--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+LED Blink project for Anlogic Lichee Tang board.
+Follow the install instructions for the Tang Dynasty IDE from given link below.
+set TD_HOME env variable to the full path to the TD <TD Install Directory> as follow.
+export TD_HOME=<TD Install Directory>
+then run "bash build.sh" in this directory.
--- /dev/null
+set -ex
+yosys demo.ys
+$TD_HOME/bin/td build.tcl
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--- /dev/null
+import_device eagle_s20.db -package BG256
+read_verilog full.v -top demo
+read_adc demo.adc
+report_area -io_info -file demo_phy.area
+bitgen -bit demo.bit -version 0X00 -g ucode:00000000000000000000000000000000
--- /dev/null
+set_pin_assignment {CLK_IN} { LOCATION = K14; } ##24MHZ
+set_pin_assignment {R_LED} { LOCATION = R3; } ##R_LED
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--- /dev/null
+module demo (
+ input wire CLK_IN,
+ output wire R_LED
+ parameter time1 = 30'd12_000_000;
+ reg led_state;
+ reg [29:0] count;
+ always @(posedge CLK_IN)begin
+ if(count == time1)begin
+ count<= 30'd0;
+ led_state <= ~led_state;
+ end
+ else
+ count <= count + 1'b1;
+ end
+ assign R_LED = led_state;
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--- /dev/null
+read_verilog demo.v
+synth_anlogic -top demo
+write_verilog full.v
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