num_steps = 20
vcdfile = None
vlogtbfile = None
+outconstr = None
gentrace = False
tempind = False
assume_skipped = None
--dump-vlogtb <verilog_filename>
write trace as Verilog test bench
+ --dump-constr <constr_filename>
+ write trace as constraints file
""" + so.helpmsg())
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.shortopts + "t:u:S:igm:", so.longopts + ["dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb="])
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.shortopts + "t:u:S:igm:", so.longopts + ["dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "dump-constr="])
vcdfile = a
elif o == "--dump-vlogtb":
vlogtbfile = a
+ elif o == "--dump-constr":
+ outconstr = a
elif o == "-i":
tempind = True
elif o == "-g":
print("endmodule", file=f)
+def write_constr_trace(steps):
+ print("%s Writing trace to constraints file." % smt.timestamp())
+ with open(outconstr, "w") as f:
+ primary_inputs = list()
+ for name in smt.modinfo[topmod].inputs:
+ width = smt.modinfo[topmod].wsize[name]
+ primary_inputs.append((name, width))
+ for k in range(steps):
+ if k != 0:
+ print("", file=f)
+ print("state %d" % k, file=f)
+ if k == 0:
+ regnames = sorted(smt.hiernets(topmod, regs_only=True))
+ regvals = smt.get_net_list(topmod, regnames, "s0")
+ for name, val in zip(regnames, regvals):
+ print("assume (= [%s] %s)" % (".".join(name), val), file=f)
+ mems = sorted(smt.hiermems(topmod))
+ for mempath in mems:
+ abits, width, ports = smt.mem_info(topmod, "s0", mempath)
+ mem = smt.mem_expr(topmod, "s0", mempath)
+ addr_expr_list = list()
+ for i in range(steps):
+ for j in range(ports):
+ addr_expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(topmod, "s%d" % i, mempath, j))
+ addr_list = set()
+ for val in smt.get_list(addr_expr_list):
+ addr_list.add(smt.bv2int(val))
+ expr_list = list()
+ for i in addr_list:
+ expr_list.append("(select %s #b%s)" % (mem, format(i, "0%db" % abits)))
+ for i, val in zip(addr_list, smt.get_list(expr_list)):
+ print("assume (= (select [%s] #b%s) %s)" % (".".join(mempath), format(i, "0%db" % abits), val), file=f)
+ pi_names = [[name] for name, _ in primary_inputs]
+ pi_values = smt.get_net_list(topmod, pi_names, "s%d" % k)
+ for name, val in zip(pi_names, pi_values):
+ print("assume (= [%s] %s)" % (".".join(name), val), file=f)
def write_trace(steps):
if vcdfile is not None:
if vlogtbfile is not None:
+ if outconstr is not None:
+ write_constr_trace(steps)
def print_failed_asserts(mod, state, path):
assert mod in smt.modinfo