updated (which is unconditional in v3.0B when LK=1, and conditional
in SVP64 when LRu=1).
+Inline comments highlight the fact that the Scalar Branch behaviour
+and pseudocode is still clearly visible and embedded within the
+Vectorised variant:
if (mode_is_64bit) then M <- 0
else M <- 32
+# the bit of CR to test, if the predicate bit is zero,
+# is overridden
testbit = CR[BI+32]
if ¬predicate_bit then testbit = SVRMmode.SNZ
+# otherwise apart from the override ctr_ok and cond_ok
+# are exactly the same
ctr_ok <- BO[2] | ((CTR[M:63] != 0) ^ BO[3])
cond_ok <- BO[0] | ¬(testbit ^ BO[1])
if ¬predicate_bit & ¬SVRMmode.sz then
+ # this is entirely new: CTR-test mode still decrements CTR
+ # even when predicate-bits are zero
if ¬BO[2] & CTRtest & ¬CTi then
CTR = CTR - 1
# instruction finishes here
+ # usual BO[2] CTR-mode now under CTR-test mode as well
if ¬BO[2] & ¬(CTRtest & (cond_ok ^ CTi)) then CTR <- CTR - 1
+ # new VLset mode, conditional test truncates VL
if VLSET and VSb = (cond_ok & ctr_ok) then
if SVRMmode.VLI then SVSTATE.VL = srcstep+1
else SVSTATE.VL = srcstep
+ # usual LR is now conditional, but also joined by SVLR
lr_ok <- LK
svlr_ok <- SVRMmode.SL
if ctr_ok & cond_ok then