--- /dev/null
+import os
+import subprocess
+from nmigen.build import *
+from nmigen.vendor.lattice_ecp5 import *
+from nmigen_boards.resources import *
+__all__ = ["IcarusECPIX5Platform"]
+class IcarusECPIX5Platform(LatticeECP5Platform):
+ device = "LFE5UM5G-85F"
+ package = "BG554"
+ speed = "8"
+ default_clk = "clk100"
+ default_rst = "rst"
+ resources = [
+ Resource("rst", 0, PinsN("AB1", dir="i"), Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")),
+ Resource("clk100", 0, Pins("K23", dir="i"),
+ Clock(100e6), Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")),
+ RGBLEDResource(0, r="U21", g="W21", b="T24",
+ attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")),
+ RGBLEDResource(1, r="T23", g="R21", b="T22",
+ attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")),
+ RGBLEDResource(2, r="P21", g="R23", b="P22",
+ attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")),
+ RGBLEDResource(3, r="K21", g="K24", b="M21",
+ attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")),
+ UARTResource(0,
+ rx="R26", tx="R24",
+ attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33", PULLMODE="UP")
+ ),
+ *SPIFlashResources(0,
+ cs="AA2", clk="AE3", miso="AE2", mosi="AD2", wp="AF2", hold="AE1",
+ attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")
+ ),
+ Resource("eth_rgmii", 0,
+ Subsignal("rst", PinsN("C13", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("mdio", Pins("A13", dir="io")),
+ Subsignal("mdc", Pins("C11", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("tx_clk", Pins("A12", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("tx_ctrl", Pins("C9", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("tx_data", Pins("D8 C8 B8 A8", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("rx_clk", Pins("E11", dir="i")),
+ Subsignal("rx_ctrl", Pins("A11", dir="i")),
+ Subsignal("rx_data", Pins("B11 A10 B10 A9", dir="i")),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")
+ ),
+ Resource("eth_int", 0, PinsN("B13", dir="i"),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")),
+ *SDCardResources(0,
+ clk="P24", cmd="M24", dat0="N26", dat1="N25", dat2="N23", dat3="N21", cd="L22",
+ # TODO
+ # clk_fb="P25", cmd_dir="M23", dat0_dir="N24", dat123_dir="P26",
+ attrs=Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33"),
+ ),
+ # ERROR: cannot place differential IO at location PIOB
+ # if we choose to use DiffPairs
+ Resource("ddr3", 0,
+ Subsignal("clk", Pins("H3", dir="o")),
+ #Subsignal("clk", DiffPairs("H3", "J3", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_TYPE="SSTL135D_I")),
+ Subsignal("cke", Pins("P1", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("we_n", Pins("R3", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("ras_n", Pins("T3", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("cas_n", Pins("P2", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("a", Pins("T5 M3 L3 V6 K2 W6 K3 L1 H2 L2 N1 J1 M1 K1", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("ba", Pins("U6 N3 N4", dir="o")),
+ #Subsignal("dqs", DiffPairs("V4 V1", "U5 U2", dir="io"), Attrs(IO_TYPE="SSTL135D_I")),
+ Subsignal("dqs", Pins("V4 V1", dir="io"), Attrs(IO_TYPE="SSTL135D_I", TERMINATION="OFF", DIFFRESISTOR="100")),
+ Subsignal("dq", Pins("T4 W4 R4 W5 R6 P6 P5 P4 R1 W3 T2 V3 U3 W1 T1 W2", dir="io")),
+ Subsignal("dm", Pins("U4 U1", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("odt", Pins("P3", dir="o")),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="SSTL135_I")
+ ),
+ Resource("hdmi", 0,
+ Subsignal("rst", PinsN("N6", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("scl", Pins("C17", dir="io")),
+ Subsignal("sda", Pins("E17", dir="io")),
+ Subsignal("pclk", Pins("C1", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("vsync", Pins("A4", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("hsync", Pins("B4", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("de", Pins("A3", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("d",
+ Subsignal(
+ "b", Pins("AD25 AC26 AB24 AB25 B3 C3 D3 B1 C2 D2 D1 E3", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal(
+ "g", Pins("AA23 AA22 AA24 AA25 E1 F2 F1 D17 D16 E16 J6 H6", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal(
+ "r", Pins("AD26 AE25 AF25 AE26 E10 D11 D10 C10 D9 E8 H5 J4", dir="o")),
+ ),
+ Subsignal("mclk", Pins("E19", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("sck", Pins("D6", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("ws", Pins("C6", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("i2s", Pins("A6 B6 A5 C5", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("int", PinsN("C4", dir="i")),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVTTL33")
+ ),
+ Resource("sata", 0,
+ Subsignal("tx", DiffPairs("AD16", "AD17", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("rx", DiffPairs("AF15", "AF16", dir="i")),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVDS")
+ ),
+ Resource("ulpi", 0,
+ Subsignal("rst", Pins("E23", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("clk", Pins("H24", dir="i")),
+ Subsignal("dir", Pins("F22", dir="i")),
+ Subsignal("nxt", Pins("F23", dir="i")),
+ Subsignal("stp", Pins("H23", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("data", Pins(
+ "M26 L25 L26 K25 K26 J23 J26 H25", dir="io")),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")
+ ),
+ Resource("usbc_cfg", 0,
+ Subsignal("scl", Pins("D24", dir="io")),
+ Subsignal("sda", Pins("C24", dir="io")),
+ Subsignal("dir", Pins("B23", dir="i")),
+ Subsignal("id", Pins("D23", dir="i")),
+ Subsignal("int", PinsN("B24", dir="i")),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")
+ ),
+ Resource("usbc_mux", 0,
+ Subsignal("en", Pins("C23", dir="oe")),
+ Subsignal("amsel", Pins("B26", dir="oe")),
+ Subsignal("pol", Pins("D26", dir="o")),
+ Subsignal("lna", DiffPairs("AF9", "AF10", dir="i"),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS18D")),
+ Subsignal("lnb", DiffPairs("AD10", "AD11",
+ dir="o"), Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS18D")),
+ Subsignal("lnc", DiffPairs("AD7", "AD8", dir="o"),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS18D")),
+ Subsignal("lnd", DiffPairs("AF6", "AF7", dir="i"),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS18D")),
+ Attrs(IO_TYPE="LVCMOS33")
+ ),
+ ]
+ connectors = [
+ Connector("pmod", 0, "T25 U25 U24 V24 - - T26 U26 V26 W26 - -"),
+ Connector("pmod", 1, "U23 V23 U22 V21 - - W25 W24 W23 W22 - -"),
+ Connector("pmod", 2, "J24 H22 E21 D18 - - K22 J21 H21 D22 - -"),
+ Connector("pmod", 3, " E4 F4 E6 H4 - - F3 D4 D5 F5 - -"),
+ Connector("pmod", 4, "E26 D25 F26 F25 - - A25 A24 C26 C25 - -"),
+ Connector("pmod", 5, "D19 C21 B21 C22 - - D21 A21 A22 A23 - -"),
+ Connector("pmod", 6, "C16 B17 C18 B19 - - A17 A18 A19 C19 - -"),
+ Connector("pmod", 7, "D14 B14 E14 B16 - - C14 A14 A15 A16 - -"),
+ ]
+ @property
+ def required_tools(self):
+ return ["yosys"]
+ @property
+ def file_templates(self):
+ return {
+ **TemplatedPlatform.build_script_templates,
+ "{{name}}.v": r"""
+ /* {{autogenerated}} */
+ {{emit_verilog()}}
+ """,
+ "{{name}}.debug.v": r"""
+ /* {{autogenerated}} */
+ {{emit_debug_verilog()}}
+ """,
+ }
+ @property
+ def command_templates(self):
+ return []
--- /dev/null
+set -e
+python simsoc.py
+iverilog -g2012 -s simsoctb -o simsoc simsoctb.v build/top.debug.v dram_model/ddr3.v ${LIB_DIR}/ECLKSYNCB.v ${LIB_DIR}/EHXPLLL.v ${LIB_DIR}/PUR.v ${LIB_DIR}/GSR.v \
+vvp simsoc -vcd
--- /dev/null
+# This file is Copyright (c) 2020 LambdaConcept <contact@lambdaconcept.com>
+from nmigen import *
+from nmigen.lib.cdc import ResetSynchronizer
+from nmigen_soc import wishbone, memory
+from lambdasoc.cpu.minerva import MinervaCPU
+from lambdasoc.periph.intc import GenericInterruptController
+from lambdasoc.periph.serial import AsyncSerialPeripheral
+from lambdasoc.periph.sram import SRAMPeripheral
+from lambdasoc.periph.timer import TimerPeripheral
+from lambdasoc.periph import Peripheral
+from lambdasoc.soc.base import SoC
+from gram.core import gramCore
+from gram.phy.ecp5ddrphy import ECP5DDRPHY
+from gram.modules import MT41K256M16
+from gram.frontend.wishbone import gramWishbone
+from icarusecpix5platform import IcarusECPIX5Platform
+from uartbridge import UARTBridge
+class PLL(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, clkin, clksel=Signal(shape=2, reset=2), clkout1=Signal(), clkout2=Signal(), clkout3=Signal(), clkout4=Signal(), lock=Signal(), CLKI_DIV=1, CLKFB_DIV=1, CLK1_DIV=3, CLK2_DIV=4, CLK3_DIV=5, CLK4_DIV=6):
+ self.clkin = clkin
+ self.clkout1 = clkout1
+ self.clkout2 = clkout2
+ self.clkout3 = clkout3
+ self.clkout4 = clkout4
+ self.clksel = clksel
+ self.lock = lock
+ self.CLKOS2_DIV = CLK3_DIV
+ self.CLKOS3_DIV = CLK4_DIV
+ self.ports = [
+ self.clkin,
+ self.clkout1,
+ self.clkout2,
+ self.clkout3,
+ self.clkout4,
+ self.clksel,
+ self.lock,
+ ]
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ clkfb = Signal()
+ pll = Instance("EHXPLLL",
+ i_CLKI=self.clkin,
+ i_CLKFB=clkfb,
+ i_RST=0,
+ i_STDBY=0,
+ i_PHASESEL0=0,
+ i_PHASESEL1=0,
+ i_ENCLKOP=0,
+ i_ENCLKOS=0,
+ i_ENCLKOS2=0,
+ i_ENCLKOS3=0,
+ o_CLKOP=self.clkout1,
+ o_CLKOS=self.clkout2,
+ o_CLKOS2=self.clkout3,
+ o_CLKOS3=self.clkout4,
+ o_LOCK=self.lock,
+ )
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules += pll
+ with m.If(self.clksel == 0):
+ m.d.comb += clkfb.eq(self.clkout1)
+ with m.Elif(self.clksel == 1):
+ m.d.comb += clkfb.eq(self.clkout2)
+ with m.Elif(self.clksel == 2):
+ m.d.comb += clkfb.eq(self.clkout3)
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += clkfb.eq(self.clkout4)
+ return m
+class ECPIX5CRG(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self):
+ ...
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ # Get 100Mhz from oscillator
+ clk100 = platform.request("clk100")
+ cd_rawclk = ClockDomain("rawclk", local=True, reset_less=True)
+ m.d.comb += cd_rawclk.clk.eq(clk100)
+ m.domains += cd_rawclk
+ # Reset
+ reset = platform.request(platform.default_rst).i
+ gsr0 = Signal()
+ gsr1 = Signal()
+ m.submodules += [
+ Instance("FD1S3AX", p_GSR="DISABLED", i_CK=ClockSignal("rawclk"), i_D=~reset, o_Q=gsr0),
+ Instance("FD1S3AX", p_GSR="DISABLED", i_CK=ClockSignal("rawclk"), i_D=gsr0, o_Q=gsr1),
+ Instance("SGSR", i_CLK=ClockSignal("rawclk"), i_GSR=gsr1),
+ ]
+ # Power-on delay (655us)
+ podcnt = Signal(16, reset=2**16-1)
+ pod_done = Signal()
+ with m.If(podcnt != 0):
+ m.d.rawclk += podcnt.eq(podcnt-1)
+ m.d.comb += pod_done.eq(podcnt == 0)
+ # Generating sync2x (200Mhz) and init (25Mhz) from clk100
+ cd_sync2x = ClockDomain("sync2x", local=False)
+ cd_sync2x_unbuf = ClockDomain("sync2x_unbuf", local=True, reset_less=True)
+ cd_init = ClockDomain("init", local=False)
+ cd_sync = ClockDomain("sync", local=False, reset_less=True)
+ cd_dramsync = ClockDomain("dramsync", local=False)
+ m.submodules.pll = pll = PLL(ClockSignal("rawclk"), CLKI_DIV=1, CLKFB_DIV=2, CLK1_DIV=2, CLK2_DIV=16, CLK3_DIV=4,
+ clkout1=ClockSignal("sync2x_unbuf"), clkout2=ClockSignal("init"))
+ m.submodules += Instance("ECLKSYNCB",
+ i_ECLKI = ClockSignal("sync2x_unbuf"),
+ i_STOP = 0,
+ o_ECLKO = ClockSignal("sync2x"))
+ m.domains += cd_sync2x_unbuf
+ m.domains += cd_sync2x
+ m.domains += cd_init
+ m.domains += cd_sync
+ m.domains += cd_dramsync
+ m.d.comb += ResetSignal("init").eq(~pll.lock|~pod_done)
+ m.d.comb += ResetSignal("dramsync").eq(~pll.lock|~pod_done)
+ rgb_led = platform.request("rgb_led", 2)
+ cnt = Signal(25)
+ m.d.sync += cnt.eq(cnt+1)
+ m.d.comb += rgb_led.r.eq(cnt[24])
+ m.d.comb += rgb_led.g.eq(~pod_done)
+ m.d.comb += rgb_led.b.eq(~pll.lock)
+ # Generating sync (100Mhz) from sync2x
+ m.submodules += Instance("CLKDIVF",
+ p_DIV="2.0",
+ i_ALIGNWD=0,
+ i_CLKI=ClockSignal("sync2x"),
+ i_RST=0,
+ o_CDIVX=ClockSignal("sync"))
+ m.d.comb += ClockSignal("dramsync").eq(ClockSignal("sync"))
+ return m
+class OldCRG(Elaboratable):
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.pll = pll = PLL(ClockSignal(
+ "sync"), CLKI_DIV=1, CLKFB_DIV=2, CLK1_DIV=2, CLK2_DIV=16)
+ cd_sync2x = ClockDomain("sync2x", local=False)
+ m.d.comb += cd_sync2x.clk.eq(pll.clkout1)
+ m.domains += cd_sync2x
+ cd_init = ClockDomain("init", local=False)
+ m.d.comb += cd_init.clk.eq(pll.clkout2)
+ m.domains += cd_init
+ return m
+class ThinCRG(Elaboratable):
+ """
+ Sync (clk100, resetless) => PLL => sync2x_unbuf (200Mhz) => ECLKSYNC => sync2x => CLKDIVF => dramsync
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ ...
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ # Power-on delay (655us)
+ podcnt = Signal(16, reset=2**16-1)
+ pod_done = Signal()
+ with m.If(podcnt != 0):
+ m.d.sync += podcnt.eq(podcnt-1)
+ m.d.comb += pod_done.eq(podcnt == 0)
+ # Generating sync2x (200Mhz) and init (25Mhz) from clk100
+ cd_sync2x = ClockDomain("sync2x", local=False)
+ cd_sync2x_unbuf = ClockDomain("sync2x_unbuf", local=True, reset_less=True)
+ cd_init = ClockDomain("init", local=False)
+ cd_dramsync = ClockDomain("dramsync", local=False)
+ m.submodules.pll = pll = PLL(ClockSignal("sync"), CLKI_DIV=1, CLKFB_DIV=2, CLK1_DIV=2, CLK2_DIV=16, CLK3_DIV=4,
+ clkout1=ClockSignal("sync2x_unbuf"), clkout2=ClockSignal("init"))
+ m.submodules += Instance("ECLKSYNCB",
+ i_ECLKI = ClockSignal("sync2x_unbuf"),
+ i_STOP = 0,
+ o_ECLKO = ClockSignal("sync2x"))
+ m.domains += cd_sync2x_unbuf
+ m.domains += cd_sync2x
+ m.domains += cd_init
+ m.domains += cd_dramsync
+ m.d.comb += ResetSignal("init").eq(~pll.lock|~pod_done)
+ m.d.comb += ResetSignal("dramsync").eq(~pll.lock|~pod_done)
+ # Generating sync (100Mhz) from sync2x
+ m.submodules += Instance("CLKDIVF",
+ p_DIV="2.0",
+ i_ALIGNWD=0,
+ i_CLKI=ClockSignal("sync2x"),
+ i_RST=0,
+ o_CDIVX=ClockSignal("dramsync"))
+ return m
+class DDR3SoC(SoC, Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, *, clk_freq,
+ ddrphy_addr, dramcore_addr,
+ ddr_addr):
+ self._arbiter = wishbone.Arbiter(addr_width=30, data_width=32, granularity=8,
+ features={"cti", "bte"})
+ self._decoder = wishbone.Decoder(addr_width=30, data_width=32, granularity=8,
+ features={"cti", "bte"})
+ self.crg = ECPIX5CRG()
+ self.ub = UARTBridge(divisor=868, pins=platform.request("uart", 0))
+ self._arbiter.add(self.ub.bus)
+ self.ddrphy = ECP5DDRPHY(platform.request("ddr3", 0, dir={"dq":"-", "dqs":"-"}))
+ self._decoder.add(self.ddrphy.bus, addr=ddrphy_addr)
+ ddrmodule = MT41K256M16(clk_freq, "1:4")
+ self.dramcore = gramCore(
+ phy=self.ddrphy,
+ geom_settings=ddrmodule.geom_settings,
+ timing_settings=ddrmodule.timing_settings,
+ clk_freq=clk_freq)
+ self._decoder.add(self.dramcore.bus, addr=dramcore_addr)
+ self.drambone = gramWishbone(self.dramcore)
+ self._decoder.add(self.drambone.bus, addr=ddr_addr)
+ self.memory_map = self._decoder.bus.memory_map
+ self.clk_freq = clk_freq
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.sysclk = self.crg
+ m.submodules.arbiter = self._arbiter
+ m.submodules.ub = self.ub
+ m.submodules.decoder = self._decoder
+ m.submodules.ddrphy = self.ddrphy
+ m.submodules.dramcore = self.dramcore
+ m.submodules.drambone = self.drambone
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self._arbiter.bus.connect(self._decoder.bus),
+ ]
+ return m
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ platform = IcarusECPIX5Platform()
+ soc = DDR3SoC(clk_freq=int(platform.default_clk_frequency),
+ ddrphy_addr=0x00008000, dramcore_addr=0x00009000,
+ ddr_addr=0x10000000)
+ soc.build(do_build=True)
+ platform.build(soc)
--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import *
+from nmigen.lib.io import pin_layout
+from nmigen_soc import wishbone
+from nmigen_stdio.serial import AsyncSerial, AsyncSerialTX
+from nmigen.back.pysim import *
+import unittest
+__ALL__ = ["UARTBridge"]
+class UARTBridge(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, divisor, pins):
+ self.bus = wishbone.Interface(addr_width=30,
+ data_width=32, granularity=32)
+ self._pins = pins
+ self._divisor = divisor
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.serial = serial = AsyncSerial(divisor=self._divisor, pins=self._pins)
+ address_width = 32
+ data_width = 32
+ cmd = Signal(8)
+ length = Signal(8)
+ address = Signal(address_width)
+ data = Signal(data_width)
+ bytes_count = Signal(range(data_width//8))
+ words_count = Signal(8)
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.bus.dat_w.eq(data),
+ self.bus.adr.eq(address),
+ ]
+ with m.FSM():
+ with m.State("Receive-Cmd"):
+ m.d.comb += serial.rx.ack.eq(1)
+ # Reset registers
+ m.d.sync += [
+ bytes_count.eq(data_width//8-1),
+ words_count.eq(0),
+ ]
+ with m.If(serial.rx.rdy):
+ m.d.sync += cmd.eq(serial.rx.data)
+ m.next = "Receive-Length"
+ with m.State("Receive-Length"):
+ m.d.comb += serial.rx.ack.eq(1)
+ with m.If(serial.rx.rdy):
+ m.d.sync += length.eq(serial.rx.data)
+ m.next = "Receive-Address"
+ with m.State("Receive-Address"):
+ m.d.comb += serial.rx.ack.eq(1)
+ with m.If(serial.rx.rdy):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ address.eq(Cat(serial.rx.data, address)),
+ bytes_count.eq(bytes_count-1),
+ ]
+ with m.If(bytes_count == 0):
+ with m.Switch(cmd):
+ with m.Case(0x01):
+ m.next = "Handle-Write"
+ with m.Case(0x02):
+ m.next = "Handle-Read"
+ with m.Case():
+ m.next = "Receive-Cmd"
+ with m.State("Handle-Write"):
+ m.d.comb += serial.rx.ack.eq(1)
+ with m.If(serial.rx.rdy):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ data.eq(Cat(serial.rx.data, data)),
+ bytes_count.eq(bytes_count-1),
+ ]
+ with m.If(bytes_count == 0):
+ m.next = "Write-Data"
+ with m.State("Write-Data"):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.bus.stb.eq(1),
+ self.bus.we.eq(1),
+ self.bus.cyc.eq(1),
+ self.bus.sel.eq(0xF),
+ ]
+ with m.If(self.bus.ack):
+ m.next = "Receive-Cmd"
+ with m.State("Handle-Read"):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.bus.stb.eq(1),
+ self.bus.we.eq(0),
+ self.bus.cyc.eq(1),
+ ]
+ with m.If(self.bus.ack):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ bytes_count.eq(data_width//8-1),
+ data.eq(self.bus.dat_r),
+ ]
+ m.next = "Send-Data"
+ with m.State("Send-Data"):
+ m.d.comb += serial.tx.ack.eq(1)
+ with m.Switch(bytes_count):
+ for i in range(data_width//8):
+ with m.Case(i):
+ m.d.comb += serial.tx.data.eq(data[i*8:(i+1)*8])
+ with m.If(serial.tx.rdy):
+ m.next = "Send-Data-Wait"
+ with m.State("Send-Data-Wait"):
+ with m.If(serial.tx.rdy):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ bytes_count.eq(bytes_count-1),
+ ]
+ with m.If(bytes_count == 0):
+ m.next = "Receive-Cmd"
+ with m.Else():
+ m.next = "Send-Data"
+ return m
+def serial_write(serial, val):
+ while not (yield serial.tx.rdy):
+ yield
+ yield serial.tx.data.eq(val)
+ yield serial.tx.ack.eq(1)
+ yield
+ while (yield serial.tx.rdy):
+ yield
+ yield serial.tx.ack.eq(0)
+ while not (yield serial.tx.rdy):
+ yield
+ yield
+def serial_read(serial):
+ yield serial.rx.ack.eq(1)
+ while not (yield serial.rx.rdy):
+ yield
+ data = (yield serial.rx.data)
+ yield serial.rx.ack.eq(0)
+ while (yield serial.rx.rdy):
+ yield
+ return data
+class UARTBridgeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ # Minimum 5, lowest makes the simulation faster
+ divisor = 5
+ timeout = 10000
+ def test_read(self):
+ pins = Record([("rx", pin_layout(1, dir="i")),
+ ("tx", pin_layout(1, dir="o"))])
+ dut = UARTBridge(divisor=self.divisor, pins=pins)
+ serial = AsyncSerial(divisor=self.divisor)
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.bridge = dut
+ m.submodules.serial = serial
+ m.d.comb += [
+ pins.rx.i.eq(serial.tx.o),
+ serial.rx.i.eq(pins.tx.o),
+ ]
+ def process():
+ # Send read command
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x02)
+ yield
+ # Length = 1
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x01)
+ yield
+ # Send 0x4000 as address
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x00)
+ yield
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x00)
+ yield
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x40)
+ yield
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x00)
+ yield
+ # Handle wishbone request
+ timeout = 0
+ while not (yield dut.bus.cyc):
+ yield
+ timeout += 1
+ if timeout > self.timeout:
+ raise RuntimeError("Simulation timed out")
+ # Ensure Wishbone address is the one we asked for
+ self.assertEqual((yield dut.bus.adr), 0x00004000)
+ self.assertFalse((yield dut.bus.we))
+ # Answer
+ yield dut.bus.dat_r.eq(0x0DEFACED)
+ yield dut.bus.ack.eq(1)
+ yield
+ # Check response on UART
+ rx = yield from serial_read(serial)
+ self.assertEqual(rx, 0x0D)
+ rx = yield from serial_read(serial)
+ self.assertEqual(rx, 0xEF)
+ rx = yield from serial_read(serial)
+ self.assertEqual(rx, 0xAC)
+ rx = yield from serial_read(serial)
+ self.assertEqual(rx, 0xED)
+ yield
+ sim = Simulator(m)
+ with sim.write_vcd("test_uartbridge.vcd"):
+ sim.add_clock(1e-6)
+ sim.add_sync_process(process)
+ sim.run()
+ def test_write(self):
+ pins = Record([("rx", pin_layout(1, dir="i")),
+ ("tx", pin_layout(1, dir="o"))])
+ dut = UARTBridge(divisor=self.divisor, pins=pins)
+ serial = AsyncSerial(divisor=self.divisor)
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.bridge = dut
+ m.submodules.serial = serial
+ m.d.comb += [
+ pins.rx.i.eq(serial.tx.o),
+ serial.rx.i.eq(pins.tx.o),
+ ]
+ def process():
+ # Send write command
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x01)
+ yield
+ # Length = 1
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x01)
+ yield
+ # Send 0x4000 as address
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x00)
+ yield
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x00)
+ yield
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x40)
+ yield
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0x00)
+ yield
+ # Send 0xFEEDFACE as value
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0xFE)
+ yield
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0xED)
+ yield
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0xFA)
+ yield
+ yield from serial_write(serial, 0xCE)
+ # Handle wishbone request
+ timeout = 0
+ while not (yield dut.bus.cyc):
+ yield
+ timeout += 1
+ if timeout > self.timeout:
+ raise RuntimeError("Simulation timed out")
+ # Ensure Wishbone address is the one we asked for
+ self.assertEqual((yield dut.bus.adr), 0x00004000)
+ self.assertEqual((yield dut.bus.dat_w), 0xFEEDFACE)
+ self.assertTrue((yield dut.bus.we))
+ # Answer
+ yield dut.bus.ack.eq(1)
+ yield
+ sim = Simulator(m)
+ with sim.write_vcd("test_uartbridge.vcd"):
+ sim.add_clock(1e-6)
+ sim.add_sync_process(process)
+ sim.run()