\item Take existing search algorithms and optimise a Vector ISA
- (at the hardware level) to\rincrease energy efficiency
+ (at the hardware level) toincrease energy efficiency
\item Whilst normally a software developer has to make the best
out of the situation of being provided with a "fait-accomplit"
ISA (ARM, x86, MIPS) and attempt to optimise Search
- \r algorithms for it, we aim to turn it around: work out what
- \r features of an ISA, if added,\r would make the same algorithms
- \r much more power-efficient.
+ algorithms for it, we aim to turn it around: work out what
+ features of an ISA, if added, would make the same algorithms
+ much more power-efficient.
\item RED: Hardware/ISA concepts and project management\\
\item VectorCamp: Algorithm analysis and concepts\\