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+\title{The delicate disadvantage of Reverse-Engineering}
+\author{Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton}
+ \begin{center}
+ \huge{The delicate disadvantage of Reverse-Engineering}\\
+ \vspace{32pt}
+ \Large{The consequences of maintaining}\\
+ \Large{proprietary hardware}\\
+ \Large{Can we do better?}\\
+ \vspace{24pt}
+ \Large{[proposed for] OFSC 2020}\\
+ \vspace{16pt}
+ \large{\today}
+ \end{center}
+\frame{\frametitle{Background (about me)}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item First reverse-engineering was Samba-TNG\\
+ NTBugTraq, August 1996\\
+ "Welcome to the SAMBA Domain"\\
+ 3 years later...\vspace{6pt}
+ \item 2002: Exchange 5.5, enhancing FreeDCE \\
+ Copied by an "Open" team that removed all attribution\vspace{6pt}
+ \item 2003-2005: Xanadux Project\\
+ 9 HTC smartphones reverse-engineered\\
+ Zero income earned.\vspace{6pt}
+ \item Lesson learned: everyone else makes money from your work.
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{How come I could do this but others couldn't?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Self-analysis time: what capability did I have \\
+ that others do not?\\
+ \vspace{12pt}
+ \item Definition of Reverse-Engineering:\\
+ \vspace{4pt}
+ The ability to infer knowledge.\\
+ (That's really it. No prior-knowledge is required:\\
+ you DERIVE knowledge)
+ \vspace{12pt}
+ \item Definitions of knowledge were a clue:\\
+ Demster-Shafer (generalisation of Bayes)\\
+ Epistemology (Advaita Vedanta wikipedia page)
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{Advaita Vedanta, Epistemology section}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Pratyakáı£a - perception (includes senses, but also "intuition")
+ \item Anumana - inference (where there's smoke there's fire)
+ \item Upamana - comparison, analogy (A is to B as C is to D;\\
+ also included here is the "difference" between two things)
+ \item Arthapatti - postulation, derivation from
+ circumstances\\
+ (Joe is gaining weight; we do not see Joe eat during the day.
+ Therefore Joe is eating at night)
+ \item Anupalabdi - non-perception, negative/cognitive proof\\
+ ("there is no jug in this room")
+ \item Sabda - relying on word, testimony of past/present experts
+ \end{itemize}
+ \bf{ Reverse-Engineers develop these knowledge-derivation skills
+ without knowing that they have them! It's incredible and valuable!}
+\frame{\frametitle{Why do products need reverse-engineering?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item The profit-maximising Corporation can't be bothered to provide
+ documentation or source code
+ \vspace{4pt}
+ \item The profit-maximising Corporation is based in China and is
+ happy to blatantly disregard Copyright law.
+ \vspace{4pt}
+ \item The profit-maximising Corporation could be bothered but has
+ realised that they make more money through entrapment of end-users
+ \vspace{4pt}
+ \item Bottom line: helping such Corporations helps keep their products
+ in circulation.
+ \vspace{4pt}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \bf{ Reverse-Engineers by applying their amazing skills actively support
+ unethical and pathological Corporations to do harm to end-users
+ and to the environment}
+\frame{\frametitle{How about an alternative?}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item You have unbelievably empowering and powerful skills, far
+ beyond those of an average programmer!
+ \item Instead of supporting unethical Corporations, why not support
+ yourselves?
+ \item Transition from full-time to part-time (or work evenings)
+ \item How about creating your own products? (You're a Reverse-Engineer:
+ you know how products work, and what you don't know, you already
+ know you can to find out!)
+ \item How about designing a product and put it on Crowdsupply?
+ \item The internet exists: you can find others to team up with,
+ in an area of technology that interests you.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \bf{Ultimately you could do a huge amount of good. With your skill
+ there is nothing that can stop you except yourself}