# Resource spending options for SPARK
expert-option rewriteStep rewrite-step --rewrite-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent for each rewrite step
+ amount of resources spent for each rewrite step
expert-option theoryCheckStep theory-check-step --theory-check-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent for each theory check call
+ amount of resources spent for each theory check call
expert-option decisionStep decision-step --decision-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of getNext decision calls in the decision engine
+ amount of getNext decision calls in the decision engine
expert-option bitblastStep bitblast-step --bitblast-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent for each bitblast step
+ amount of resources spent for each bitblast step
expert-option parseStep parse-step --parse-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent for each command/expression parsing
+ amount of resources spent for each command/expression parsing
expert-option lemmaStep lemma-step --lemma-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent when adding lemmas
+ amount of resources spent when adding lemmas
expert-option restartStep restart-step --restart-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent for each theory restart
+ amount of resources spent for each theory restart
expert-option cnfStep cnf-step --cnf-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent for each call to cnf conversion
+ amount of resources spent for each call to cnf conversion
expert-option preprocessStep preprocess-step --preprocess-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent for each preprocessing step in SmtEngine
+ amount of resources spent for each preprocessing step in SmtEngine
expert-option quantifierStep quantifier-step --quantifier-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent for quantifier instantiations
+ amount of resources spent for quantifier instantiations
expert-option satConflictStep sat-conflict-step --sat-conflict-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent for each sat conflict (main sat solver)
+ amount of resources spent for each sat conflict (main sat solver)
expert-option bvSatConflictStep bv-sat-conflict-step --bv-sat-conflict-step unsigned :default 1
- ammount of resources spent for each sat conflict (bitvectors)
+ amount of resources spent for each sat conflict (bitvectors)
expert-option rewriteApplyToConst rewrite-apply-to-const --rewrite-apply-to-const bool :default false
operator LAMBDA 2 "a lambda expression; first parameter is a BOUND_VAR_LIST, second is lambda body"
-parameterized CHAIN CHAIN_OP 2: "chained operator (N-ary), turned into a conjuction of binary applications of the operator on adjoining parameters; first parameter is a CHAIN_OP representing a binary operator, rest are arguments to that operator"
+parameterized CHAIN CHAIN_OP 2: "chained operator (N-ary), turned into a conjunction of binary applications of the operator on adjoining parameters; first parameter is a CHAIN_OP representing a binary operator, rest are arguments to that operator"
constant CHAIN_OP \
::CVC4::Chain \
::CVC4::ChainHashFunction \