## Data-dependent fail-first on CR operations (crand etc)
Operations that actually produce or alter CR Field as a result
-do not also in turn have an Rc=1 mode. However it makes no
-sense to try to test the 4 bits of a CR Field for being equal
-or not equal to zero. Moreover, the result is already in the
-form that is desired: it is a CR field. Therefore,
-CR-based operations have their own SVP64 Mode, described
+have their own SVP64 Mode, described
in [[sv/cr_ops]]
-There are two primary different types of CR operations:
-* Those which have a 3-bit operand field (referring to a CR Field)
-* Those which have a 5-bit operand (referring to a bit within the
- whole 32-bit CR)
-More details can be found in [[sv/cr_ops]].
# pred-result mode
This mode merges common CR testing with predication, saving on instruction