* error metric if you'd want to tweak them, they also MUST fit with
* the crappy polynomial above for srgb->linear since it is required
* that each srgb value maps back to the same value).
- * This function has an error of max +-0.17 (and we'd only require +-0.6),
- * for the approximated srgb->linear values the error is naturally larger
+ * This function has an error of max +-0.17. Not sure this is actually
+ * enough, we require +-0.6 but that may include the +-0.5 from integer
+ * conversion. Seems to pass all relevant tests though...
+ * For the approximated srgb->linear values the error is naturally larger
* (+-0.42) but still accurate enough (required +-0.5 essentially).
* All in all (including min/max clamp, conversion) 15 instructions.
* FMA would help (minus 2 instructions).