static IntOption opt_phase_saving (_cat, "phase-saving", "Controls the level of phase saving (0=none, 1=limited, 2=full)", 2, IntRange(0, 2));
static BoolOption opt_rnd_init_act (_cat, "rnd-init", "Randomize the initial activity", false);
static BoolOption opt_luby_restart (_cat, "luby", "Use the Luby restart sequence", true);
-static IntOption opt_restart_first (_cat, "rfirst", "The base restart interval", 100, IntRange(1, INT32_MAX));
-static DoubleOption opt_restart_inc (_cat, "rinc", "Restart interval increase factor", 2, DoubleRange(1, false, HUGE_VAL, false));
+static IntOption opt_restart_first (_cat, "rfirst", "The base restart interval", 25, IntRange(1, INT32_MAX));
+static DoubleOption opt_restart_inc (_cat, "rinc", "Restart interval increase factor", 3, DoubleRange(1, false, HUGE_VAL, false));
static DoubleOption opt_garbage_frac (_cat, "gc-frac", "The fraction of wasted memory allowed before a garbage collection is triggered", 0.20, DoubleRange(0, false, HUGE_VAL, false));
d_minisat = new Minisat::SimpSolver(this, d_context);
// Setup the verbosity
d_minisat->verbosity = (options->verbosity > 0) ? 1 : -1;
- // Do not delete the satisfied clauses, just the learnt ones
- d_minisat->remove_satisfied = false;
// No random choices