commit confuses several unrelated changes, not only the diff is larger
than it should be, the reversion process becomes extremely painful.
+### PHP-style python format-strings
+As the name suggests, "PHP-style" is not given as a compliment.
+Format-strings - `f"{variable} {pythoncodefragment}" are a nightmare
+to read. The lesson from PHP, Zope and Plone: when code is embedded,
+the purpose of the formatting - the separation of the format from
+the data to be placed in it - is merged, and consequently become
+By contrast, let us imagine a situation where 12 variables need to
+be inserted into a string, four of which are the same variablename:
+ x = "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (var1, var2, var3,
+ var3, var4, var2,
+ var1, var9, var1,
+ var3, var4, var1)
+This is just as unreadable, but for different reasons. Here it *is*
+useful to do this as:
+ x = f"{var1} {var2} {var3}" \
+ ...
+ f"{var3} {var4} {var1}"
+As a general rule, though, format-specifiers should be strongly
+avoided, given that they mix even variable-names directly inside
+a string.
+This additionally gives text editors (and online web syntax
+highlighters) the opportunity to colour syntax-highlight the
+ASCII string (the format) from the variables to be inserted *into*
+that format. gitweb for example (used by this project) cannot
+highlight string-formatted code.
+It turns out that colour is processed by the **opposite** hemisphere
+of the brain from written language. Thus, colour-syntax-highlighting
+is not just a "nice-to-have", it's **vital** for easier and faster
+identification of context and an aid to rapid understanding.
+Anything that interferes with that - such as python format-strings -
+has to take a back seat, regardless of its perceived benefits.
### PEP8 format
* all code needs to conform to pep8. use either pep8checker or better