--- /dev/null
+// See LICENSE for license details.
+package sifive.blocks.devices.gpio
+import Chisel._
+import sifive.blocks.devices.pinctrl.{Pin}
+// While this is a bit pendantic, it keeps the GPIO
+// device more similar to the other devices. It's not 'special'
+// even though it looks like something that more directly talks to
+// a pin. It also makes it possible to change the exact
+// type of pad this connects to.
+class GPIOPins[T <: Pin] (pingen: ()=> T, c: GPIOParams) extends Bundle {
+ val pins = Vec(c.width, pingen())
+ override def cloneType: this.type =
+ this.getClass.getConstructors.head.newInstance(pingen, c).asInstanceOf[this.type]
+ def fromGPIOPort(port: GPIOPortIO){
+ // This will just match up the components of the Bundle that
+ // exist in both.
+ (pins zip port.pins) foreach {case (pin, port) =>
+ pin <> port
+ }
+ }