+# Why not have TRAP-ISANS as a vector table, matching mtvec? <a name="trap-isans-vec"></a>
+Use case to be determined. Rather than be a global per-priv-level value,
+TRAP-ISANS is a table of length exactly equal to the mtvec/utvec/stvec table,
+with corresponding entries that specify the assembly-code namespace in which
+the trap handler routine is written.
+Open question: see <https://groups.google.com/a/groups.riscv.org/d/msg/isa-dev/IAhyOqEZoWA/BM0G3J2zBgAJ>
+ if (ISANS != TRAP_ISANS[xcause]) // musn't change if already there
+ {
+ LAST-ISANS = ISANS // record the old NS
+ ISANS = TRAP_ISANS[xcause] // traps are executed in "trap" NS
+ }
+and trap_exit:
+ if (LAST-ISANS != TRAP_ISANS[x_cause])
+ {
+ }
# What happens if this scheme is not adopted? Why is it better than leaving things well alone? <a name="lassezfaire"></a>
At the first sign of an emergency non-backwards compatible and unavoidable