make no sense in a Vectorisation Context have been removed. These removed
POs can, *in the SV Vector Context only*, be assigned to alternative
(Vectorised-only) instructions, including future extensions.
+EXT04 retains the scalar `madd*` operations but would have all PackedSIMD
+(aka VSX) operations removed.
Note, again, to emphasise: outside of svp64 these opcodes **do not**
change. When not prefixed with svp64 these opcodes **specifically**
| 000 | 001 | 010 | 011 | 100 | 101 | 110 | 111
-000 | | | | | | | | mulli | 000
+000 | | | | | EXT04 | | | mulli | 000
001 | subfic | | cmpli | cmpi | addic | addic. | addi | addis | 001
010 | bc/l/a | | | EXT19 | rlwimi| rlwinm | | rlwnm | 010
011 | ori | oris | xori | xoris | andi. | andis. | EXT30 | EXT31 | 011