so the value of Stack.Top on a fully
- -- allocated stack will be Stack.Size + 1). The comparison is
- -- formed to prevent integer overflows.
+ procedure Update_Max;
+ pragma Inline (Update_Max);
+ -- Raise the Max watermark if needed, based on Stack.Top
- if Stack.Size - Stack.Top - Mem_Request < -1 then
- raise Storage_Error;
- end if;
+ ------------------
+ -- Delete_Chunk --
+ ------------------
+ procedure Delete_Chunk (Chunk : in out Chunk_Ptr) is
+ Next : constant Chunk_Ptr := Chunk.Next;
+ Prev : constant Chunk_Ptr := Chunk.Prev;
+ begin
+ -- A chunk must always succeed another chunk. In the base case, that
+ -- chunk is the Internal_Chunk.
+ pragma Assert (Prev /= null);
+ Chunk.Next := null; -- Chunk --> X
+ Chunk.Prev := null; -- X <-- Chunk
+ -- The chunk being deleted is the last chunk
- -- Record new max usage
+ if Next = null then
+ Prev.Next := null; -- Prev --> X
- Stack.Max := Stack.Top + Mem_Request;
+ -- Otherwise link both the Prev and Next chunks
+ else
+ Link_Chunks (Prev, Next);
end if;
- -- Set resulting address and update top of stack pointer
+ Free (Chunk);
+ end Delete_Chunk;
+ -----------------
+ -- Link_Chunks --
+ -----------------
- Addr := Stack.Internal_Chunk.Mem (Stack.Top)'Address;
+ procedure Link_Chunks (First : Chunk_Ptr; Second : Chunk_Ptr) is
+ begin
+ First.Next := Second; -- First --> Second
+ Second.Prev := First; -- First <-- Second
+ end Link_Chunks;
+ ----------------
+ -- Update_Max --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Update_Max is
+ begin
+ if Stack.Top > Stack.Max then
+ Stack.Max := Stack.Top;
+ end if;
+ end Update_Max;
+ -- Local variables
+ Chunk : Chunk_Ptr;
+ Chunk_Size : SS_Ptr;
+ Next_Chunk : Chunk_Ptr;
+ Top_Chunk : Chunk_Ptr;
+ -- Start of processing for SS_Allocate_Dynamic
+ begin
+ -- Find the chunk where Top lives by going in reverse, starting from
+ -- Current_Chunk.
+ --
+ -- Top
+ -- |
+ -- +--------+ --> +----------+ --> +-----------------+
+ -- |#####| | |#### | |########### |
+ -- +--------+ <-- +----------+ <-- +-----------------+
+ -- ^
+ -- Current_Chunk
+ Top_Chunk := Stack.Current_Chunk;
+ while Top_Chunk.First > Stack.Top loop
+ Top_Chunk := Top_Chunk.Prev;
+ end loop;
+ -- Inspect Top_Chunk to determine whether the remaining space is big
+ -- enough to fit the object.
+ --
+ -- Addr Top
+ -- | |
+ -- +--------+ ...
+ -- |######| |
+ -- +--------+ ...
+ -- ^
+ -- Top_Chunk
+ if Top_Chunk.Last - Stack.Top + 1 >= Mem_Request then
+ Addr := Top_Chunk.Mem (Stack.Top)'Address;
Stack.Top := Stack.Top + Mem_Request;
+ Update_Max;
- -- Case of dynamic secondary stack
+ return;
+ end if;
- else
- declare
- Chunk : Chunk_Ptr;
- Chunk_Size : SS_Ptr;
- To_Be_Released_Chunk : Chunk_Ptr;
+ -- At this point it is known that Top_Chunk is not big enough to fit
+ -- the object. Examine subsequent chunks using the following criteria:
+ --
+ -- * If a chunk is too small to fit the object, delete it
+ --
+ -- * If a chunk is big enough to fit the object, use that chunk
- begin
- Chunk := Stack.Current_Chunk;
+ Chunk := Top_Chunk.Next;
+ while Chunk /= null loop
- -- The Current_Chunk may not be the best one if a lot of release
- -- operations have taken place. Go down the stack if necessary.
+ -- Capture the next chunk in case the current one is deleted
- while Chunk.First > Stack.Top loop
- Chunk := Chunk.Prev;
- end loop;
+ Next_Chunk := Chunk.Next;
- -- Find out if the available memory in the current chunk is
- -- sufficient, if not, go to the next one and eventually create
- -- the necessary room.
+ -- The current chunk is too small to fit the object and must be
+ -- deleted to avoid creating a hole in the secondary stack. Note
+ -- that this may delete the Current_Chunk.
- while Chunk.Last - Stack.Top - Mem_Request < -1 loop
- if Chunk.Next /= null then
- -- Release unused non-first empty chunk
+ if Chunk.Last - Chunk.First + 1 < Mem_Request then
+ Delete_Chunk (Chunk);
- if Chunk.Prev /= null and then Chunk.First = Stack.Top then
- To_Be_Released_Chunk := Chunk;
- Chunk := Chunk.Prev;
- Chunk.Next := To_Be_Released_Chunk.Next;
- To_Be_Released_Chunk.Next.Prev := Chunk;
- Free (To_Be_Released_Chunk);
- end if;
+ -- Otherwise the chunk is big enough to fit the object. Use this
+ -- chunk to store the object.
+ --
+ -- Addr Top
+ -- | |
+ -- +--------+ --> +----------+ ... ...................
+ -- |##### | |#######| | : :
+ -- +--------+ <-- +----------+ ... ...................
+ -- ^ ^ ^
+ -- Top_Chunk Chunk Current_Chunk
- -- Create a new chunk
+ else
+ Addr := Chunk.Mem (Chunk.First)'Address;
+ Stack.Top := Chunk.First + Mem_Request;
+ Update_Max;
- else
- -- The new chunk should be no smaller than the default
- -- chunk size to minimize the amount of secondary stack
- -- management.
+ return;
+ end if;
- if Mem_Request <= Stack.Size then
- Chunk_Size := Stack.Size;
- else
- Chunk_Size := Mem_Request;
- end if;
+ Chunk := Next_Chunk;
+ end loop;
- -- Check that the indexing limits are not exceeded
+ -- At this point one of the following outcomes took place:
+ --
+ -- * Top_Chunk is the last chunk in the secondary stack
+ --
+ -- * Top_Chunk was not the last chunk originally. It was followed by
+ -- chunks which were too small to fit the object and as a result
+ -- were deleted, thus making Top_Chunk the last chunk.
- if SS_Ptr'Last - Chunk.Last - Chunk_Size < 0 then
- raise Storage_Error;
- end if;
+ pragma Assert (Top_Chunk.Next = null);
- Chunk.Next :=
- new Chunk_Id
- (First => Chunk.Last + 1,
- Last => Chunk.Last + Chunk_Size);
+ -- Create a new chunk big enough to fit the object. The size of the
+ -- chunk must be at least the minimum default size.
- Chunk.Next.Prev := Chunk;
- end if;
+ if Mem_Request <= Stack.Size then
+ Chunk_Size := Stack.Size;
+ else
+ Chunk_Size := Mem_Request;
+ end if;
- Chunk := Chunk.Next;
- Stack.Top := Chunk.First;
- end loop;
+ -- Check that the indexing limits are not exceeded
- -- Resulting address is the address pointed by Stack.Top
+ if SS_Ptr'Last - Top_Chunk.Last < Chunk_Size then
+ raise Storage_Error;
+ end if;
- Addr := Chunk.Mem (Stack.Top)'Address;
- Stack.Top := Stack.Top + Mem_Request;
- Stack.Current_Chunk := Chunk;
+ Chunk :=
+ new Chunk_Id
+ (First => Top_Chunk.Last + 1,
+ Last => Top_Chunk.Last + Chunk_Size);
+ -- Grow the secondary stack by adding the new chunk to Top_Chunk. The
+ -- new chunk also becomes the Current_Chunk because it is the last in
+ -- the list of chunks.
+ --
+ -- Addr Top
+ -- | |
+ -- +--------+ --> +-------------+
+ -- |##### | |##########| |
+ -- +--------+ <-- +-------------+
+ -- ^ ^
+ -- Top_Chunk Current_Chunk
+ Link_Chunks (Top_Chunk, Chunk);
+ Stack.Current_Chunk := Chunk;
+ Addr := Chunk.Mem (Chunk.First)'Address;
+ Stack.Top := Chunk.First + Mem_Request;
+ Update_Max;
+ end SS_Allocate_Dynamic;
+ ------------------------
+ -- SS_Allocate_Static --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure SS_Allocate_Static
+ (Stack : SS_Stack_Ptr;
+ Mem_Request : SS_Ptr;
+ Addr : out Address)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Check if the max stack usage is increasing
- -- Record new max usage
+ if Stack.Max - Stack.Top < Mem_Request then
- if Stack.Top > Stack.Max then
- Stack.Max := Stack.Top;
- end if;
+ -- Check if the stack will be exceeded. Note that Stack.Top points to
+ -- the first free byte, therefore the Stack.Top of a fully allocated
+ -- stack is equal to Stack.Size + 1. This check prevents overflow.
- end;
+ if Stack.Size - Stack.Top + 1 < Mem_Request then
+ raise Storage_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Record new max usage
+ Stack.Max := Stack.Top + Mem_Request;
end if;
- end SS_Allocate;
+ -- Set resulting address and update top of stack pointer
+ --
+ -- Addr Top
+ -- | |
+ -- +-------------------+
+ -- |##########| |
+ -- +-------------------+
+ -- ^
+ -- Internal_Chunk
+ Addr := Stack.Internal_Chunk.Mem (Stack.Top)'Address;
+ Stack.Top := Stack.Top + Mem_Request;
+ end SS_Allocate_Static;
-- SS_Free --
procedure SS_Free (Stack : in out SS_Stack_Ptr) is
procedure Free is
- new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (SS_Stack, SS_Stack_Ptr);
+ new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (SS_Stack, SS_Stack_Ptr);
+ Chunk : Chunk_Ptr;
-- If using dynamic secondary stack, free any external chunks
if SP.Sec_Stack_Dynamic then
- declare
- Chunk : Chunk_Ptr;
+ Chunk := Stack.Current_Chunk;
- procedure Free is
- new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation (Chunk_Id, Chunk_Ptr);
+ -- Go to top of linked list and free backwards. Do not free the
+ -- internal chunk as it is part of SS_Stack.
- begin
- Chunk := Stack.Current_Chunk;
- -- Go to top of linked list and free backwards. Do not free the
- -- internal chunk as it is part of SS_Stack.
- while Chunk.Next /= null loop
- Chunk := Chunk.Next;
- end loop;
+ while Chunk.Next /= null loop
+ Chunk := Chunk.Next;
+ end loop;
- while Chunk.Prev /= null loop
- Chunk := Chunk.Prev;
- Free (Chunk.Next);
- end loop;
- end;
+ while Chunk.Prev /= null loop
+ Chunk := Chunk.Prev;
+ Free (Chunk.Next);
+ end loop;
end if;
if Stack.Freeable then
function SS_Get_Max return Long_Long_Integer is
- Stack : constant SS_Stack_Ptr := SSL.Get_Sec_Stack.all;
+ Stack : constant SS_Stack_Ptr := Get_Sec_Stack.all;
-- Stack.Max points to the first untouched byte in the stack, thus the
-- maximum number of bytes that have been allocated on the stack is one
procedure SS_Info is
- Stack : constant SS_Stack_Ptr := SSL.Get_Sec_Stack.all;
+ Stack : constant SS_Stack_Ptr := Get_Sec_Stack.all;
Put_Line ("Secondary Stack information:");
- Nb_Chunks : Integer := 1;
Chunk : Chunk_Ptr := Stack.Current_Chunk;
+ Nb_Chunks : Integer := 1;
while Chunk.Prev /= null loop
-- Current Chunk information
-- Note that First of each chunk is one more than Last of the
- -- previous one, so Chunk.Last is the total size of all chunks; we
- -- don't need to walk all the chunks to compute the total size.
+ -- previous one, so Chunk.Last is the total size of all chunks;
+ -- we do not need to walk all the chunks to compute the total
+ -- size.
Put_Line (" Total size : "
& SS_Ptr'Image (Chunk.Last)
(Stack : in out SS_Stack_Ptr;
Size : SP.Size_Type := SP.Unspecified_Size)
- use Parameters;
Stack_Size : Size_Type;
-- If Stack is not null then the stack has been allocated outside the
-- package (by the compiler or the user) and all that is left to do is
if Stack = null then
if Size = Unspecified_Size then
-- Cover the case when bootstraping with an old compiler that does
-- not set Default_SS_Size.
function SS_Mark return Mark_Id is
- Stack : constant SS_Stack_Ptr := SSL.Get_Sec_Stack.all;
+ Stack : constant SS_Stack_Ptr := Get_Sec_Stack.all;
return (Sec_Stack => Stack, Sptr => Stack.Top);
end SS_Mark;