Type t, range;
std::vector<Expr> terms;
std::vector<Type> sorts;
+ std::vector<Expr> sygus_vars;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Type> > sortedVarNames;
SExpr sexpr;
CommandSequence* seq;
std::vector< std::vector<Expr> > ops;
std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > cnames;
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< CVC4::Type > > > cargs;
+ bool allow_const;
: /* set the logic */
sortedVarNames.begin(), iend = sortedVarNames.end();
i != iend;
++i) {
- terms.push_back(PARSER_STATE->mkBoundVar((*i).first, (*i).second));
+ Expr v = PARSER_STATE->mkBoundVar((*i).first, (*i).second);
+ terms.push_back( v );
+ sygus_vars.push_back( v );
Expr bvl;
if( !terms.empty() ){
std::string dname = ss.str();
- datatypes.back().setSygus( t, terms[0] );
cargs.push_back(std::vector<std::vector<CVC4::Type> >());
// if not unresolved, must be undeclared
+ allow_const = false;
// Note the official spec for NTDef is missing the ( parens )
// but they are necessary to parse SyGuS examples
- LPAREN_TOK sygusGTerm[fun, ops.back(), cnames.back(), cargs.back()]+ RPAREN_TOK
+ LPAREN_TOK sygusGTerm[fun, ops.back(), cnames.back(), cargs.back(), sygus_vars, allow_const]+ RPAREN_TOK
- { PARSER_STATE->mkSygusDatatype( datatypes.back(), ops.back(), cnames.back(), cargs.back() );
+ { datatypes.back().setSygus( t, terms[0], allow_const );
+ PARSER_STATE->mkSygusDatatype( datatypes.back(), ops.back(), cnames.back(), cargs.back() );
PARSER_STATE->popScope(); }
// SyGuS grammar term
// fun is the name of the synth-fun this grammar term is for
-sygusGTerm[std::string& fun, std::vector<CVC4::Expr>& ops, std::vector<std::string>& cnames, std::vector< std::vector< CVC4::Type > >& cargs]
+// this adds N operators to ops, N names to cnames and N type argument vectors to cargs (where typically N=1)
+sygusGTerm[std::string& fun, std::vector<CVC4::Expr>& ops, std::vector<std::string>& cnames,
+ std::vector< std::vector< CVC4::Type > >& cargs, std::vector<CVC4::Expr>& sygus_vars,
+ bool& allow_const]
@declarations {
std::string name;
Kind k;
CVC4::DatatypeConstructor* ctor = NULL;
unsigned count = 0;
std::string sname;
+ // 0 an operator, 1 any constant, 2 any variable
+ unsigned gtermType = 0;
( builtinOp[k]
- bool isBuiltinOperator = PARSER_STATE->isOperatorEnabled(name);
- if(isBuiltinOperator) {
- Kind k = PARSER_STATE->getOperatorKind(name);
- if( k==CVC4::kind::BITVECTOR_UDIV ){
- }
- ops.push_back(EXPR_MANAGER->operatorOf(k));
- name = kind::kindToString(k);
+ if(name=="Constant"){
+ gtermType = 1;
+ Debug("parser-sygus") << "Sygus grammar constant." << std::endl;
+ }else if(name=="Variable"){
+ gtermType = 2;
+ allow_const = true;
+ Debug("parser-sygus") << "Sygus grammar variable." << std::endl;
- // what is this sygus term trying to accomplish here, if the
- // symbol isn't yet declared?! probably the following line will
- // fail, but we need an operator to continue here..
- Debug("parser-sygus") << "Sygus grammar " << fun;
- Debug("parser-sygus") << " : op (declare=" << PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name) << ", define=" << PARSER_STATE->isDefinedFunction(name) << ") : " << name << std::endl;
- if( !PARSER_STATE->isDefinedFunction(name) ){
- PARSER_STATE->parseError(std::string("Functions in sygus grammars must be defined."));
+ bool isBuiltinOperator = PARSER_STATE->isOperatorEnabled(name);
+ if(isBuiltinOperator) {
+ Kind k = PARSER_STATE->getOperatorKind(name);
+ if( k==CVC4::kind::BITVECTOR_UDIV ){
+ }
+ ops.push_back(EXPR_MANAGER->operatorOf(k));
+ name = kind::kindToString(k);
+ }else{
+ // what is this sygus term trying to accomplish here, if the
+ // symbol isn't yet declared?! probably the following line will
+ // fail, but we need an operator to continue here..
+ Debug("parser-sygus") << "Sygus grammar " << fun;
+ Debug("parser-sygus") << " : op (declare=" << PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(name) << ", define=" << PARSER_STATE->isDefinedFunction(name) << ") : " << name << std::endl;
+ if( !PARSER_STATE->isDefinedFunction(name) ){
+ PARSER_STATE->parseError(std::string("Functions in sygus grammars must be defined."));
+ }
+ ops.push_back( PARSER_STATE->getVariable(name) );
- ops.push_back( PARSER_STATE->getVariable(name) );
- { cnames.push_back( name );
+ { if( gtermType==0 ){
+ cnames.push_back( name );
+ }
cargs.push_back( std::vector< CVC4::Type >() );
( //sortSymbol[t,CHECK_NONE]
- { std::stringstream ss;
- ss << fun << "_" << sname;
- sname = ss.str();
+ {
+ if( gtermType==0 ){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << fun << "_" << sname;
+ sname = ss.str();
+ }
if( PARSER_STATE->isDeclared(sname, SYM_SORT) ) {
t = PARSER_STATE->getSort(sname);
} else {
+ {
+ if( gtermType==1 || gtermType==2 ){
+ if( cargs.back().size()!=1 ){
+ PARSER_STATE->parseError(std::string("Must provide single sort for constant/variable Sygus constructor."));
+ }
+ Type t = cargs.back()[0];
+ cargs.pop_back();
+ Debug("parser-sygus") << "Make constructors for Constant/Variable of type " << t << std::endl;
+ if( gtermType==1 ){
+ //PARSER_STATE->parseError(std::string("Constant/Variable in sygus not supported."));
+ std::vector< Expr > consts;
+ PARSER_STATE->mkSygusConstantsForType( t, consts );
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<consts.size(); i++ ){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << consts[i];
+ Debug("parser-sygus") << "...add for constant " << ss.str() << std::endl;
+ ops.push_back( consts[i] );
+ cnames.push_back( ss.str() );
+ cargs.push_back( std::vector< CVC4::Type >() );
+ }
+ }else if( gtermType==2 ){
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<sygus_vars.size(); i++ ){
+ if( sygus_vars[i].getType()==t ){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << sygus_vars[i];
+ Debug("parser-sygus") << "...add for variable " << ss.str() << std::endl;
+ ops.push_back( sygus_vars[i] );
+ cnames.push_back( ss.str() );
+ cargs.push_back( std::vector< CVC4::Type >() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
{ Debug("parser-sygus") << "Sygus grammar " << fun << " : integer literal " << AntlrInput::tokenText($INTEGER_LITERAL) << std::endl;