--- /dev/null
+# image library
+## `image/image.h`
+### `image::Image_descriptor`
+`struct` holding all an Image's state, except for the actual memory block.
+- `supported_flags`: the `VkImageCreateFlags` that are supported by this implementation.
+- `flags`
+- `type`
+- `format`
+- `extent`
+- `mip_levels`
+- `array_layers`
+- `supported_samples`: the samples-per-pixel values that are supported by this implementation.
+- `samples`
+- `tiling`
+- `get_memory_size`: returns the size of the memory block for this image.
+- `get_memory_stride`: for linear tiling, returns the size of a row of pixels.
+- `get_memory_pixel_size`: for linear tiling, returns the size of a pixel.
+### `image::Image`
+A Vulkan image.
+- `descriptor`: the `Image_descriptor` for this image.
+- `memory`: the memory block for this image.
+- `clear`: clear the image to the specified color. Slow implementation of `vkCmdClearColorImage`.