-\frame{\frametitle{Additional Simple-V features}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item "fail-on-first" (POWER9 VSX strncpy segfaults on boundary!)
- \item "Twin Predication" (covers VSPLAT, VGATHER, VSCATTER, VINDEX etc.)
- \item SVP64: extensive "tag" (Vector context) augmentation
- \item "Context propagation": a VLIW-like context. Allows contexts
- to be repeatedly applied.
- Effectively a "hardware compression algorithm" for ISAs.
- \item Ultimate goal: cut down I-Cache usage, cuts down on power
- \item Typical GPU has its own I-Cache and small shaders.\\
- \textit{We are a Hybrid CPU/GPU: I-Cache is not separate!}
- \item Needs to go through OpenPOWER Foundation `approval'
- \end{itemize}
\item "TODO