+from collections import defaultdict
+from fractions import Fraction
import sys
from libc.stdint cimport int32_t, int64_t, uint32_t, uint64_t
term.cterm = self.cterm.iteTerm(then_t.cterm, else_t.cterm)
return term
+ def toPythonObj(self):
+ '''
+ Converts a constant value Term to a Python object.
+ Requires isConst to hold.
+ Currently supports:
+ Boolean -- returns a Python bool
+ Int -- returns a Python int
+ Real -- returns a Python Fraction
+ BV -- returns a Python int (treats BV as unsigned)
+ Array -- returns a Python dict mapping indices to values
+ -- the constant base is returned as the default value
+ '''
+ if not self.isConst():
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot call toPythonObj on a non-const Term")
+ string_repr = self.cterm.toString().decode()
+ assert string_repr
+ sort = self.getSort()
+ res = None
+ if sort.isBoolean():
+ if string_repr == "true":
+ res = True
+ else:
+ assert string_repr == "false"
+ res = False
+ elif sort.isInteger():
+ updated_string_repr = string_repr.strip('()').replace(' ', '')
+ try:
+ res = int(updated_string_repr)
+ except:
+ raise ValueError("Failed to convert"
+ " {} to an int".format(string_repr))
+ elif sort.isReal():
+ updated_string_repr = string_repr
+ try:
+ # expecting format (/ a b)
+ # note: a or b could be negated: (- a)
+ splits = [s.strip('()/')
+ for s in updated_string_repr.strip('()/') \
+ .replace('(- ', '(-').split()]
+ assert len(splits) == 2
+ num = int(splits[0])
+ den = int(splits[1])
+ res = Fraction(num, den)
+ except:
+ raise ValueError("Failed to convert "
+ "{} to a Fraction".format(string_repr))
+ elif sort.isBitVector():
+ # expecting format #b<bits>
+ assert string_repr[:2] == "#b"
+ python_bin_repr = "0" + string_repr[1:]
+ try:
+ res = int(python_bin_repr, 2)
+ except:
+ raise ValueError("Failed to convert bitvector "
+ "{} to an int".format(string_repr))
+ elif sort.isArray():
+ keys = []
+ values = []
+ base_value = None
+ to_visit = [self]
+ # Array models are represented as a series of store operations
+ # on a constant array
+ while to_visit:
+ t = to_visit.pop()
+ if t.getKind() == kinds.Store:
+ # save the mappings
+ keys.append(t[1].toPythonObj())
+ values.append(t[2].toPythonObj())
+ to_visit.append(t[0])
+ else:
+ assert t.getKind() == kinds.ConstArray
+ base_value = t.getConstArrayBase().toPythonObj()
+ assert len(keys) == len(values)
+ assert base_value is not None
+ # put everything in a dictionary with the constant
+ # base as the result for any index not included in the stores
+ res = defaultdict(lambda : base_value)
+ for k, v in zip(keys, values):
+ res[k] = v
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot convert term {}"
+ " of sort {} to Python object".format(string_repr,
+ sort))
+ assert res is not None
+ return res
# Generate rounding modes
cdef __rounding_modes = {
--- /dev/null
+from fractions import Fraction
+import pytest
+import pycvc4
+from pycvc4 import kinds
+def testGetBool():
+ solver = pycvc4.Solver()
+ t = solver.mkTrue()
+ f = solver.mkFalse()
+ assert t.toPythonObj() == True
+ assert f.toPythonObj() == False
+def testGetInt():
+ solver = pycvc4.Solver()
+ two = solver.mkReal(2)
+ assert two.toPythonObj() == 2
+def testGetReal():
+ solver = pycvc4.Solver()
+ half = solver.mkReal("1/2")
+ assert half.toPythonObj() == Fraction(1, 2)
+ neg34 = solver.mkReal("-3/4")
+ assert neg34.toPythonObj() == Fraction(-3, 4)
+ neg1 = solver.mkReal("-1")
+ assert neg1.toPythonObj() == -1
+def testGetBV():
+ solver = pycvc4.Solver()
+ three = solver.mkBitVector(8, 3)
+ assert three.toPythonObj() == 3
+def testGetArray():
+ solver = pycvc4.Solver()
+ arrsort = solver.mkArraySort(solver.getRealSort(), solver.getRealSort())
+ zero_array = solver.mkConstArray(arrsort, solver.mkReal(0))
+ stores = solver.mkTerm(kinds.Store, zero_array, solver.mkReal(1), solver.mkReal(2))
+ stores = solver.mkTerm(kinds.Store, stores, solver.mkReal(2), solver.mkReal(3))
+ stores = solver.mkTerm(kinds.Store, stores, solver.mkReal(4), solver.mkReal(5))
+ assert stores.isConst()
+ array_dict = stores.toPythonObj()
+ print(array_dict)
+ assert array_dict[1] == 2
+ assert array_dict[2] == 3
+ assert array_dict[4] == 5
+ # an index that wasn't stored at should give zero
+ assert array_dict[8] == 0
+def testGetSymbol():
+ solver = pycvc4.Solver()
+ x = solver.mkConst(solver.getBooleanSort(), "x")
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
+ x.toPythonObj()