vec4_gs_visitor v(compiler, log_data, &c, prog_data, shader,
mem_ctx, true /* no_spills */, shader_time_index);
+ /* Backup 'nr_params' and 'param' as they can be modified by the
+ * the DUAL_OBJECT visitor. If it fails, we will run the fallback
+ * (DUAL_INSTANCED or SINGLE mode) and we need to restore original
+ * values.
+ */
+ const unsigned param_count = prog_data->base.base.nr_params;
+ gl_constant_value **param = ralloc_array(NULL, gl_constant_value*,
+ param_count);
+ memcpy(param, prog_data->base.base.param,
+ sizeof(gl_constant_value*) * param_count);
if ( {
+ /* Success! Backup is not needed */
+ ralloc_free(param);
return brw_vec4_generate_assembly(compiler, log_data, mem_ctx,
shader, &prog_data->base, v.cfg,
+ } else {
+ /* These variables could be modified by the execution of the GS
+ * visitor if it packed the uniforms in the push constant buffer.
+ * As it failed, we need restore them so we can start again with
+ *
+ * FIXME: Could more variables be modified by this execution?
+ */
+ memcpy(prog_data->base.base.param, param,
+ sizeof(gl_constant_value*) * param_count);
+ prog_data->base.base.nr_params = param_count;
+ ralloc_free(param);