nir_ssa_def *
vtn_pointer_to_ssa(struct vtn_builder *b, struct vtn_pointer *ptr)
- /* This pointer needs to have a pointer type with actual storage */
- vtn_assert(ptr->ptr_type);
- vtn_assert(ptr->ptr_type->type);
- if (!ptr->offset) {
- /* If we don't have an offset then we must be a pointer to the variable
- * itself.
- */
- vtn_assert(!ptr->offset && !ptr->block_index);
+ if (vtn_pointer_uses_ssa_offset(b, ptr)) {
+ /* This pointer needs to have a pointer type with actual storage */
+ vtn_assert(ptr->ptr_type);
+ vtn_assert(ptr->ptr_type->type);
+ if (!ptr->offset) {
+ /* If we don't have an offset then we must be a pointer to the variable
+ * itself.
+ */
+ vtn_assert(!ptr->offset && !ptr->block_index);
- struct vtn_access_chain chain = {
- .length = 0,
- };
- ptr = vtn_ssa_offset_pointer_dereference(b, ptr, &chain);
- }
+ struct vtn_access_chain chain = {
+ .length = 0,
+ };
+ ptr = vtn_ssa_offset_pointer_dereference(b, ptr, &chain);
+ }
- vtn_assert(ptr->offset);
- if (ptr->block_index) {
- vtn_assert(ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_ubo ||
- ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_ssbo);
- return nir_vec2(&b->nb, ptr->block_index, ptr->offset);
+ vtn_assert(ptr->offset);
+ if (ptr->block_index) {
+ vtn_assert(ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_ubo ||
+ ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_ssbo);
+ return nir_vec2(&b->nb, ptr->block_index, ptr->offset);
+ } else {
+ vtn_assert(ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_workgroup);
+ return ptr->offset;
+ }
} else {
- vtn_assert(ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_workgroup);
- return ptr->offset;
+ return &vtn_pointer_to_deref(b, ptr)->dest.ssa;
vtn_assert(ssa->num_components <= 2 && ssa->bit_size == 32);
vtn_assert(ptr_type->base_type == vtn_base_type_pointer);
- vtn_assert(ptr_type->deref->base_type != vtn_base_type_pointer);
- /* This pointer type needs to have actual storage */
- vtn_assert(ptr_type->type);
+ struct vtn_type *interface_type = ptr_type->deref;
+ while (interface_type->base_type == vtn_base_type_array)
+ interface_type = interface_type->array_element;
struct vtn_pointer *ptr = rzalloc(b, struct vtn_pointer);
+ nir_variable_mode nir_mode;
ptr->mode = vtn_storage_class_to_mode(b, ptr_type->storage_class,
- ptr_type, NULL);
+ interface_type, &nir_mode);
ptr->type = ptr_type->deref;
ptr->ptr_type = ptr_type;
- if (ssa->num_components > 1) {
+ if (ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_ubo ||
+ ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_ssbo) {
+ /* This pointer type needs to have actual storage */
+ vtn_assert(ptr_type->type);
vtn_assert(ssa->num_components == 2);
- vtn_assert(ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_ubo ||
- ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_ssbo);
ptr->block_index = nir_channel(&b->nb, ssa, 0);
ptr->offset = nir_channel(&b->nb, ssa, 1);
- } else {
+ } else if (ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_workgroup ||
+ ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_push_constant) {
+ /* This pointer type needs to have actual storage */
+ vtn_assert(ptr_type->type);
vtn_assert(ssa->num_components == 1);
- vtn_assert(ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_workgroup ||
- ptr->mode == vtn_variable_mode_push_constant);
ptr->block_index = NULL;
ptr->offset = ssa;
+ } else {
+ ptr->deref = nir_build_deref_cast(&b->nb, ssa, nir_mode,
+ ptr_type->deref->type);
return ptr;