tex_out/transcendentals.tex \
tex_out/atomics.tex \
tex_out/vector_isas.tex \
+ tex_out/comparison_table.tex \
# Does this umbrella rule need to be modified?
tex: $(SOURCE_TEX)
mkdir -p tex_out
+tex_out/comparison_table.tex : sv/comparison_table.mdwn
+ mkdir -p tex_out
+ pandoc -f markdown -t latex --top-level-division=section \
+ --filter pandoc_img.py \
+ -N -o tex_out/comparison_table.tex sv/comparison_table.mdwn
tex_out/vector_isas.tex : sv/vector_isa_comparison.mdwn
mkdir -p tex_out
pandoc -f markdown -t latex --top-level-division=section \
\chapter{Other Vector ISAs}\hypertarget{svux2fvector_isa_comparison}{}
+\chapter{Comparison Table}\hypertarget{svux2fcomparison_table}{}
\chapter{Compliancy Levels}\hypertarget{svux2fcompliancy_levels}{}
* <https://www.sigarch.org/simd-instructions-considered-harmful/>
* [[sv/vector_isa_comparison]] - a list of Packed SIMD, GPU,
and other Scalable Vector ISAs
+* [[sv/comparison_table]] - a one-off (experimental) table comparing ISAs
* [[simple_v_extension]] old (deprecated) version
* [[openpower/sv/llvm]]