bool param_mode;
std::string buf_type, buf_in, buf_out;
+ std::map<RTLIL::IdString, std::pair<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::IdString>> unbuf_types;
std::string true_type, true_out, false_type, false_out;
BlifDumperConfig() : icells_mode(false), conn_mode(false), impltf_mode(false), gates_mode(false), param_mode(false) { }
RTLIL::Cell *cell = cell_it.second;
+ if (config->unbuf_types.count(cell->type)) {
+ auto portnames = config->>type);
+ f << stringf(".names %s %s\n1 1\n",
+ cstr(cell->getPort(portnames.first)), cstr(cell->getPort(portnames.second)));
+ continue;
+ }
if (!config->icells_mode && cell->type == "$_NOT_") {
f << stringf(".names %s %s\n0 1\n",
cstr(cell->getPort("\\A")), cstr(cell->getPort("\\Y")));
log(" -buf <cell-type> <in-port> <out-port>\n");
log(" use cells of type <cell-type> with the specified port names for buffers\n");
+ log(" -unbuf <cell-type> <in-port> <out-port>\n");
+ log(" replace buffer cells with the specified name and port names with\n");
+ log(" a .names statement that models a buffer\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -true <cell-type> <out-port>\n");
log(" -false <cell-type> <out-port>\n");
log(" use the specified cell types to drive nets that are constant 1 or 0\n");
config.buf_out = args[++argidx];
+ if (args[argidx] == "-unbuf" && argidx+3 < args.size()) {
+ RTLIL::IdString unbuf_type = RTLIL::escape_id(args[++argidx]);
+ RTLIL::IdString unbuf_in = RTLIL::escape_id(args[++argidx]);
+ RTLIL::IdString unbuf_out = RTLIL::escape_id(args[++argidx]);
+ config.unbuf_types[unbuf_type] = std::pair<RTLIL::IdString, RTLIL::IdString>(unbuf_in, unbuf_out);
+ continue;
+ }
if (args[argidx] == "-true" && argidx+2 < args.size()) {
config.true_type = args[++argidx];
config.true_out = args[++argidx];