Proof format: Alethe
-Using the flag :ref:`proof-format-mode=alethe <lbl-option-proof-format-mode>`, cvc5 outputs proofs in the `Alethe proof format <>`_.
+Using the flag :ref:`proof-format-mode=alethe <lbl-option-proof-format-mode>`,
+cvc5 outputs proofs in the `Alethe proof format
+<>`_. Additonally, the
+following additional flags are currently required: :ref:`simplification=none
+<lbl-option-simplification>`, :ref:`dag-thresh=0 <lbl-option-dag-thresh>`,
+:ref:`proof-granularity=theory-rewrite <lbl-option-proof-granularity>`. These requirements are due to not yet
+supporting printing proofs with term sharing and proofs with non-detailed steps.
-Additonally, the following flags should be used to produce proofs without term sharing (which is not supported for the Alethe backend yet): :ref:`--simplification=none <lbl-option-simplification>` :ref:`--dag-thresh=0 <lbl-option-dag-thresh>`.
+The Alethe proof format is a flexible proof format for SMT solvers based on
+SMT-LIB. It includes both coarse- and fine-grained steps and was first
+implemented in the veriT solver :cite:`Bouton2009`. Alethe proofs can be
+checked via reconstruction within Isabelle/HOL :cite:`Barbosa2020, Schurr2021`
+as well as within Coq, the latter via the SMTCoq plugin :cite:`Armand2011,
+Ekici2017`. There is also a high performance Rust proof checker for Alethe,
+available `here <>`_.
-Currently, only the theory of equality with uninterpreted functions, parts of the theory of arithmetic and parts of the theory of quantifiers are supported.
+Currently, only the theory of equality with uninterpreted functions, parts of
+the theory of arithmetic and parts of the theory of quantifiers are supported in
+cvc5's Alethe proofs.
+@string{cade = "Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE)"}
+@string{cpp = "Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP)"}
+@string{cav = "Computer Aided Verification (CAV)"}
+@string{jar = "Journal of Automated Reasoning"}
+@string{lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}
author = {Alessandro Cimatti and
Alberto Griggio and
- author = {Clark Barrett and Pascal Fontaine and Cesare Tinelli},
- title = {{The SMT-LIB Standard: Version 2.6}},
- institution = {Department of Computer Science, The University of Iowa},
- year = 2017,
- note = {Available at {\tt}}
+ author = {Clark Barrett and Pascal Fontaine and Cesare Tinelli},
+ title = {{The SMT-LIB Standard: Version 2.6}},
+ institution = {Department of Computer Science, The University of Iowa},
+ year = 2017,
+ note = {Available at {\tt}}
+ author = {Thomas Bouton and
+ Diego Caminha B. de Oliveira and
+ David D{\'{e}}harbe and
+ Pascal Fontaine},
+ title = {{veriT}: {A}n {O}pen, {T}rustable and {E}fficient {SMT-S}olver},
+ booktitle = cade,
+ pages = {151--156},
+ year = {2009},
+ url = {},
+ doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-02959-2_12},
+ editor = {Renate A. Schmidt},
+ series = lncs,
+ volume = {5663},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ author = {Micha{\"e}l Armand and
+ Germain Faure and
+ Benjamin Gr{\'e}goire and
+ Chantal Keller and
+ Laurent Th{\'e}ry and
+ Benjamin Werner},
+ title = {A~Modular Integration of {SAT}\slash{SMT} Solvers to {Coq} through
+ Proof Witnesses},
+ booktitle = cpp,
+ pages = {135--150},
+ editor = {Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and
+ Zhong Shao},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ series = lncs,
+ volume = {7086},
+ year = {2011},
+ doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-25379-9_12}
+ author = {Burak Ekici and
+ Alain Mebsout and
+ Cesare Tinelli and
+ Chantal Keller and
+ Guy Katz and
+ Andrew Reynolds and
+ Clark W. Barrett},
+ title = {SMTCoq: {A} Plug-In for Integrating {SMT} Solvers into Coq},
+ booktitle = cav,
+ pages = {126--133},
+ year = {2017},
+ url = {},
+ doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-63390-9_7},
+ editor = {Rupak Majumdar and
+ Viktor Kuncak},
+ series = lncs,
+ volume = {10427},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ author = {Haniel Barbosa and
+ Jasmin Christian Blanchette and
+ Mathias Fleury and
+ Pascal Fontaine},
+ title = {Scalable Fine-Grained Proofs for Formula Processing},
+ journal = jar,
+ volume = {64},
+ number = {3},
+ pages = {485--510},
+ year = {2020},
+ url = {},
+ doi = {10.1007/s10817-018-09502-y},
+ timestamp = {Thu, 19 Mar 2020 10:23:41 +0100},
+ biburl = {},
+ bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
+ author = {Hans{-}J{\"{o}}rg Schurr and
+ Mathias Fleury and
+ Martin Desharnais},
+ editor = {Andr{\'{e}} Platzer and
+ Geoff Sutcliffe},
+ title = {Reliable Reconstruction of Fine-grained Proofs in a Proof Assistant},
+ booktitle = cade,
+ series = lncs,
+ volume = {12699},
+ pages = {450--467},
+ publisher = {Springer},
+ year = {2021},
+ url = {\_26},
+ doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-79876-5\_26},
+ timestamp = {Mon, 12 Jul 2021 14:18:46 +0200},
+ biburl = {},
+ bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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