# Configuration editors (menuconfig, ...)
+# Apply the kconfig fixups right after exiting the configurators, so
+# that the user always sees a .config file that is clean wrt. our
+# requirements.
+# Because commands in $(1)_FIXUP_KCONFIG are probably using $(@D), we
+# fake it for the configurators (otherwise it is set to just '.', i.e.
+# the current directory where make is run, which happens to be in
+# $(TOPDIR), because the target of the rule is not an actual file, so
+# does not have any path component).
+$$(addprefix $(1)-,$$($(2)_KCONFIG_EDITORS)): @D=$$($(2)_DIR)
$$(addprefix $(1)-,$$($(2)_KCONFIG_EDITORS)): $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_kconfig_fixup_done
$$($(2)_MAKE_ENV) $$(MAKE) -C $$($(2)_DIR) \
$$($(2)_KCONFIG_OPTS) $$(subst $(1)-,,$$@)
rm -f $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_{kconfig_fixup_done,configured,built}
rm -f $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_{target,staging,images}_installed
+ $$(call $(2)_FIXUP_DOT_CONFIG)
$(1)-savedefconfig: $$($(2)_DIR)/.stamp_kconfig_fixup_done
$$($(2)_MAKE_ENV) $$(MAKE) -C $$($(2)_DIR) \