return d_inelig.find( n )==d_inelig.end();
-bool CegInstantiator::doAddInstantiation( SolvedForm& sf, Node theta, unsigned i, unsigned effort,
- std::map< Node, Node >& cons, std::vector< Node >& curr_var ){
+void CegInstantiator::registerInstantiationVariable( Node v, unsigned index ) {
+ if( d_instantiator.find( v )==d_instantiator.end() ){
+ //TODO
+ }
+ d_curr_subs_proc[v].clear();
+ d_curr_index[v] = index;
+void CegInstantiator::unregisterInstantiationVariable( Node v ) {
+ d_curr_subs_proc.erase( v );
+ d_curr_index.erase( v );
+bool CegInstantiator::doAddInstantiation( SolvedForm& sf, unsigned i, unsigned effort ){
if( i==d_vars.size() ){
//solved for all variables, now construct instantiation
- if( !sf.d_has_coeff.empty() ){
- return doAddInstantiationCoeff( sf, 0, cons );
+ bool needsPostprocess = !sf.d_has_coeff.empty();
+ if( needsPostprocess ){
+ SolvedForm sf_tmp;
+ sf_tmp.copy( sf );
+ bool postProcessSuccess = true;
+ if( !processInstantiationCoeff( sf_tmp ) ){
+ postProcessSuccess = false;
+ }
+ if( postProcessSuccess ){
+ return doAddInstantiation( sf_tmp.d_subs, sf_tmp.d_vars );
+ }else{
+ return false;
+ }
- return doAddInstantiation( sf.d_subs, sf.d_vars, cons );
+ return doAddInstantiation( sf.d_subs, sf.d_vars );
- std::map< Node, std::map< Node, bool > > subs_proc;
//Node v = d_single_inv_map_to_prog[d_single_inv[0][i]];
bool is_cv = false;
Node pv;
- if( curr_var.empty() ){
+ if( d_stack_vars.empty() ){
pv = d_vars[i];
- pv = curr_var.back();
+ pv = d_stack_vars.back();
is_cv = true;
+ d_stack_vars.pop_back();
+ }
+ registerInstantiationVariable( pv, i );
+ /*
+ //get the instantiator object
+ std::map< Node, Instantiator * >::iterator itin = d_instantiator.find( pv );
+ Instantiator * vinst = NULL;
+ if( itin!=d_instantiator.end() ){
+ vinst = itin->second;
+ }
+ if( vinst!=NULL ){
+ d_active_instantiators[vinst] = true;
+ */
TypeNode pvtn = pv.getType();
TypeNode pvtnb = pvtn.getBaseType();
Node pvr = pv;
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "[1] try based on equivalence class." << std::endl;
std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it_eqc = d_curr_eqc.find( pvr );
if( it_eqc!=d_curr_eqc.end() ){
+ //std::vector< Node > eq_candidates;
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "...eqc has size " << it_eqc->second.size() << std::endl;
for( unsigned k=0; k<it_eqc->second.size(); k++ ){
Node n = it_eqc->second[k];
if( proc ){
//try the substitution
- if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( ns, pv, pv_coeff, 0, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var, subs_proc ) ){
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, ns, pv_coeff, 0, sf, effort ) ){
return true;
Node n = it_eqc->second[k];
if( n.getKind()==APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR ){
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "... " << i << "...try based on constructor term " << n << std::endl;
- cons[pv] = n.getOperator();
+ std::vector< Node > children;
+ children.push_back( n.getOperator() );
const Datatype& dt = ((DatatypeType)(pvtn).toType()).getDatatype();
unsigned cindex = Datatype::indexOf( n.getOperator().toExpr() );
- if( is_cv ){
- curr_var.pop_back();
- }
//now must solve for selectors applied to pv
for( unsigned j=0; j<dt[cindex].getNumArgs(); j++ ){
- curr_var.push_back( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL, Node::fromExpr( dt[cindex][j].getSelector() ), pv ) );
+ Node c = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL, Node::fromExpr( dt[cindex][j].getSelector() ), pv );
+ pushStackVariable( c );
+ children.push_back( c );
- if( doAddInstantiation( sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var ) ){
+ Node val = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( kind::APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, children );
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, val, Node::null(), 0, sf, effort ) ){
return true;
- cons.erase( pv );
- Assert( curr_var.size()>=dt[cindex].getNumArgs() );
+ Assert( d_stack_vars.size()>=dt[cindex].getNumArgs() );
for( unsigned j=0; j<dt[cindex].getNumArgs(); j++ ){
- curr_var.pop_back();
- }
- if( is_cv ){
- curr_var.push_back( pv );
+ popStackVariable();
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "... " << i << "...try based on equality " << lhs[j] << " = " << ns << std::endl;
Node val;
Node veq_c;
- bool success = false;
if( pvtnb.isReal() ){
Node eq_lhs = lhs[j];
Node eq_rhs = ns;
//isolate pv in the equality
int ires = solve_arith( pv, eq, veq_c, val, vts_coeff_inf, vts_coeff_delta );
if( ires!=0 ){
- success = true;
- }
- /*
- //cannot contain infinity?
- //if( !d_qe->getTermDatabase()->containsVtsInfinity( eq ) ){
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "...equality is " << eq << std::endl;
- std::map< Node, Node > msum;
- if( QuantArith::getMonomialSumLit( eq, msum ) ){
- if( Trace.isOn("cbqi-inst-debug") ){
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << " monomial sum: " << std::endl;
- QuantArith::debugPrintMonomialSum( msum, "cbqi-inst-debug" );
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "isolate for " << pv << " : " << pv.getType() << "..." << std::endl;
- }
- Node veq;
- if( QuantArith::isolate( pv, msum, veq, EQUAL, true )!=0 ){
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "...isolated equality " << veq << "." << std::endl;
- Node veq_c;
- if( veq[0]!=pv ){
- Node veq_v;
- if( QuantArith::getMonomial( veq[0], veq_c, veq_v ) ){
- Assert( veq_v==pv );
- }
- }
- Node val = veq[1];
- if( subs_proc[val].find( veq_c )==subs_proc[val].end() ){
- subs_proc[val][veq_c] = true;
- if( doAddInstantiationInc( val, pv, veq_c, 0, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var ) ){
- return true;
- }
- }
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, val, veq_c, 0, sf, effort ) ){
+ return true;
- */
}else if( pvtnb.isDatatype() ){
val = solve_dt( pv, lhs[j], ns, lhs[j], ns );
if( !val.isNull() ){
- success = true;
- }
- }
- if( success ){
- if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( val, pv, veq_c, 0, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var, subs_proc ) ){
- return true;
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, val, veq_c, 0, sf, effort ) ){
+ return true;
+ }
mbp_lit[index].push_back( lit );
//try this bound
- if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( uval, pv, veq_c, uires>0 ? 1 : -1, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var, subs_proc ) ){
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, uval, veq_c, uires>0 ? 1 : -1, sf, effort ) ){
return true;
uval = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( (atom.getKind()==BITVECTOR_ULT)==(t==1) ? BITVECTOR_PLUS : BITVECTOR_SUB, atom[1-t],
bv::utils::mkConst(pvtn.getConst<BitVectorSize>(), 1) );
- if( subs_proc[uval].find( veq_c )==subs_proc[uval].end() ){
- subs_proc[uval][veq_c] = true;
- if( doAddInstantiationInc( uval, pv, veq_c, 0, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var ) ){
- return true;
- }
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, uval, veq_c, 0, sf, effort ) ){
+ return true;
val = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( UMINUS, val );
val = Rewriter::rewrite( val );
- if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( val, pv, Node::null(), 0, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var, subs_proc ) ){
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, val, Node::null(), 0, sf, effort ) ){
return true;
//if using cbqiMidpoint, only add the instance based on one bound if the bound is non-strict
if( !options::cbqiMidpoint() || pvtn.isInteger() || mbp_vts_coeff[rr][1][best].isNull() ){
Node val = mbp_bounds[rr][best];
- val = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, val, rr==0, mbp_coeff[rr][best], pv_value, t_values[rr][best], theta,
+ val = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, val, rr==0, mbp_coeff[rr][best], pv_value, t_values[rr][best], sf.d_theta,
mbp_vts_coeff[rr][0][best], mbp_vts_coeff[rr][1][best] );
if( !val.isNull() ){
- if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( val, pv, mbp_coeff[rr][best], rr==0 ? 1 : -1, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var, subs_proc ) ){
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, val, mbp_coeff[rr][best], rr==0 ? 1 : -1, sf, effort ) ){
return true;
if( !use_inf && mbp_bounds[0].empty() && mbp_bounds[1].empty() ){
Node val = d_zero;
Node c; //null (one) coefficient
- val = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, val, true, c, pv_value, d_zero, theta, Node::null(), Node::null() );
+ val = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, val, true, c, pv_value, d_zero, sf.d_theta, Node::null(), Node::null() );
if( !val.isNull() ){
- if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( val, pv, c, 0, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var, subs_proc ) ){
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, val, c, 0, sf, effort ) ){
return true;
bothBounds = false;
vals[rr] = mbp_bounds[rr][best];
- vals[rr] = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, vals[rr], rr==0, Node::null(), pv_value, t_values[rr][best], theta,
+ vals[rr] = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, vals[rr], rr==0, Node::null(), pv_value, t_values[rr][best], sf.d_theta,
mbp_vts_coeff[rr][0][best], Node::null() );
Trace("cbqi-bound") << "Bound : " << vals[rr] << std::endl;
Trace("cbqi-bound") << "Midpoint value : " << val << std::endl;
if( !val.isNull() ){
- if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( val, pv, Node::null(), 0, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var, subs_proc ) ){
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, val, Node::null(), 0, sf, effort ) ){
return true;
int rr = upper_first ? (1-r) : r;
for( unsigned j=0; j<mbp_bounds[rr].size(); j++ ){
if( (int)j!=best_used[rr] && ( !options::cbqiMidpoint() || mbp_vts_coeff[rr][1][j].isNull() ) ){
- Node val = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, mbp_bounds[rr][j], rr==0, mbp_coeff[rr][j], pv_value, t_values[rr][j], theta,
+ Node val = getModelBasedProjectionValue( pv, mbp_bounds[rr][j], rr==0, mbp_coeff[rr][j], pv_value, t_values[rr][j], sf.d_theta,
mbp_vts_coeff[rr][0][j], mbp_vts_coeff[rr][1][j] );
if( !val.isNull() ){
- if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( val, pv, mbp_coeff[rr][j], rr==0 ? 1 : -1, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var, subs_proc ) ){
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, val, mbp_coeff[rr][j], rr==0 ? 1 : -1, sf, effort ) ){
return true;
//[5] resort to using value in model
// do so if we are in effort=1, or if the variable is boolean, or if we are solving for a subfield of a datatype
- if( ( effort>0 || pvtn.isBoolean() || pvtn.isBitVector() || !curr_var.empty() ) && d_qe->getTermDatabase()->isClosedEnumerableType( pvtn ) ){
+ if( ( effort>0 || pvtn.isBoolean() || pvtn.isBitVector() || is_cv ) && d_qe->getTermDatabase()->isClosedEnumerableType( pvtn ) ){
if( pvtn.isReal() && options::cbqiNestedQE() && !options::cbqiAll() ){
//we only resort to values in the case of booleans
Assert( ( pvtn.isInteger() ? !options::cbqiUseInfInt() : !options::cbqiUseInfReal() ) || pvtn.isBoolean() );
- if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( mv, pv, pv_coeff_m, 0, sf, theta, i, new_effort, cons, curr_var, subs_proc ) ){
+ if( tryDoAddInstantiationInc( pv, mv, pv_coeff_m, 0, sf, new_effort ) ){
return true;
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "[No instantiation found for " << pv << "]" << std::endl;
+ if( is_cv ){
+ d_stack_vars.push_back( pv );
+ }
+ /*
+ if( vinst!=NULL ){
+ d_active_instantiators.erase( vinst );
+ }
+ */
+ unregisterInstantiationVariable( pv );
return false;
+void CegInstantiator::pushStackVariable( Node v ) {
+ d_stack_vars.push_back( v );
+void CegInstantiator::popStackVariable() {
+ d_stack_vars.pop_back();
//cached version
-bool CegInstantiator::tryDoAddInstantiationInc( Node n, Node pv, Node pv_coeff, int bt, SolvedForm& sf, Node theta, unsigned i, unsigned effort,
- std::map< Node, Node >& cons, std::vector< Node >& curr_var,
- std::map< Node, std::map< Node, bool > >& subs_proc ) {
- if( subs_proc[n].find( pv_coeff )==subs_proc[n].end() ){
- subs_proc[n][pv_coeff] = true;
- return doAddInstantiationInc( n, pv, pv_coeff, bt, sf, theta, i, effort, cons, curr_var );
+bool CegInstantiator::tryDoAddInstantiationInc( Node pv, Node n, Node pv_coeff, int bt, SolvedForm& sf, unsigned effort ) {
+ if( d_curr_subs_proc[pv][n].find( pv_coeff )==d_curr_subs_proc[pv][n].end() ){
+ d_curr_subs_proc[pv][n][pv_coeff] = true;
+ return doAddInstantiationInc( pv, n, pv_coeff, bt, sf, effort );
return false;
-bool CegInstantiator::doAddInstantiationInc( Node n, Node pv, Node pv_coeff, int bt, SolvedForm& sf, Node theta, unsigned i, unsigned effort,
- std::map< Node, Node >& cons, std::vector< Node >& curr_var ) {
+bool CegInstantiator::doAddInstantiationInc( Node pv, Node n, Node pv_coeff, int bt, SolvedForm& sf, unsigned effort ) {
if( Trace.isOn("cbqi-inst") ){
for( unsigned j=0; j<sf.d_subs.size(); j++ ){
Trace("cbqi-inst") << " ";
if( success ){
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "Adding to vectors..." << std::endl;
sf.push_back( pv, n, pv_coeff, bt );
- Node new_theta = theta;
+ Node prev_theta = sf.d_theta;
+ Node new_theta = sf.d_theta;
if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
if( new_theta.isNull() ){
new_theta = pv_coeff;
new_theta = Rewriter::rewrite( new_theta );
- bool is_cv = false;
- if( !curr_var.empty() ){
- Assert( curr_var.back()==pv );
- curr_var.pop_back();
- is_cv = true;
- }
+ sf.d_theta = new_theta;
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "Recurse..." << std::endl;
- success = doAddInstantiation( sf, new_theta, curr_var.empty() ? i+1 : i, effort, cons, curr_var );
+ unsigned i = d_curr_index[pv];
+ success = doAddInstantiation( sf, d_stack_vars.empty() ? i+1 : i, effort );
+ sf.d_theta = prev_theta;
if( !success ){
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug2") << "Removing from vectors..." << std::endl;
- if( is_cv ){
- curr_var.push_back( pv );
- }
sf.pop_back( pv, n, pv_coeff, bt );
-bool CegInstantiator::doAddInstantiationCoeff( SolvedForm& sf, unsigned j, std::map< Node, Node >& cons ) {
- if( j==sf.d_has_coeff.size() ){
- return doAddInstantiation( sf.d_subs, sf.d_vars, cons );
- }else{
+bool CegInstantiator::processInstantiationCoeff( SolvedForm& sf ) {
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<sf.d_has_coeff.size(); j++ ){
Assert( std::find( sf.d_vars.begin(), sf.d_vars.end(), sf.d_has_coeff[j] )!=sf.d_vars.end() );
unsigned index = std::find( sf.d_vars.begin(), sf.d_vars.end(), sf.d_has_coeff[j] )-sf.d_vars.begin();
- Node prev = sf.d_subs[index];
Assert( !sf.d_coeff[index].isNull() );
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "Normalize substitution for " << sf.d_coeff[index] << " * " << sf.d_vars[index] << " = " << sf.d_subs[index] << std::endl;
Assert( sf.d_vars[index].getType().isInteger() );
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "...normalize integers : " << sf.d_vars[index] << " -> " << sf.d_subs[index] << std::endl;
- if( doAddInstantiationCoeff( sf, j+1, cons ) ){
- return true;
- }
+ }else{
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "...failed." << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }else{
+ Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "...failed." << std::endl;
+ return false;
- sf.d_subs[index] = prev;
- Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "...failed." << std::endl;
- return false;
+ return true;
-bool CegInstantiator::doAddInstantiation( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars, std::map< Node, Node >& cons ) {
+bool CegInstantiator::doAddInstantiation( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars ) {
if( vars.size()>d_vars.size() ){
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << "Reconstructing instantiations...." << std::endl;
std::map< Node, Node > subs_map;
for( unsigned i=0; i<d_vars.size(); i++ ){
- Node n = constructInstantiation( d_vars[i], subs_map, cons );
+ std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = subs_map.find( d_vars[i] );
+ Assert( it!=subs_map.end() );
+ Node n = it->second;
Trace("cbqi-inst-debug") << " " << d_vars[i] << " -> " << n << std::endl;
subs.push_back( n );
return ret;
-Node CegInstantiator::constructInstantiation( Node n, std::map< Node, Node >& subs_map, std::map< Node, Node >& cons ) {
- std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = subs_map.find( n );
- if( it!=subs_map.end() ){
- return it->second;
- }else{
- it = cons.find( n );
- Assert( it!=cons.end() );
- std::vector< Node > children;
- children.push_back( it->second );
- const Datatype& dt = Datatype::datatypeOf( it->second.toExpr() );
- unsigned cindex = Datatype::indexOf( it->second.toExpr() );
- for( unsigned i=0; i<dt[cindex].getNumArgs(); i++ ){
- Node nn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_SELECTOR_TOTAL, Node::fromExpr( dt[cindex][i].getSelector() ), n );
- Node nc = constructInstantiation( nn, subs_map, cons );
- children.push_back( nc );
- }
- return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR, children );
- }
Node CegInstantiator::applySubstitution( TypeNode tn, Node n, std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& coeff, std::vector< Node >& has_coeff,
std::vector< Node >& vars, Node& pv_coeff, bool try_coeff ) {
Assert( d_prog_var.find( n )!=d_prog_var.end() );
for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
SolvedForm sf;
- Node theta;
- std::map< Node, Node > cons;
- std::vector< Node > curr_var;
+ d_stack_vars.clear();
//try to add an instantiation
- if( doAddInstantiation( sf, theta, 0, r==0 ? 0 : 2, cons, curr_var ) ){
+ if( doAddInstantiation( sf, 0, r==0 ? 0 : 2 ) ){
return true;
class Instantiator;
+//solved form, involves substitution with coefficients
+class SolvedForm {
+ std::vector< Node > d_vars;
+ std::vector< Node > d_subs;
+ std::vector< Node > d_coeff;
+ std::vector< int > d_btyp;
+ std::vector< Node > d_has_coeff;
+ Node d_theta;
+ void copy( SolvedForm& sf ){
+ d_vars.insert( d_vars.end(), sf.d_vars.begin(), sf.d_vars.end() );
+ d_subs.insert( d_subs.end(), sf.d_subs.begin(), sf.d_subs.end() );
+ d_coeff.insert( d_coeff.end(), sf.d_coeff.begin(), sf.d_coeff.end() );
+ d_btyp.insert( d_btyp.end(), sf.d_btyp.begin(), sf.d_btyp.end() );
+ d_has_coeff.insert( d_has_coeff.end(), sf.d_has_coeff.begin(), sf.d_has_coeff.end() );
+ d_theta = sf.d_theta;
+ }
+ void push_back( Node pv, Node n, Node pv_coeff, int bt ){
+ d_vars.push_back( pv );
+ d_subs.push_back( n );
+ d_coeff.push_back( pv_coeff );
+ d_btyp.push_back( bt );
+ if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
+ d_has_coeff.push_back( pv );
+ }
+ }
+ void pop_back( Node pv, Node n, Node pv_coeff, int bt ){
+ d_vars.pop_back();
+ d_subs.pop_back();
+ d_coeff.pop_back();
+ d_btyp.pop_back();
+ if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
+ d_has_coeff.pop_back();
+ }
+ }
class CegInstantiator {
QuantifiersEngine * d_qe;
//atoms of the CE lemma
bool d_is_nested_quant;
std::vector< Node > d_ce_atoms;
+ //map from variables to their instantiators
+ std::map< Node, Instantiator * > d_instantiator;
+ //cache of current substitutions tried between register/unregister
+ std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::map< Node, bool > > > d_curr_subs_proc;
+ std::map< Node, unsigned > d_curr_index;
+ //stack of temporary variables we are solving (e.g. subfields of datatypes)
+ std::vector< Node > d_stack_vars;
+ //used instantiators
+ std::map< Instantiator *, bool > d_active_instantiators;
+ //register variable
+ void registerInstantiationVariable( Node v, unsigned index );
+ void unregisterInstantiationVariable( Node v );
//collect atoms
void collectCeAtoms( Node n, std::map< Node, bool >& visited );
void computeProgVars( Node n );
// is eligible
bool isEligible( Node n );
- //solved form, involves substitution with coefficients
- class SolvedForm {
- public:
- std::vector< Node > d_vars;
- std::vector< Node > d_subs;
- std::vector< Node > d_coeff;
- std::vector< int > d_btyp;
- std::vector< Node > d_has_coeff;
- void copy( SolvedForm& sf ){
- d_subs.insert( d_subs.end(), sf.d_subs.begin(), sf.d_subs.end() );
- d_coeff.insert( d_coeff.end(), sf.d_coeff.begin(), sf.d_coeff.end() );
- d_has_coeff.insert( d_has_coeff.end(), sf.d_has_coeff.begin(), sf.d_has_coeff.end() );
- }
- void push_back( Node pv, Node n, Node pv_coeff, int bt ){
- d_vars.push_back( pv );
- d_subs.push_back( n );
- d_coeff.push_back( pv_coeff );
- d_btyp.push_back( bt );
- if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
- d_has_coeff.push_back( pv );
- }
- }
- void pop_back( Node pv, Node n, Node pv_coeff, int bt ){
- d_vars.pop_back();
- d_subs.pop_back();
- d_coeff.pop_back();
- d_btyp.pop_back();
- if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
- d_has_coeff.pop_back();
- }
- }
- };
// effort=0 : do not use model value, 1: use model value, 2: one must use model value
- bool doAddInstantiation( SolvedForm& sf, Node theta, unsigned i, unsigned effort,
- std::map< Node, Node >& cons, std::vector< Node >& curr_var );
- bool tryDoAddInstantiationInc( Node n, Node pv, Node pv_coeff, int bt, SolvedForm& sf, Node theta, unsigned i, unsigned effort,
- std::map< Node, Node >& cons, std::vector< Node >& curr_var,
- std::map< Node, std::map< Node, bool > >& subs_proc );
- bool doAddInstantiationInc( Node n, Node pv, Node pv_coeff, int bt, SolvedForm& sf, Node theta, unsigned i, unsigned effort,
- std::map< Node, Node >& cons, std::vector< Node >& curr_var );
- bool doAddInstantiationCoeff( SolvedForm& sf, unsigned j, std::map< Node, Node >& cons );
- bool doAddInstantiation( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars, std::map< Node, Node >& cons );
- Node constructInstantiation( Node n, std::map< Node, Node >& subs_map, std::map< Node, Node >& cons );
+ bool doAddInstantiation( SolvedForm& sf, unsigned i, unsigned effort );
+ bool doAddInstantiationInc( Node pv, Node n, Node pv_coeff, int bt, SolvedForm& sf, unsigned effort );
+ bool processInstantiationCoeff( SolvedForm& sf );
+ bool doAddInstantiation( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars );
Node applySubstitution( TypeNode tn, Node n, SolvedForm& sf, Node& pv_coeff, bool try_coeff = true ) {
return applySubstitution( tn, n, sf.d_subs, sf.d_coeff, sf.d_has_coeff, sf.d_vars, pv_coeff, try_coeff );
Node applySubstitution( TypeNode tn, Node n, std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& coeff, std::vector< Node >& has_coeff,
std::vector< Node >& vars, Node& pv_coeff, bool try_coeff = true );
+ //TODO: move to public
+ void pushStackVariable( Node v );
+ void popStackVariable();
+ bool tryDoAddInstantiationInc( Node pv, Node n, Node pv_coeff, int bt, SolvedForm& sf, unsigned effort );
Node getModelBasedProjectionValue( Node e, Node t, bool isLower, Node c, Node me, Node mt, Node theta, Node inf_coeff, Node delta_coeff );
void processAssertions();
void addToAuxVarSubstitution( std::vector< Node >& subs_lhs, std::vector< Node >& subs_rhs, Node l, Node r );
// an instantiator for individual variables
-class InstantiatorVar {
+// will make calls into CegInstantiator::doAddInstantiationInc
+class Instantiator {
+ virtual void reset( unsigned effort ) {}
+ virtual bool processEqualTerm( SolvedForm& sf, Node pv, Node n, unsigned effort ) { return false; }
+ virtual bool processEqualTerms( SolvedForm& sf, Node pv, std::vector< Node >& term, unsigned effort ) { return false; }
+ virtual bool processEquality( SolvedForm& sf, Node pv, Node lhs, Node rhs, unsigned effort ) { return false; }
+ virtual bool processEqualities( SolvedForm& sf, Node pv, std::vector< Node >& lhss, std::vector< Node >& rhss, unsigned effort ) { return false; }
+ virtual bool processAssertion( SolvedForm& sf, Node pv, Node lit, unsigned effort ) { return false; }
+ virtual bool processAssertions( SolvedForm& sf, Node pv, std::vector< Node >& lits, unsigned effort ) { return false; }
+ virtual bool allowModelValue( SolvedForm& sf, Node pv, unsigned effort ) { return true; }
+ virtual bool needsPostProcessInstantiation( SolvedForm& sf, unsigned effort ) { return false; }
+ virtual bool postProcessInstantiation( SolvedForm& sf, unsigned effort ) { return true; }
+class ArithInstantiator : public Instantiator {
+class DtInstantiator : public Instantiator {
+class EprInstantiator : public Instantiator {
- void postProcessInstantiation( SolvedForm& sf );
class MbpBound {