def __init__(self, shift_dict):
self.shift_dict = shift_dict
+ # By default gpio set as input
self.shift_dict = self._create_shift_dict()
self.n_gpios = len(self.dut.gpio_ports)
- # Since GPIO HDL block already has wordsize parameter, use directly
- # Alternatively, can derive from WB data r/w buses (div by 8 for bytes)
- #self.wordsize = len(self.dut.gpio_wb__dat_w) / 8
- self.wordsize = self.dut.wordsize
- self.n_rows = ceil(self.n_gpios / self.wordsize)
+ # Get the number of bits of the WB sel signal
+ # indicates the number of gpios per address
+ self.n_gp_per_adr = len(self.dut.bus.sel)
+ # Shows if data is byte/half-word/word/qword addressable?
+ self.granuality = len(self.dut.bus.dat_w) // self.n_gp_per_adr
+ self.n_rows = ceil(self.n_gpios / self.n_gp_per_adr)
self.shadow_csr = []
for i in range(self.n_gpios):
def print_info(self):
print("GPIO Block Info:")
- print("Number of GPIOs: {}".format(self.n_gpios))
- print("WB Data bus width (in bytes): {}".format(self.wordsize))
- print("Number of rows: {}".format(self.n_rows))
+ print("Number of GPIOs: %d" % self.n_gpios)
+ print("GPIOs per WB data word: %d" % self.n_gp_per_adr)
+ print("WB data granuality: %d" % self.granuality)
+ print("Number of address rows: %d" % self.n_rows)
# The shifting of control bits in the configuration word is dependent on the
self.shadow_csr[gpio].set(oe, ie, puen, pden, io, bank)
return oe, ie, puen, pden, io, bank
- def rd_csr(self, row_start):
- row_word = yield from wb_read(self.wb_bus, row_start)
- print("Returned CSR: {0:x}".format(row_word))
- return row_word
- # Update a single row of configuration registers
- def wr_row(self, row_addr, check=False):
- curr_gpio = row_addr * self.wordsize
- config_word = 0
- for byte in range(0, self.wordsize):
- if curr_gpio >= self.n_gpios:
- break
- config_word += self.shadow_csr[curr_gpio].packed << (8 * byte)
- #print("Reading GPIO{} shadow reg".format(curr_gpio))
- curr_gpio += 1
- print("Writing shadow CSRs val {0:x} to row addr {1:x}"
- .format(config_word, row_addr))
- yield from wb_write(self.wb_bus, row_addr, config_word)
- yield # Allow one clk cycle to propagate
- if(check):
- read_word = yield from self.rd_row(row_addr)
- assert config_word == read_word
- # Read a single address row of GPIO CSRs, and update shadow
- def rd_row(self, row_addr):
- read_word = yield from self.rd_csr(row_addr)
- curr_gpio = row_addr * self.wordsize
- single_csr = 0
- for byte in range(0, self.wordsize):
- if curr_gpio >= self.n_gpios:
- break
- single_csr = (read_word >> (8 * byte)) & 0xFF
- #print("Updating GPIO{0} shadow reg to {1:x}"
- # .format(curr_gpio, single_csr))
- self.update_single_shadow(single_csr, curr_gpio)
- curr_gpio += 1
- return read_word
+ # Update multiple configuration registers
+ def wr(self, gp_start, gp_end, check=False):
+ # Some maths to determine how many transactions, and at which
+ # address to start transmitting
+ n_gp_config = gp_end - gp_start
+ adr_start = gp_start // self.n_gp_per_adr
+ n_adr = ceil(n_gp_config / self.n_gp_per_adr)
+ curr_gpio = gp_start
+ # cycle through addresses, each iteration is a WB tx
+ for adr in range(adr_start, adr_start + n_adr):
+ tx_sel = 0
+ tx_word = 0
+ # cycle through every WB sel bit, and add configs of
+ # corresponding gpios
+ for i in range(0, self.n_gp_per_adr):
+ # if current gpio's location in the WB data word matches sel bit
+ if (curr_gpio % self.n_gp_per_adr) == i:
+ print("gpio%d" % curr_gpio)
+ tx_sel += 1 << i
+ tx_word += (self.shadow_csr[curr_gpio].packed
+ << (self.granuality * i))
+ curr_gpio += 1
+ # stop if we processed all required gpios
+ if curr_gpio >= gp_end:
+ break
+ print("Adr: %x | Sel: %x | TX Word: %x" % (adr, tx_sel, tx_word))
+ yield from wb_write(self.wb_bus, adr, tx_word, tx_sel)
+ yield # Allow one clk cycle to propagate
+ if(check):
+ row_word = yield from wb_read(self.wb_bus, adr, tx_sel)
+ assert config_word == read_word
+ def rd(self, gp_start, gp_end):
+ # Some maths to determine how many transactions, and at which
+ # address to start transmitting
+ n_gp_config = gp_end - gp_start
+ adr_start = gp_start // self.n_gp_per_adr
+ n_adr = ceil(n_gp_config / self.n_gp_per_adr)
+ curr_gpio = gp_start
+ # cycle through addresses, each iteration is a WB tx
+ for adr in range(adr_start, adr_start + n_adr):
+ tx_sel = 0
+ # cycle through every WB sel bit, and add configs of
+ # corresponding gpios
+ for i in range(0, self.n_gp_per_adr):
+ # if current gpio's location in the WB data word matches sel bit
+ if (curr_gpio % self.n_gp_per_adr) == i:
+ print("gpio%d" % curr_gpio)
+ tx_sel += 1 << i
+ curr_gpio += 1
+ # stop if we processed all required gpios
+ if curr_gpio >= gp_end:
+ break
+ print("Adr: %x | Sel: %x " % (adr, tx_sel))
+ row_word = yield from wb_read(self.wb_bus, adr, tx_sel)
+ mask = (2**self.granuality) - 1
+ for i in range(self.n_gp_per_adr):
+ if ((tx_sel >> i) & 1) == 1:
+ single_csr = (row_word >> (i*self.granuality)) & mask
+ curr_gpio = adr*self.n_gp_per_adr + i
+ #print("rd gpio%d" % curr_gpio)
+ self.update_single_shadow(single_csr, curr_gpio)
# Write all shadow registers to GPIO block
def wr_all(self, check=False):
for row in range(0, self.n_rows):
- yield from self.wr_row(row, check)
+ yield from self.wr(0, self.n_gpios, check)
# Read all GPIO block row addresses and update shadow reg's
def rd_all(self, check=False):
for row in range(0, self.n_rows):
- yield from self.rd_row(row, check)
+ yield from self.rd(0, self.n_gpios)
def config(self, gpio_str, oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank, check=False):
start, end = self._parse_gpio_arg(gpio_str)
# print(oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank)
self.shadow_csr[gpio].set(oe, ie, puen, pden, outval, bank)
# TODO: only update the required rows?
- yield from self.wr_all()
+ #yield from self.wr_all()
+ yield from self.wr(start, end)
# Set/Clear the output bit for single or group of GPIOs
def set_out(self, gpio_str, outval):
print("Setting GPIOs {0}-{1} output to {2}"
.format(start, end-1, outval))
- yield from self.wr_all()
+ yield from self.wr(start, end)
- def rd_input(self, gpio_str): # REWORK
+ def rd_input(self, gpio_str):
start, end = self._parse_gpio_arg(gpio_str)
- curr_gpio = 0
- # Too difficult to think about, just read all configs
- #start_row = floor(start / self.wordsize)
- # Hack because end corresponds to range limit, but maybe on same row
- # TODO: clean
- #end_row = floor( (end-1) / self.wordsize) + 1
- read_data = [0] * self.n_rows
- for row in range(0, self.n_rows):
- read_data[row] = yield from self.rd_row(row)
+ #read_data = [0] * self.n_rows
+ #for row in range(0, self.n_rows):
+ # read_data[row] = yield from self.rd_row(row)
+ yield from self.rd(start, end)
num_to_read = (end - start)
read_in = [0] * num_to_read
read_in[i] = self.shadow_csr[curr_gpio].io
curr_gpio += 1
- print("GPIOs {0} until {1}, i={2}".format(start, end, read_in))
+ print("GPIOs %d until %d, i=%s".format(start, end, read_in))
return read_in
# TODO: There's probably a cleaner way to clear the bit...
pden = 1
outval = 0
bank = 3
- yield from gpios.config("0-3", oe=1, ie=0, puen=0, pden=1, outval=0, bank=2)
+ yield from gpios.config("0-1", oe=1, ie=0, puen=0, pden=1, outval=0, bank=2)
ie = 1
- yield from gpios.config("4-7", oe=0, ie=1, puen=0, pden=1, outval=0, bank=6)
+ yield from gpios.config("5-7", oe=0, ie=1, puen=0, pden=1, outval=0, bank=6)
yield from gpios.set_out("0-1", outval=1)
#yield from gpios.rd_all()