submodule, `ALUMainStage`. This is fairly basic `nmigen` material,
so I won't spend any more time on this.
-#### CompALUOpSubset
+#### `CompALUOpSubset`
`CompALUOpSubset` is, ultimately, an `nmigen`
The record must be connected directly to the module via a signal assignment;
[see line 62 of the source listing.](;a=blob;f=src/soc/fu/alu/formal/;h=5e70d1e885b41ca50d69f57e9ee94b568d001c2e;hb=HEAD#l62)
-#### ALUPipeSpec
+#### `ALUPipeSpec`
`ALUPipeSpec` is a similar construct, but it serves a different role than the above class.
Looking at its