This mode merges common CR testing with predication, saving on instruction
count. Below is the pseudocode excluding predicate zeroing and elwidth
-overrides. Note that the paeudocode for [[sv/cr_ops]] is slightly different.
+overrides. Note that the pseudocode for [[sv/cr_ops]] is slightly different.
for i in range(VL):
# predication test, skip all masked out elements.
Note that predication is still respected: predicate zeroing is slightly
different: elements that fail the CR test *or* are masked out are zero'd.
-## pred-result mode on CR ops
-CR operations (mtcr, crand, cror) may be Vectorised,
-predicated, and also pred-result mode applied to it.
-Vectorisation applies to 4-bit CR Fields which are treated as
-elements, not the individual bits of the 32-bit CR.
-CR ops and how to identify them is described in [[sv/cr_ops]]