(with a basic doc under "doc/"...)
-# Check out the libresoc "soclayout" repository
-See [[HDL_workflow]] for git clone instructions
- $ git clone ssh://gitolite3@git.libre-riscv.org:922/libresoc.git
-TODO further, here.
+# Clone "soclayout" repository and place and route a layout experiment
+In order to do the physical layout of the logical
+netlists generated by yosys we use coriolis and
+alliace installed above by doing the following
+(using experiment9 as an example):
+ $ cd ~/src
+ $ git clone https://git.libre-soc.org/git/soclayout.git
+ $ cd soclayout/
+ $ find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/'lkcl'/'"$USER"'/g' {} \;
+ $ ./mksym.sh
+ $ cd experiments9
+ $ ./mksym.sh
+ $ yosys
+ yosys> read_ilang test_issuer.il
+ yosys> heirarchy -check -top test_issuer
+ yosys> synth -top test_issuer
+ yosys> dfflibmap -liberty /home/USERNAME/alliance/install/cells/sxlib/sxlib.lib
+ yosys> abc -liberty /home/USERNAME/alliance/install/cells/sxlib/sxlib.lib
+ yosys> clean
+ yosys> write_blif test_issuer.blif
+ yosys> exit
+ $ make layout (will take between 20min and 2 hours depending on your hardware)
+ $ make view
+A window should open with with contents that look like this (pretty isn't it?)
+[[!img 180nm_Oct2020/2020-07-03_11-04.png ]]
# Issues running from (e.g.) archlinux as host and debian as a chroot