0x1: PredImmOp::subi_uop({{ Raddr = Rn - rotated_imm; }},
0x2: ArmLoadMemory::ldr_uop({{ Rd = Mem; }},
- {{ EA = Raddr + disp; }},
+ {{ EA = Raddr + (up ? disp : -disp); }},
inst_flags = [IsMicroop]);
0x3: ArmStoreMemory::str_uop({{ Mem = Rd; }},
- {{ EA = Raddr + disp; }},
+ {{ EA = Raddr + (up ? disp : -disp); }},
inst_flags = [IsMicroop]);
0x4: PredImmOp::addi_rd_uop({{ Rd = Rn + rotated_imm; }},
Rlo = Fd.ud & 0xffffffff; }},
0x2: ArmLoadMemory::ldhi_uop({{ Rhi = Mem; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + disp; }},
+ {{ EA = Rn + (up ? disp : -disp); }},
inst_flags = [IsMicroop]);
0x3: ArmLoadMemory::ldlo_uop({{ Rlo = Mem; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + disp; }},
+ {{ EA = Rn + (up ? disp : -disp); }},
inst_flags = [IsMicroop]);
0x4: ArmStoreMemory::sthi_uop({{ Mem = Rhi; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + disp; }},
+ {{ EA = Rn + (up ? disp : -disp); }},
inst_flags = [IsMicroop]);
0x5: ArmStoreMemory::stlo_uop({{ Mem = Rlo; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + disp; }},
+ {{ EA = Rn + (up ? disp : -disp); }},
inst_flags = [IsMicroop]);
default: Unknown::unknown(); // TODO: Ignore other NV space for now
0xb: WarnUnimpl::mrs_i_spsr();
- 0x2: decode PUBWL {
- // Can always do EA + disp, since we negate disp using the UP flag
- // Post-indexed variants
- 0x00,0x08: ArmStoreMemory::str_({{ Mem = Rd;
- Rn = Rn + disp; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x01,0x09: ArmLoadMemory::ldr_l({{ Rn = Rn + disp;
- Rd = Mem; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x04,0x0c: ArmStoreMemory::strb_b({{ Mem.ub = Rd.ub;
- Rn = Rn + disp; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x05,0x0d: ArmLoadMemory::ldrb_bl({{ Rn = Rn + disp;
- Rd.ub = Mem.ub; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- // Pre-indexed variants
- 0x10,0x18: ArmStoreMemory::str_p({{ Mem = Rd; }});
- 0x11,0x19: ArmLoadMemory::ldr_pl({{ Rd = Mem; }});
- 0x12,0x1a: ArmStoreMemory::str_pw({{ Mem = Rd;
- Rn = Rn + disp; }});
- 0x13,0x1b: ArmLoadMemory::ldr_pwl({{ Rn = Rn + disp;
- Rd = Mem; }});
- 0x14,0x1c: ArmStoreMemory::strb_pb({{ Mem.ub = Rd.ub; }});
- 0x15,0x1d: ArmLoadMemory::ldrb_pbl({{ Rd.ub = Mem.ub; }});
- 0x16,0x1e: ArmStoreMemory::strb_pbw({{ Mem.ub = Rd.ub;
- Rn = Rn + disp; }});
- 0x17,0x1f: ArmLoadMemory::ldrb_pbwl({{ Rn = Rn + disp;
- Rd.ub = Mem.ub; }});
- }
+ 0x2: AddrMode2::addrMode2(Disp, disp);
0x3: decode OPCODE_4 {
- 0: decode PUBWL {
- format ArmStoreMemory {
- 0x00, 0x02: strr_({{ Mem = Rd;
- Rn = Rn - Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x04, 0x06: strr_b({{ Mem = Rd.ub;
- Rn = Rn - Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x08, 0x0a: strr_u({{ Mem = Rd;
- Rn = Rn + Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x0c, 0x0e: strr_ub({{ Mem.ub = Rd.ub;
- Rn = Rn + Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x10: strr_p({{ Mem = Rd; }},
- {{ EA = Rn - Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x12: strr_pw({{ Mem = Rd;
- Rn = Rn - Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn - Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x14: strr_pb({{ Mem.ub = Rd.ub; }},
- {{ EA = Rn - Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x16: strr_pbw({{ Mem.ub = Rd.ub;
- Rn = Rn - Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn - Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x18: strr_pu({{ Mem = Rd; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x1a: strr_puw({{ Mem = Rd;
- Rn = Rn + Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x1c: strr_pub({{ Mem.ub = Rd; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x1e: strr_pubw({{ Mem.ub = Rd;
- Rn = Rn + Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + Rm_Imm; }});
- }
- format ArmLoadMemory {
- 0x01,0x03: ldrr_l({{ Rd = Mem;
- Rn = Rn - Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x05,0x07: ldrr_bl({{ Rd = Mem.ub;
- Rn = Rn - Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x09,0x0b: ldrr_ul({{ Rd = Mem;
- Rn = Rn + Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x0d,0x0f: ldrr_ubl({{ Rd = Mem.ub;
- Rn = Rn + Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn; }});
- 0x11: ldrr_pl({{ Rd = Mem; }},
- {{ EA = Rn - Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x13: ldrr_pwl({{ Rd = Mem;
- Rn = Rn - Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn - Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x15: ldrr_pbl({{ Rd = Mem.ub; }},
- {{ EA = Rn - Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x17: ldrr_pbwl({{ Rd = Mem.ub;
- Rn = Rn - Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn - Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x19: ldrr_pul({{ Rd = Mem; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x1b: ldrr_puwl({{ Rd = Mem;
- Rn = Rn + Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x1d: ldrr_publ({{ Rd = Mem.ub; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + Rm_Imm; }});
- 0x1f: ldrr_pubwl({{ Rd = Mem.ub;
- Rn = Rn + Rm_Imm; }},
- {{ EA = Rn + Rm_Imm; }});
- }
- }
+ 0: AddrMode2::addrMode2(Shift, Rm_Imm);
1: decode MEDIA_OPCODE {
0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7: WarnUnimpl::parallel_add_subtract_instructions();
0x8: decode MISC_OPCODE {
def buildPUBWLCase(p, u, b, w, l):
return (p << 4) + (u << 3) + (b << 2) + (w << 1) + (l << 0)
+ def buildMode2Inst(p, u, b, w, l, suffix, offset):
+ mnem = ("str", "ldr")[l]
+ op = ("-", "+")[u]
+ offset = op + ArmGenericCodeSubs(offset);
+ mem = ("Mem", "Mem.ub")[b]
+ code = ("%s = Rd;", "Rd = %s;")[l] % mem
+ ea_code = "EA = Rn %s;" % ("", offset)[p]
+ if p == 0 or w == 1:
+ code += "Rn = Rn %s;" % offset
+ if p == 0 and w == 0:
+ # Here's where we'll tack on a flag to make this a usermode access.
+ mnem += "t"
+ type = ("Store", "Load")[l]
+ suffix = "_%s_P%dU%dB%dW%d" % (suffix, p, u, b, w)
+ if b == 1:
+ mnem += "b"
+ return LoadStoreBase(mnem, mnem.capitalize() + suffix,
+ ea_code, code, mem_flags = [], inst_flags = [],
+ exec_template_base = type.capitalize())
def buildMode3Inst(p, u, i, w, type, code, mnem):
op = ("-", "+")[u]
offset = ("%s Rm", "%s hilo")[i] % op
exec_template_base = type.capitalize())
+def format AddrMode2(suffix, offset) {{
+ header_output = decoder_output = exec_output = ""
+ decode_block = "switch(PUBWL) {\n"
+ # Loop over all the values of p, u, b, w and l and build instructions and
+ # a decode block for them.
+ for p in (0, 1):
+ for u in (0, 1):
+ for b in (0, 1):
+ for w in (0, 1):
+ for l in (0, 1):
+ (new_header_output,
+ new_decoder_output,
+ new_decode_block,
+ new_exec_output) = buildMode2Inst(p, u, b, w, l,
+ suffix, offset)
+ header_output += new_header_output
+ decoder_output += new_decoder_output
+ exec_output += new_exec_output
+ decode_block += '''
+ case %#x:
+ {%s}
+ break;
+ ''' % (buildPUBWLCase(p,u,b,w,l), new_decode_block)
+ decode_block += '''
+ default:
+ return new Unknown(machInst);
+ break;
+ }'''
def format AddrMode3(l0Type, l0Code, l1Type, l1Code) {{
l0Code = ArmGenericCodeSubs(l0Code);
l1Code = ArmGenericCodeSubs(l1Code);