+/* Register allocation occurs after instruction scheduling, which is fine until
+ * we start needing to spill registers and therefore insert instructions into
+ * an already-scheduled program. We don't have to be terribly efficient about
+ * this, since spilling is already slow. So just semantically we need to insert
+ * the instruction into a new bundle before/after the bundle of the instruction
+ * in question */
+static midgard_bundle
+mir_bundle_for_op(compiler_context *ctx, midgard_instruction ins)
+ midgard_instruction *u = mir_upload_ins(ctx, ins);
+ midgard_bundle bundle = {
+ .tag = ins.type,
+ .instruction_count = 1,
+ .instructions = { u },
+ };
+ if (bundle.tag == TAG_ALU_4) {
+ assert(OP_IS_MOVE(u->alu.op));
+ u->unit = UNIT_VMUL;
+ size_t bytes_emitted = sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(midgard_reg_info) + sizeof(midgard_vector_alu);
+ bundle.padding = ~(bytes_emitted - 1) & 0xF;
+ bundle.control = ins.type | u->unit;
+ }
+ return bundle;
+static unsigned
+mir_bundle_idx_for_ins(midgard_instruction *tag, midgard_block *block)
+ midgard_bundle *bundles =
+ (midgard_bundle *) block->bundles.data;
+ size_t count = (block->bundles.size / sizeof(midgard_bundle));
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < bundles[i].instruction_count; ++j) {
+ if (bundles[i].instructions[j] == tag)
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ mir_print_instruction(tag);
+ unreachable("Instruction not scheduled in block");
+ compiler_context *ctx,
+ midgard_block *block,
+ midgard_instruction *tag,
+ midgard_instruction ins)
+ unsigned before = mir_bundle_idx_for_ins(tag, block);
+ size_t count = util_dynarray_num_elements(&block->bundles, midgard_bundle);
+ UNUSED void *unused = util_dynarray_grow(&block->bundles, midgard_bundle, 1);
+ midgard_bundle *bundles = (midgard_bundle *) block->bundles.data;
+ memmove(bundles + before + 1, bundles + before, (count - before) * sizeof(midgard_bundle));
+ midgard_bundle *before_bundle = bundles + before + 1;
+ midgard_bundle new = mir_bundle_for_op(ctx, ins);
+ memcpy(bundles + before, &new, sizeof(new));
+ list_addtail(&new.instructions[0]->link, &before_bundle->instructions[0]->link);
+ compiler_context *ctx,
+ midgard_block *block,
+ midgard_instruction *tag,
+ midgard_instruction ins)
+ unsigned after = mir_bundle_idx_for_ins(tag, block);
+ size_t count = util_dynarray_num_elements(&block->bundles, midgard_bundle);
+ UNUSED void *unused = util_dynarray_grow(&block->bundles, midgard_bundle, 1);
+ midgard_bundle *bundles = (midgard_bundle *) block->bundles.data;
+ memmove(bundles + after + 2, bundles + after + 1, (count - after - 1) * sizeof(midgard_bundle));
+ midgard_bundle *after_bundle_1 = bundles + after + 2;
+ midgard_bundle new = mir_bundle_for_op(ctx, ins);
+ memcpy(bundles + after + 1, &new, sizeof(new));
+ list_addtail(&new.instructions[0]->link, &after_bundle_1->instructions[0]->link);