} else if(options::unsatCores()) {
Expr e = d_cnfProof->getAssertion(d_satProof->d_inputClauses[id] & 0xffffffff);
Debug("cores") << "core input assertion from CnfStream is " << e << std::endl;
- Debug("cores") << "with proof rule " << ((d_satProof->d_inputClauses[id] & 0xffffffff00000000) >> 32) << std::endl;
+ Debug("cores") << "with proof rule " << ((d_satProof->d_inputClauses[id] & 0xffffffff00000000llu) >> 32) << std::endl;
// Invalid proof rules are currently used for parts of CVC4 that don't
// support proofs (these are e.g. unproven theory lemmas) or don't need
// proofs (e.g. split lemmas). We can ignore these safely when
// constructing unsat cores.
- if(((d_satProof->d_inputClauses[id] & 0xffffffff00000000) >> 32) != RULE_INVALID) {
+ if(((d_satProof->d_inputClauses[id] & 0xffffffff00000000llu) >> 32) != RULE_INVALID) {
// trace dependences back to actual assertions
if(options::proof() || options::unsatCores()) {
// Encode the assertion ID in the proof_id to store with generated clauses.
uint64_t assertionTableIndex = d_assertionTable.size();
- Assert((uint64_t(proof_id) & 0xffffffff00000000) == 0 && (assertionTableIndex & 0xffffffff00000000) == 0, "proof_id/table_index collision");
+ Assert((uint64_t(proof_id) & 0xffffffff00000000llu) == 0 && (assertionTableIndex & 0xffffffff00000000llu) == 0, "proof_id/table_index collision");
d_proofId = assertionTableIndex | (uint64_t(proof_id) << 32);
d_assertionTable.push_back(from.isNull() ? node : from);
Debug("cores") << "cnf ix " << assertionTableIndex << " asst " << node << " proof_id " << proof_id << " from " << from << endl;