and logic, etc.
* Possibility to encapsulate legacy Verilog/VHDL code.
* Complex FPGA cores that can be used integrated in MiSoC or standalone:
- - LitePcie: a small footprint and configuragle PCIe core
- LiteEth: a small footprint and configurable Ethernet core
- LiteSATA: a small footprint and configurable SATA core
- LiteScope: a small footprint and configurable logic analyzer core
+++ /dev/null
-Unless otherwise noted, LitePCIe is copyright (C) 2015 Florent Kermarrec.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-Other authors retain ownership of their contributions. If a submission can
-reasonably be considered independently copyrightable, it's yours and we
-encourage you to claim it with appropriate copyright notices. This submission
-then falls under the "otherwise noted" category. All submissions are strongly
-encouraged to use the two-clause BSD license reproduced above.
+++ /dev/null
- __ _ __ ___ _________
- / / (_) /____ / _ \/ ___/ _/__
- / /__/ / __/ -_) ___/ /___/ // -_)
- /____/_/\__/\__/_/ \___/___/\__/
- Copyright 2015 / EnjoyDigital / M-Labs Ltd
- A small footprint and configurable PCIe core
- with MMAP interface and scatter-gather DMA
- developed by EnjoyDigital
-[> Doc
-[> Intro
-LitePCIe provides a small footprint and configurable PCIe gen1/2 core.
-LitePCIe is part of MiSoC libraries whose aims are to lower entry level of
-complex FPGA cores by providing simple, elegant and efficient implementations
-ofcomponents used in today's SoC such as Ethernet, SATA, PCIe, SDRAM Controller...
-The core uses simple and specific streaming buses and will provides in the future
-adapters to use standardized AXI or Avalon-ST streaming buses.
-Since Python is used to describe the HDL, the core is highly and easily
-LitePCIe uses technologies developed in partnership with M-Labs Ltd:
- - Migen enables generating HDL with Python in an efficient way.
- - MiSoC provides the basic blocks to build a powerful and small footprint SoC.
-LitePCIe can be used as MiSoC library or can be integrated with your standard
-design flow by generating the verilog rtl that you will use as a standard core.
-[> Features
-- 7-Series Artix7/Kintex7 PHY (up to PCIe Gen2 X2)
-- Scatter-gather DMA
-- Wishbone bridge
-- Linux driver with DMA loopback demo and Sysfs
-[> Possibles improvements
-- add standardized interfaces (AXI, Avalon-ST)
-- add support for PCIe Gen2 X4 and X8 on 7-Series
-- clean up 7-Series wrappers
-- add Altera/Lattice support
-- ... See below Support and consulting :)
-If you want to support these features, please contact us at florent [AT] You can also contact our partner on the public mailing list
-devel [AT]
-[> Getting started
-1. Install Python3 and your vendor's software
-2. Obtain Migen and install it:
- git clone
- cd migen
- python3 install
- cd ..
-3. Obtain MiSoC:
- git clone --recursive
-4. Build and load PCIe DMA loopback design (only for KC705 for now):
- go to misoclib/com/litepcie/example_designs/
- run ./ all load-bitstream
-5. Build and load Linux Driver:
- go to misoclib/com/litepcie/software/linux/kernel
- make all
- ./
-5. Build and load Linux utilities:
- go to misoclib/com/litepcie/software/linux/user
- make all
- ./litepcie_util dma_loopback_test
-[> Simulations:
- Simulations are available in misoclib/com/litepcie/test:
- - wishbone_tb
- - dma_tb
- To run a simulation, move to misoclib/com/litepcie/test/ and run:
- make simulation_name
-[> Tests :
- A DMA loopback example with Wishbone over Sysfs is provided.
- Please go to Getting Started section to see how to run the tests.
-[> License
-LitePCIe is released under the very permissive two-clause BSD license. Under
-the terms of this license, you are authorized to use LiteEth for closed-source
-proprietary designs.
-Even though we do not require you to do so, those things are awesome, so please
-do them if possible:
- - tell us that you are using LitePCIe
- - cite LitePCIe in publications related to research it has helped
- - send us feedback and suggestions for improvements
- - send us bug reports when something goes wrong
- - send us the modifications and improvements you have done to LitePCIe.
-[> Support and consulting
-We love open-source hardware and like sharing our designs with others.
-LitePCIe is mainly developed and maintained by EnjoyDigital.
-If you would like to know more about LitePCIe or if you are already a happy
-user and would like to extend it for your needs, EnjoyDigital can provide standard
-commercial support as well as consulting services.
-So feel free to contact us, we'd love to work with you! (and eventually shorten
-the list of the possible improvements :)
-[> Contact
-E-mail: florent [AT]
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from migen.genlib.record import *
-from migen.genlib.misc import reverse_bytes
-from import *
-from migen.actorlib.packet import Arbiter, Dispatcher
-KB = 1024
-MB = 1024*KB
-GB = 1024*MB
-def get_bar_mask(size):
- mask = 0
- found = 0
- for i in range(32):
- if size%2:
- found = 1
- if found:
- mask |= (1 << i)
- size = size >> 1
- return mask
-def phy_layout(dw):
- layout = [
- ("dat", dw),
- ("be", dw//8)
- ]
- return EndpointDescription(layout, packetized=True)
-def request_layout(dw):
- layout = [
- ("we", 1),
- ("adr", 32),
- ("len", 10),
- ("req_id", 16),
- ("tag", 8),
- ("dat", dw),
- ("channel", 8), # for routing
- ("user_id", 8) # for packet identification
- ]
- return EndpointDescription(layout, packetized=True)
-def completion_layout(dw):
- layout = [
- ("adr", 32),
- ("len", 10),
- ("last", 1),
- ("req_id", 16),
- ("cmp_id", 16),
- ("err", 1),
- ("tag", 8),
- ("dat", dw),
- ("channel", 8), # for routing
- ("user_id", 8) # for packet identification
- ]
- return EndpointDescription(layout, packetized=True)
-def interrupt_layout():
- return [("dat", 8)]
-def dma_layout(dw):
- layout = [("data", dw)]
- return EndpointDescription(layout, packetized=True)
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import *
-from migen.genlib.record import *
-from import Depacketizer
-from import Packetizer
-from import Crossbar
-class Endpoint(Module):
- def __init__(self, phy, max_pending_requests=4, with_reordering=False):
- self.phy = phy
- self.max_pending_requests = max_pending_requests
- # # #
- # TLP Packetizer / Depacketizer
- depacketizer = Depacketizer(phy.dw, phy.bar0_mask)
- packetizer = Packetizer(phy.dw)
- self.submodules += depacketizer, packetizer
- self.comb += [
- phy.source.connect(depacketizer.sink),
- packetizer.source.connect(phy.sink)
- ]
- # Crossbar
- self.crossbar = crossbar = Crossbar(phy.dw, max_pending_requests, with_reordering)
- self.submodules += crossbar
- # (Slave) HOST initiates the transactions
- self.comb += [
- Record.connect(depacketizer.req_source, crossbar.phy_slave.sink),
- Record.connect(crossbar.phy_slave.source, packetizer.cmp_sink)
- ]
- # (Master) FPGA initiates the transactions
- self.comb += [
- Record.connect(crossbar.phy_master.source, packetizer.req_sink),
- Record.connect(depacketizer.cmp_source, crossbar.phy_master.sink)
- ]
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import *
-from import *
-class InterruptController(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, n_irqs=32):
- self.irqs = Signal(n_irqs)
- self.source = Source(interrupt_layout())
- self._enable = CSRStorage(n_irqs)
- self._clear = CSR(n_irqs)
- self._vector = CSRStatus(n_irqs)
- # # #
- enable =
- clear = Signal(n_irqs)
- self.comb += If(, clear.eq(self._clear.r))
- # memorize and clear irqs
- vector = self._vector.status
- self.sync += vector.eq(~clear & (vector | self.irqs))
- self.comb += self.source.stb.eq((vector & enable) != 0)
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from migen.genlib.record import *
-from import EndpointDescription, Sink, Source
-from migen.actorlib.packet import HeaderField, Header
-from import *
-# constants
-fmt_type_dict = {
- "mem_rd32": 0b0000000,
- "mem_wr32": 0b1000000,
- "mem_rd64": 0b0100000,
- "mem_wr64": 0b1100000,
- "cpld": 0b1001010,
- "cpl": 0b0001010
-cpl_dict = {
- "sc": 0b000,
- "ur": 0b001,
- "crs": 0b010,
- "ca": 0b011
-max_request_size = 512
-# headers
-tlp_common_header_length = 16
-tlp_common_header_fields = {
- "fmt": HeaderField(0*4, 29, 2),
- "type": HeaderField(0*4, 24, 5),
-tlp_common_header = Header(tlp_common_header_fields,
- tlp_common_header_length,
- swap_field_bytes=False)
-tlp_request_header_length = 16
-tlp_request_header_fields = {
- "fmt": HeaderField(0*4, 29, 2),
- "type": HeaderField(0*4, 24, 5),
- "tc": HeaderField(0*4, 20, 3),
- "td": HeaderField(0*4, 15, 1),
- "ep": HeaderField(0*4, 14, 1),
- "attr": HeaderField(0*4, 12, 2),
- "length": HeaderField(0*4, 0, 10),
- "requester_id": HeaderField(1*4, 16, 16),
- "tag": HeaderField(1*4, 8, 8),
- "last_be": HeaderField(1*4, 4, 4),
- "first_be": HeaderField(1*4, 0, 4),
- "address": HeaderField(2*4, 2, 30),
-tlp_request_header = Header(tlp_request_header_fields,
- tlp_request_header_length,
- swap_field_bytes=False)
-tlp_completion_header_length = 16
-tlp_completion_header_fields = {
- "fmt": HeaderField(0*4, 29, 2),
- "type": HeaderField(0*4, 24, 5),
- "tc": HeaderField(0*4, 20, 3),
- "td": HeaderField(0*4, 15, 1),
- "ep": HeaderField(0*4, 14, 1),
- "attr": HeaderField(0*4, 12, 2),
- "length": HeaderField(0*4, 0, 10),
- "completer_id": HeaderField(1*4, 16, 16),
- "status": HeaderField(1*4, 13, 3),
- "bcm": HeaderField(1*4, 12, 1),
- "byte_count": HeaderField(1*4, 0, 12),
- "requester_id": HeaderField(2*4, 16, 16),
- "tag": HeaderField(2*4, 8, 8),
- "lower_address": HeaderField(2*4, 0, 7),
-tlp_completion_header = Header(tlp_completion_header_fields,
- tlp_completion_header_length,
- swap_field_bytes=False)
-# layouts
-def tlp_raw_layout(dw):
- layout = [
- ("header", 4*32),
- ("dat", dw),
- ("be", dw//8)
- ]
- return EndpointDescription(layout, packetized=True)
-def tlp_common_layout(dw):
- layout = tlp_common_header.get_layout() + [
- ("dat", dw),
- ("be", dw//8)
- ]
- return EndpointDescription(layout, packetized=True)
-def tlp_request_layout(dw):
- layout = tlp_request_header.get_layout() + [
- ("dat", dw),
- ("be", dw//8)
- ]
- return EndpointDescription(layout, packetized=True)
-def tlp_completion_layout(dw):
- layout = tlp_completion_header.get_layout() + [
- ("dat", dw),
- ("be", dw//8)
- ]
- return EndpointDescription(layout, packetized=True)
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from migen.actorlib.structuring import *
-from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState
-from import *
-class HeaderExtracter(Module):
- def __init__(self, dw):
- self.sink = Sink(phy_layout(dw))
- self.source = Source(tlp_raw_layout(dw))
- ###
- sink, source = self.sink, self.source
- sop = Signal()
- shift = Signal()
- sink_dat_r = Signal(dw)
- sink_be_r = Signal(dw//8)
- fsm = FSM(reset_state="HEADER1")
- self.submodules += fsm
- fsm.act("HEADER1",
- sink.ack.eq(1),
- If(sink.stb,
- shift.eq(1),
- NextState("HEADER2")
- )
- )
- fsm.act("HEADER2",
- sink.ack.eq(1),
- If(sink.stb,
- shift.eq(1),
- If(sink.eop,
- sink.ack.eq(0),
- NextState("TERMINATE"),
- ).Else(
- NextState("COPY")
- )
- )
- )
- self.sync += [
- If(shift, self.source.header.eq(Cat(self.source.header[64:], sink.dat))),
- If(sink.stb & sink.ack,
- sink_dat_r.eq(sink.dat),
- sink_be_r.eq(
- )
- ]
- fsm.act("COPY",
- sink.ack.eq(source.ack),
- source.stb.eq(sink.stb),
- source.sop.eq(sop),
- source.eop.eq(sink.eop),
- source.dat.eq(Cat(reverse_bytes(sink_dat_r[32:]), reverse_bytes(sink.dat[:32]))),
-[4:]), freversed([:4]))),
- If(source.stb & source.ack & source.eop,
- NextState("HEADER1")
- )
- )
- self.sync += \
- If(fsm.before_entering("COPY"),
- sop.eq(1)
- ).Elif(source.stb & source.ack,
- sop.eq(0)
- )
- fsm.act("TERMINATE",
- sink.ack.eq(source.ack),
- source.stb.eq(1),
- source.sop.eq(1),
- source.eop.eq(1),
- source.dat.eq(reverse_bytes(sink.dat[32:])),
- If(source.stb & source.ack & source.eop,
- NextState("HEADER1")
- )
- )
-class Depacketizer(Module):
- def __init__(self, dw, address_mask=0):
- self.sink = Sink(phy_layout(dw))
- self.req_source = Source(request_layout(dw))
- self.cmp_source = Source(completion_layout(dw))
- ###
- # extract raw header
- header_extracter = HeaderExtracter(dw)
- self.submodules += header_extracter
- self.comb += Record.connect(self.sink, header_extracter.sink)
- header = header_extracter.source.header
- # dispatch data according to fmt/type
- dispatch_source = Source(tlp_common_layout(dw))
- dispatch_sinks = [Sink(tlp_common_layout(dw)) for i in range(2)]
- self.comb += [
- dispatch_source.stb.eq(header_extracter.source.stb),
- header_extracter.source.ack.eq(dispatch_source.ack),
- dispatch_source.sop.eq(header_extracter.source.sop),
- dispatch_source.eop.eq(header_extracter.source.eop),
- dispatch_source.dat.eq(header_extracter.source.dat),
- tlp_common_header.decode(header, dispatch_source)
- ]
- self.submodules.dispatcher = Dispatcher(dispatch_source, dispatch_sinks)
- fmt_type = Cat(dispatch_source.type, dispatch_source.fmt)
- self.comb += \
- If((fmt_type == fmt_type_dict["mem_rd32"]) | (fmt_type == fmt_type_dict["mem_wr32"]),
- self.dispatcher.sel.eq(0),
- ).Elif((fmt_type == fmt_type_dict["cpld"]) | (fmt_type == fmt_type_dict["cpl"]),
- self.dispatcher.sel.eq(1),
- )
- # decode TLP request and format local request
- tlp_req = Source(tlp_request_layout(dw))
- self.comb += Record.connect(dispatch_sinks[0], tlp_req)
- self.comb += tlp_request_header.decode(header, tlp_req)
- req_source = self.req_source
- self.comb += [
- req_source.stb.eq(tlp_req.stb),
- req_source.we.eq(tlp_req.stb & (Cat(tlp_req.type, tlp_req.fmt) == fmt_type_dict["mem_wr32"])),
- tlp_req.ack.eq(req_source.ack),
- req_source.sop.eq(tlp_req.sop),
- req_source.eop.eq(tlp_req.eop),
- req_source.adr.eq(Cat(Signal(2), tlp_req.address & (~address_mask))),
- req_source.len.eq(tlp_req.length),
- req_source.req_id.eq(tlp_req.requester_id),
- req_source.tag.eq(tlp_req.tag),
- req_source.dat.eq(tlp_req.dat),
- ]
- # decode TLP completion and format local completion
- tlp_cmp = Source(tlp_completion_layout(dw))
- self.comb += Record.connect(dispatch_sinks[1], tlp_cmp)
- self.comb += tlp_completion_header.decode(header, tlp_cmp)
- cmp_source = self.cmp_source
- self.comb += [
- cmp_source.stb.eq(tlp_cmp.stb),
- tlp_cmp.ack.eq(cmp_source.ack),
- cmp_source.sop.eq(tlp_cmp.sop),
- cmp_source.eop.eq(tlp_cmp.eop),
- cmp_source.len.eq(tlp_cmp.length),
- cmp_source.last.eq(tlp_cmp.length == (tlp_cmp.byte_count[2:])),
- cmp_source.adr.eq(tlp_cmp.lower_address),
- cmp_source.req_id.eq(tlp_cmp.requester_id),
- cmp_source.cmp_id.eq(tlp_cmp.completer_id),
- cmp_source.err.eq(tlp_cmp.status != 0),
- cmp_source.tag.eq(tlp_cmp.tag),
- cmp_source.dat.eq(tlp_cmp.dat)
- ]
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from migen.actorlib.structuring import *
-from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState
-from migen.genlib.misc import chooser
-from import *
-class HeaderInserter(Module):
- def __init__(self, dw):
- self.sink = sink = Sink(tlp_raw_layout(dw))
- self.source = source = Source(phy_layout(dw))
- ###
- fsm = FSM(reset_state="HEADER1")
- self.submodules += fsm
- sink_dat_r = Signal(dw)
- sink_eop_r = Signal()
- self.sync += \
- If(sink.stb & sink.ack,
- sink_dat_r.eq(sink.dat),
- sink_eop_r.eq(sink.eop)
- )
- fsm.act("HEADER1",
- sink.ack.eq(1),
- If(sink.stb & sink.sop,
- sink.ack.eq(0),
- source.stb.eq(1),
- source.sop.eq(1),
- source.eop.eq(0),
- source.dat.eq(sink.header[:64]),
- If(source.stb & source.ack,
- NextState("HEADER2"),
- )
- )
- )
- fsm.act("HEADER2",
- source.stb.eq(1),
- source.sop.eq(0),
- source.eop.eq(sink.eop),
- source.dat.eq(Cat(sink.header[64:96], reverse_bytes(sink.dat[:32]))),
-, reset=0xf), freversed([:4]))),
- If(source.stb & source.ack,
- sink.ack.eq(1),
- If(source.eop,
- NextState("HEADER1")
- ).Else(
- NextState("COPY")
- )
- )
- )
- fsm.act("COPY",
- source.stb.eq(sink.stb | sink_eop_r),
- source.sop.eq(0),
- source.eop.eq(sink_eop_r),
- source.dat.eq(Cat(reverse_bytes(sink_dat_r[32:64]), reverse_bytes(sink.dat[:32]))),
- If(sink_eop_r,
- ).Else(
- ),
- If(source.stb & source.ack,
- sink.ack.eq(~sink_eop_r),
- If(source.eop,
- NextState("HEADER1")
- )
- )
- )
-class Packetizer(Module):
- def __init__(self, dw):
- self.req_sink = req_sink = Sink(request_layout(dw))
- self.cmp_sink = cmp_sink = Sink(completion_layout(dw))
- self.source = Source(phy_layout(dw))
- ###
- # format TLP request and encode it
- tlp_req = Sink(tlp_request_layout(dw))
- self.comb += [
- tlp_req.stb.eq(req_sink.stb),
- req_sink.ack.eq(tlp_req.ack),
- tlp_req.sop.eq(req_sink.sop),
- tlp_req.eop.eq(req_sink.eop),
- If(req_sink.we,
- Cat(tlp_req.type, tlp_req.fmt).eq(fmt_type_dict["mem_wr32"])
- ).Else(
- Cat(tlp_req.type, tlp_req.fmt).eq(fmt_type_dict["mem_rd32"])
- ),
- tlp_req.ep.eq(0),
- tlp_req.attr.eq(0),
- tlp_req.length.eq(req_sink.len),
- tlp_req.requester_id.eq(req_sink.req_id),
- tlp_req.tag.eq(req_sink.tag),
- If(req_sink.len > 1,
- tlp_req.last_be.eq(0xf)
- ).Else(
- tlp_req.last_be.eq(0x0)
- ),
- tlp_req.first_be.eq(0xf),
- tlp_req.address.eq(req_sink.adr[2:]),
- tlp_req.dat.eq(req_sink.dat),
- If(req_sink.we,
- ).Else(
- ),
- ]
- tlp_raw_req = Sink(tlp_raw_layout(dw))
- self.comb += [
- tlp_raw_req.stb.eq(tlp_req.stb),
- tlp_req.ack.eq(tlp_raw_req.ack),
- tlp_raw_req.sop.eq(tlp_req.sop),
- tlp_raw_req.eop.eq(tlp_req.eop),
- tlp_request_header.encode(tlp_req, tlp_raw_req.header),
- tlp_raw_req.dat.eq(tlp_req.dat),
- ]
- # format TLP completion and encode it
- tlp_cmp = Sink(tlp_completion_layout(dw))
- self.comb += [
- tlp_cmp.stb.eq(cmp_sink.stb),
- cmp_sink.ack.eq(tlp_cmp.ack),
- tlp_cmp.sop.eq(cmp_sink.sop),
- tlp_cmp.eop.eq(cmp_sink.eop),
- tlp_cmp.ep.eq(0),
- tlp_cmp.attr.eq(0),
- tlp_cmp.length.eq(cmp_sink.len),
- tlp_cmp.completer_id.eq(cmp_sink.cmp_id),
- If(cmp_sink.err,
- Cat(tlp_cmp.type, tlp_cmp.fmt).eq(fmt_type_dict["cpl"]),
- tlp_cmp.status.eq(cpl_dict["ur"])
- ).Else(
- Cat(tlp_cmp.type, tlp_cmp.fmt).eq(fmt_type_dict["cpld"]),
- tlp_cmp.status.eq(cpl_dict["sc"])
- ),
- tlp_cmp.bcm.eq(0),
- tlp_cmp.byte_count.eq(cmp_sink.len*4),
- tlp_cmp.requester_id.eq(cmp_sink.req_id),
- tlp_cmp.tag.eq(cmp_sink.tag),
- tlp_cmp.lower_address.eq(cmp_sink.adr),
- tlp_cmp.dat.eq(cmp_sink.dat),
- ]
- tlp_raw_cmp = Sink(tlp_raw_layout(dw))
- self.comb += [
- tlp_raw_cmp.stb.eq(tlp_cmp.stb),
- tlp_cmp.ack.eq(tlp_raw_cmp.ack),
- tlp_raw_cmp.sop.eq(tlp_cmp.sop),
- tlp_raw_cmp.eop.eq(tlp_cmp.eop),
- tlp_completion_header.encode(tlp_cmp, tlp_raw_cmp.header),
- tlp_raw_cmp.dat.eq(tlp_cmp.dat),
- ]
- # arbitrate
- tlp_raw = Sink(tlp_raw_layout(dw))
- self.submodules.arbitrer = Arbiter([tlp_raw_req, tlp_raw_cmp], tlp_raw)
- # insert header
- header_inserter = HeaderInserter(dw)
- self.submodules += header_inserter
- self.comb += [
- Record.connect(tlp_raw, header_inserter.sink),
- Record.connect(header_inserter.source, self.source)
- ]
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import *
-from import *
-class SlaveInternalPort:
- def __init__(self, dw, address_decoder=None):
- self.address_decoder = address_decoder
- self.sink = Sink(completion_layout(dw))
- self.source = Source(request_layout(dw))
-class MasterInternalPort:
- def __init__(self, dw, channel=None, write_only=False, read_only=False):
- = channel
- self.write_only = write_only
- self.read_only = read_only
- self.sink = Sink(request_layout(dw))
- self.source = Source(completion_layout(dw))
-class SlavePort:
- def __init__(self, port):
- self.address_decoder = port.address_decoder
- self.sink = port.source
- self.source = port.sink
-class MasterPort:
- def __init__(self, port):
- =
- self.sink = port.source
- self.source = port.sink
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import *
-from import *
-from import *
-from import RequestController
-class Crossbar(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, dw, max_pending_requests, with_reordering=False):
- self.dw = dw
- self.max_pending_requests = max_pending_requests
- self.with_reordering = with_reordering
- self.master = MasterInternalPort(dw)
- self.slave = SlaveInternalPort(dw)
- self.phy_master = MasterPort(self.master)
- self.phy_slave = SlavePort(self.slave)
- self.user_masters = []
- self.user_masters_channel = 0
- self.user_slaves = []
- def get_slave_port(self, address_decoder):
- s = SlaveInternalPort(self.dw, address_decoder)
- self.user_slaves.append(s)
- return SlavePort(s)
- def get_master_port(self, write_only=False, read_only=False):
- m = MasterInternalPort(self.dw, self.user_masters_channel, write_only, read_only)
- self.user_masters_channel += 1
- self.user_masters.append(m)
- return MasterPort(m)
- def filter_masters(self, write_only, read_only):
- masters = []
- for m in self.user_masters:
- if m.write_only == write_only and m.read_only == read_only:
- masters.append(m)
- return masters
- def slave_dispatch_arbitrate(self, slaves, slave):
- # dispatch
- s_sources = [s.source for s in slaves]
- s_dispatcher = Dispatcher(slave.source, s_sources, one_hot=True)
- self.submodules += s_dispatcher
- for i, s in enumerate(slaves):
- self.comb += s_dispatcher.sel[i].eq(s.address_decoder(slave.source.adr))
- # arbitrate
- s_sinks = [s.sink for s in slaves]
- s_arbiter = Arbiter(s_sinks, slave.sink)
- self.submodules += s_arbiter
- def master_arbitrate_dispatch(self, masters, master):
- # arbitrate
- m_sinks = [m.sink for m in masters]
- m_arbiter = Arbiter(m_sinks, master.sink)
- self.submodules += m_arbiter
- # dispatch
- m_sources = [m.source for m in masters]
- m_dispatcher = Dispatcher(master.source, m_sources)
- self.submodules += m_dispatcher
- self.comb += m_dispatcher.sel.eq(
- def do_finalize(self):
- # Slave path
- # Dispatch request to user sources (according to address decoder)
- # Arbitrate completion from user sinks
- if self.user_slaves != []:
- self.slave_dispatch_arbitrate(self.user_slaves, self.slave)
- # Master path
- # Abritrate requests from user sinks
- # Dispatch completion to user sources (according to channel)
- # +-------+
- # reqs---> | RD |
- # cmps<--- | PORTS |---------+
- # +-------+ +---+----+ +----------+
- # |Arb/Disp|-->|Controller|--+
- # +-------+ +---+----+ +----------+ |
- # reqs---> | RW | | |
- # cmps<--- | PORTS |---------+ |
- # +-------+ +---+----+
- # |Arb/Disp|<--> to/from Packetizer/
- # +-------+ +---+----+ Depacketizer
- # reqs---> | WR | +--------+ |
- # cmps<--- | PORTS |-----|Arb/Disp|-----------------+
- # +-------+ +--------+
- #
- # The controller blocks RD requests when the max number of pending
- # requests have been sent (max_pending_requests parameters).
- # To avoid blocking write_only ports when RD requests are blocked,
- # a separate arbitration stage is used.
- if self.user_masters != []:
- masters = []
- # Arbitrate / dispatch read_only / read_write ports
- # and insert controller
- rd_rw_masters = self.filter_masters(False, True)
- rd_rw_masters += self.filter_masters(False, False)
- if rd_rw_masters != []:
- rd_rw_master = MasterInternalPort(self.dw)
- controller = RequestController(self.dw, self.max_pending_requests, self.with_reordering)
- self.submodules += controller
- self.master_arbitrate_dispatch(rd_rw_masters, controller.master_in)
- masters.append(controller.master_out)
- # Arbitrate / dispatch write_only ports
- wr_masters = self.filter_masters(True, False)
- if wr_masters != []:
- wr_master = MasterInternalPort(self.dw)
- self.master_arbitrate_dispatch(wr_masters, wr_master)
- masters.append(wr_master)
- # Final Arbitrate / dispatch stage
- self.master_arbitrate_dispatch(masters, self.master)
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from migen.actorlib.structuring import *
-from migen.genlib.fifo import SyncFIFO
-from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState
-from migen.actorlib.fifo import SyncFIFO as SyncFlowFIFO
-from import *
-from import *
-from import *
-class Reordering(Module):
- def __init__(self, dw, max_pending_requests):
- self.sink = Sink(completion_layout(dw))
- self.source = Source(completion_layout(dw))
- self.req_we = Signal()
- self.req_tag = Signal(log2_int(max_pending_requests))
- # # #
- tag_buffer = SyncFIFO(log2_int(max_pending_requests), 2*max_pending_requests)
- self.submodules += tag_buffer
- self.comb += [
- tag_buffer.we.eq(self.req_we),
- tag_buffer.din.eq(self.req_tag)
- ]
- reorder_buffers = [SyncFlowFIFO(completion_layout(dw), 2*max_request_size//(dw//8), buffered=True)
- for i in range(max_pending_requests)]
- self.submodules += iter(reorder_buffers)
- # store incoming completion in "sink.tag" buffer
- cases = {}
- for i in range(max_pending_requests):
- cases[i] = [Record.connect(self.sink, reorder_buffers[i].sink)]
- cases["default"] = [self.sink.ack.eq(1)]
- self.comb += Case(self.sink.tag, cases)
- # read buffer according to tag_buffer order
- cases = {}
- for i in range(max_pending_requests):
- cases[i] = [Record.connect(reorder_buffers[i].source, self.source)]
- cases["default"] = []
- self.comb += [
- Case(tag_buffer.dout, cases),
- If(self.source.stb & self.source.eop & self.source.last,
- )
- ]
-class RequestController(Module):
- def __init__(self, dw, max_pending_requests, with_reordering=False):
- self.master_in = MasterInternalPort(dw)
- self.master_out = MasterInternalPort(dw)
- # # #
- req_sink, req_source = self.master_in.sink, self.master_out.sink
- cmp_sink, cmp_source = self.master_out.source, self.master_in.source
- tag_fifo = SyncFIFO(log2_int(max_pending_requests), max_pending_requests)
- self.submodules += tag_fifo
- info_mem = Memory(16, max_pending_requests)
- info_mem_wr_port = info_mem.get_port(write_capable=True)
- info_mem_rd_port = info_mem.get_port(async_read=False)
- self.specials += info_mem, info_mem_wr_port, info_mem_rd_port
- req_tag = Signal(max=max_pending_requests)
- self.sync += \
- If(,
- req_tag.eq(tag_fifo.dout)
- )
- # requests mgt
- req_fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
- self.submodules += req_fsm
- req_fsm.act("IDLE",
- req_sink.ack.eq(0),
- If(req_sink.stb & req_sink.sop & ~req_sink.we & tag_fifo.readable,
- NextState("SEND_READ")
- ).Elif(req_sink.stb & req_sink.sop & req_sink.we,
- NextState("SEND_WRITE")
- )
- )
- req_fsm.act("SEND_READ",
- Record.connect(req_sink, req_source),
- req_sink.ack.eq(0),
- req_source.tag.eq(req_tag),
- If(req_source.stb & req_source.eop & req_source.ack,
- NextState("UPDATE_INFO_MEM")
- )
- )
- req_fsm.act("SEND_WRITE",
- Record.connect(req_sink, req_source),
- req_source.tag.eq(32),
- If(req_source.stb & req_source.eop & req_source.ack,
- NextState("IDLE")
- )
- )
- req_fsm.act("UPDATE_INFO_MEM",
- info_mem_wr_port.we.eq(1),
- info_mem_wr_port.adr.eq(req_tag),
- info_mem_wr_port.dat_w[0:8].eq(,
- info_mem_wr_port.dat_w[8:16].eq(req_sink.user_id),
- req_sink.ack.eq(1),
- NextState("IDLE")
- )
- # completions mgt
- if with_reordering:
- self.submodules.reordering = Reordering(dw, max_pending_requests)
- self.comb += [
- self.reordering.req_we.eq(info_mem_wr_port.we),
- self.reordering.req_tag.eq(info_mem_wr_port.adr),
- Record.connect(self.reordering.source, cmp_source)
- ]
- cmp_source = self.reordering.sink
- cmp_fsm = FSM(reset_state="INIT")
- self.submodules += cmp_fsm
- tag_cnt = Signal(max=max_pending_requests)
- inc_tag_cnt = Signal()
- self.sync += \
- If(inc_tag_cnt,
- tag_cnt.eq(tag_cnt+1)
- )
- cmp_fsm.act("INIT",
- inc_tag_cnt.eq(1),
- tag_fifo.we.eq(1),
- tag_fifo.din.eq(tag_cnt),
- If(tag_cnt == (max_pending_requests-1),
- NextState("IDLE")
- )
- )
- cmp_fsm.act("IDLE",
- cmp_sink.ack.eq(1),
- info_mem_rd_port.adr.eq(cmp_sink.tag),
- If(cmp_sink.stb & cmp_sink.sop,
- cmp_sink.ack.eq(0),
- NextState("COPY"),
- )
- )
- cmp_fsm.act("COPY",
- info_mem_rd_port.adr.eq(cmp_sink.tag),
- If(cmp_sink.stb & cmp_sink.eop & cmp_sink.last,
- cmp_sink.ack.eq(0),
- NextState("UPDATE_TAG_FIFO"),
- ).Else(
- Record.connect(cmp_sink, cmp_source),
- If(cmp_sink.stb & cmp_sink.eop & cmp_sink.ack,
- NextState("IDLE")
- )
- ),
- cmp_source.user_id.eq(info_mem_rd_port.dat_r[8:16]),
- )
- cmp_fsm.act("UPDATE_TAG_FIFO",
- tag_fifo.we.eq(1),
- tag_fifo.din.eq(cmp_sink.tag),
- info_mem_rd_port.adr.eq(cmp_sink.tag),
- Record.connect(cmp_sink, cmp_source),
- If(cmp_sink.stb & cmp_sink.ack,
- NextState("IDLE")
- ),
- cmp_source.user_id.eq(info_mem_rd_port.dat_r[8:16]),
- )
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import sys
-import os
-import argparse
-import subprocess
-import struct
-import importlib
-from import write_to_file
-from migen.util.misc import autotype
-from migen.fhdl import verilog, edif
-from migen.fhdl.structure import _Fragment
-from import CSRStatus
-from mibuild import tools
-from mibuild.xilinx.common import *
-from misoclib.soc import cpuif
-from import *
-def _import(default, name):
- return importlib.import_module(default + "." + name)
-def _get_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
- description="""\
-LitePCIe - based on Migen.
-This program builds and/or loads LitePCIe components.
-One or several actions can be specified:
-clean delete previous build(s).
-build-rtl build verilog rtl.
-build-bitstream build-bitstream build FPGA bitstream.
-build-csr-csv save CSR map into CSV file.
-build-csr-header save CSR map into C header file.
-load-bitstream load bitstream into volatile storage.
-all clean, build-csr-csv, build-bitstream, load-bitstream.
- parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", default="dma", help="Core type to build")
- parser.add_argument("-s", "--sub-target", default="", help="variant of the Core type to build")
- parser.add_argument("-p", "--platform", default=None, help="platform to build for")
- parser.add_argument("-Ot", "--target-option", default=[], nargs=2, action="append", help="set target-specific option")
- parser.add_argument("-Op", "--platform-option", default=[], nargs=2, action="append", help="set platform-specific option")
- parser.add_argument("--csr_csv", default="./test/csr.csv", help="CSV file to save the CSR map into")
- parser.add_argument("--csr_header", default="../software/linux/kernel/csr.h", help="C header file to save the CSR map into")
- parser.add_argument("action", nargs="+", help="specify an action")
- return parser.parse_args()
-# Note: misoclib need to be installed as a python library
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- args = _get_args()
- # create top-level Core object
- target_module = _import("targets",
- if args.sub_target:
- top_class = getattr(target_module, args.sub_target)
- else:
- top_class = target_module.default_subtarget
- if args.platform is None:
- platform_name = top_class.default_platform
- else:
- platform_name = args.platform
- platform_module = _import("mibuild.platforms", platform_name)
- platform_kwargs = dict((k, autotype(v)) for k, v in args.platform_option)
- platform = platform_module.Platform(**platform_kwargs)
- build_name = top_class.__name__.lower() + "-" + platform_name
- top_kwargs = dict((k, autotype(v)) for k, v in args.target_option)
- soc = top_class(platform, **top_kwargs)
- soc.finalize()
- memory_regions = soc.get_memory_regions()
- csr_regions = soc.get_csr_regions()
- # decode actions
- action_list = ["clean", "build-csr-csv", "build-csr-header", "build-bitstream", "load-bitstream", "all"]
- actions = {k: False for k in action_list}
- for action in args.action:
- if action in actions:
- actions[action] = True
- else:
- print("Unknown action: "+action+". Valid actions are:")
- for a in action_list:
- print(" "+a)
- sys.exit(1)
- print("""
- __ _ __ ___ _________
- / / (_) /____ / _ \/ ___/ _/__
- / /__/ / __/ -_) ___/ /___/ // -_)
- /____/_/\__/\__/_/ \___/___/\__/
- A small footprint and configurable PCIe
- core powered by Migen
-====== Building options: ======
-Platform: {}
-Target: {}
-Subtarget: {}
-System Clk: {} MHz
- platform_name,
- top_class.__name__,
- soc.clk_freq/1000000
- )
- # dependencies
- if actions["all"]:
- actions["build-csr-csv"] = True
- actions["build-csr-header"] = True
- actions["build-bitstream"] = True
- actions["load-bitstream"] = True
- if actions["build-bitstream"]:
- actions["build-csr-csv"] = True
- actions["build-csr-header"] = True
- actions["build-bitstream"] = True
- actions["load-bitstream"] = True
- if actions["clean"]:
-["rm", "-rf", "build/*"])
- if actions["build-csr-csv"]:
- csr_csv = cpuif.get_csr_csv(csr_regions)
- write_to_file(args.csr_csv, csr_csv)
- if actions["build-csr-header"]:
- csr_header = cpuif.get_csr_header(csr_regions, soc.get_constants(), with_access_functions=False)
- write_to_file(args.csr_header, csr_header)
- if actions["build-bitstream"]:
- vns =, build_name=build_name)
- if hasattr(soc, "do_exit") and vns is not None:
- if hasattr(soc.do_exit, '__call__'):
- soc.do_exit(vns)
- if actions["load-bitstream"]:
- prog = platform.create_programmer()
- prog.load_bitstream("build/" + build_name + platform.bitstream_ext)
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.bus import wishbone
-from import CRG
-from migen.genlib.resetsync import AsyncResetSynchronizer
-from migen.genlib.misc import timeline
-from misoclib.soc import SoC
-from import *
-from import UARTWishboneBridge
-from import S7PCIEPHY
-from import Endpoint
-from import InterruptController
-from import DMA
-from import LitePCIeWishboneBridge
-class _CRG(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, platform):
- self.clock_domains.cd_sys = ClockDomain("sys")
- self.clock_domains.cd_clk125 = ClockDomain("clk125")
- # soft reset generaton
- self._soft_rst = CSR()
- soft_rst = Signal()
- # trigger soft reset 1us after CSR access to terminate
- # Wishbone access when reseting from PCIe
- self.sync += [
- timeline( & self._soft_rst.r, [(125, [soft_rst.eq(1)])]),
- ]
- # sys_clk / sys_rst (from PCIe)
- self.comb += self.cd_sys.clk.eq(self.cd_clk125.clk)
- self.specials += AsyncResetSynchronizer(self.cd_sys, self.cd_clk125.rst | soft_rst)
- # scratch register
- self._scratch = CSR(32)
- self.sync += If(, self._scratch.w.eq(self._scratch.r))
-class PCIeDMASoC(SoC):
- default_platform = "kc705"
- csr_map = {
- "crg": 16,
- "pcie_phy": 17,
- "dma": 18,
- "irq_controller": 19
- }
- csr_map.update(SoC.csr_map)
- interrupt_map = {
- "dma_writer": 0,
- "dma_reader": 1
- }
- interrupt_map.update(SoC.interrupt_map)
- mem_map = {
- "csr": 0x00000000, # (shadow @0x80000000)
- }
- mem_map.update(SoC.csr_map)
- def __init__(self, platform, with_uart_bridge=True):
- clk_freq = 125*1000000
- SoC.__init__(self, platform, clk_freq,
- cpu_type="none",
- shadow_base=0x00000000,
- with_csr=True, csr_data_width=32,
- with_uart=False,
- with_identifier=True,
- with_timer=False
- )
- self.submodules.crg = _CRG(platform)
- platform.misoc_path = "../../../../"
- # PCIe endpoint
- self.submodules.pcie_phy = S7PCIEPHY(platform, link_width=2)
- self.submodules.pcie_endpoint = Endpoint(self.pcie_phy, with_reordering=True)
- # PCIe Wishbone bridge
- self.add_cpu_or_bridge(LitePCIeWishboneBridge(self.pcie_endpoint, lambda a: 1))
- self.add_wb_master(self.cpu_or_bridge.wishbone)
- # PCIe DMA
- self.submodules.dma = DMA(self.pcie_phy, self.pcie_endpoint, with_loopback=True)
- self.dma.source.connect(self.dma.sink)
- if with_uart_bridge:
- self.submodules.uart_bridge = UARTWishboneBridge(platform.request("serial"), clk_freq, baudrate=115200)
- self.add_wb_master(self.uart_bridge.wishbone)
- # IRQs
- self.submodules.irq_controller = InterruptController()
- self.comb += self.irq_controller.source.connect(self.pcie_phy.interrupt)
- self.interrupts = {
- "dma_writer": self.dma.writer.table.irq,
- "dma_reader": self.dma.reader.table.irq
- }
- for k, v in sorted(self.interrupts.items()):
- self.comb += self.irq_controller.irqs[self.interrupt_map[k]].eq(v)
-default_subtarget = PCIeDMASoC
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-import argparse
-import importlib
-def _get_args():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("-b", "--bridge", default="uart", help="Bridge to use")
- parser.add_argument("--port", default="2", help="UART port")
- parser.add_argument("--baudrate", default=115200, help="UART baudrate")
- parser.add_argument("--ip_address", default="", help="Etherbone IP address")
- parser.add_argument("--udp_port", default=20000, help="Etherbone UDP port")
- parser.add_argument("--bar", default="/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:04:00.0/resource0", help="PCIe BAR")
- parser.add_argument("--bar_size", default=1*1024*1024, help="PCIe BAR size")
- parser.add_argument("--busword", default=32, help="CSR busword")
- parser.add_argument("test", nargs="+", help="specify a test")
- return parser.parse_args()
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- args = _get_args()
- if args.bridge == "uart":
- from import UARTWishboneBridgeDriver
- port = args.port if not args.port.isdigit() else int(args.port)
- wb = UARTWishboneBridgeDriver(port, args.baudrate, "./csr.csv", int(args.busword), debug=False)
- elif args.bridge == "etherbone":
- from import LiteETHWishboneDriver
- wb = LiteETHWishboneDriver(args.ip_address, int(args.udp_port), "./csr.csv", int(args.busword), debug=False)
- elif args.bridge == "pcie":
- from import LitePCIeWishboneDriver
- wb = LitePCIeWishboneDriver(, args.bar_size, "./csr.csv", int(args.busword), debug=False)
- else:
- ValueError("Invalid bridge {}".format(args.bridge))
- def _import(name):
- return importlib.import_module(name)
- for test in args.test:
- t = _import(test)
- t.main(wb)
+++ /dev/null
-def main(wb):
- regs = wb.regs
- # # #
- print("sysid : 0x{:04x}".format(
- print("revision : 0x{:04x}".format(
- print("frequency : {}MHz".format(int(
- print("link up : {}".format(
- print("bus_master_enable : {}".format(
- print("msi_enable : {}".format(
- print("max_req_request_size : {}".format(
- print("max_payload_size : {}".format(
- # # #
- wb.close()
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import *
-from migen.actorlib.fifo import SyncFIFO as FIFO
-from import *
-from import *
-from import DMAWriter
-from import DMAReader
-class DMALoopback(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, dw):
- self._enable = CSRStorage()
- self.sink = Sink(dma_layout(dw))
- self.source = Source(dma_layout(dw))
- self.next_source = Source(dma_layout(dw))
- self.next_sink = Sink(dma_layout(dw))
- # # #
- enable =
- self.comb += \
- If(enable,
- Record.connect(self.sink, self.source)
- ).Else(
- Record.connect(self.sink, self.next_source),
- Record.connect(self.next_sink, self.source)
- )
-class DMASynchronizer(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, dw):
- self._bypass = CSRStorage()
- self._enable = CSRStorage()
- self.ready = Signal(reset=1)
- self.pps = Signal()
- self.sink = Sink(dma_layout(dw))
- self.source = Source(dma_layout(dw))
- self.next_source = Source(dma_layout(dw))
- self.next_sink = Sink(dma_layout(dw))
- # # #
- bypass =
- enable =
- synced = Signal()
- self.sync += \
- If(~enable,
- synced.eq(0)
- ).Else(
- If(self.ready & self.sink.stb & (self.pps | bypass),
- synced.eq(1)
- )
- )
- self.comb += \
- If(synced,
- Record.connect(self.sink, self.next_source),
- Record.connect(self.next_sink, self.source),
- ).Else(
- # Block sink
- self.next_source.stb.eq(0),
- self.sink.ack.eq(0),
- # Ack next_sink
- self.source.stb.eq(0),
- self.next_sink.ack.eq(1),
- )
-class DMABuffering(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, dw, depth):
- tx_fifo = FIFO(dma_layout(dw), depth//(dw//8), buffered=True)
- rx_fifo = FIFO(dma_layout(dw), depth//(dw//8), buffered=True)
- self.submodules += tx_fifo, rx_fifo
- self.sink = tx_fifo.sink
- self.source = rx_fifo.source
- self.next_source = tx_fifo.source
- self.next_sink = rx_fifo.sink
-class DMA(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, phy, endpoint,
- with_buffering=False, buffering_depth=256*8,
- with_loopback=False,
- with_synchronizer=False):
- # Writer, Reader
- self.submodules.writer = DMAWriter(endpoint, endpoint.crossbar.get_master_port(write_only=True))
- self.submodules.reader = DMAReader(endpoint, endpoint.crossbar.get_master_port(read_only=True))
- self.sink, self.source = self.writer.sink, self.reader.source
- # Loopback
- if with_loopback:
- self.submodules.loopback = DMALoopback(phy.dw)
- self.insert_optional_module(self.loopback)
- # Synchronizer
- if with_synchronizer:
- self.submodules.synchronizer = DMASynchronizer(phy.dw)
- self.insert_optional_module(self.synchronizer)
- # Buffering
- if with_buffering:
- self.submodules.buffering = DMABuffering(phy.dw, buffering_depth)
- self.insert_optional_module(self.buffering)
- def insert_optional_module(self, m):
- self.comb += [
- Record.connect(self.source, m.sink),
- Record.connect(m.source, self.sink)
- ]
- self.sink, self.source = m.next_sink, m.next_source
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import *
-from migen.genlib.fifo import SyncFIFOBuffered as SyncFIFO
-from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState
-from migen.genlib.misc import chooser, displacer
-from import Buffer
-from import *
-def descriptor_layout(with_user_id=False):
- layout = [
- ("address", 32),
- ("length", 16)
- ]
- if with_user_id:
- layout += [("user_id", 8)]
- return EndpointDescription(layout, packetized=True)
-class DMARequestTable(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, depth):
- self.source = source = Source(descriptor_layout())
- aw = flen(source.address)
- lw = flen(source.length)
- self._value = CSRStorage(aw+lw)
- self._we = CSR()
- self._loop_prog_n = CSRStorage()
- self._loop_status = CSRStatus(32)
- self._level = CSRStatus(log2_int(depth))
- self._flush = CSR()
- self.irq = Signal()
- # # #
- # CSR signals
- value =
- we = self._we.r &
- loop_prog_n =
- loop_index = self._loop_status.status[:log2_int(depth)]
- loop_count = self._loop_status.status[16:]
- level = self._level.status
- flush = self._flush.r &
- # FIFO
- # instance
- fifo_layout = [("address", aw), ("length", lw), ("start", 1)]
- fifo = InsertReset(SyncFIFO(fifo_layout, depth))
- self.submodules += fifo
- self.comb += [
- fifo.reset.eq(flush),
- level.eq(fifo.level)
- ]
- # write part
- self.sync += [
- # in "loop" mode, each data output of the fifo is
- # written back
- If(loop_prog_n,
- fifo.din.address.eq(fifo.dout.address),
- fifo.din.length.eq(fifo.dout.length),
- fifo.din.start.eq(fifo.dout.start),
- fifo.we.eq(
- # in "program" mode, fifo input is connected
- # to registers
- ).Else(
- fifo.din.address.eq(value[:aw]),
- fifo.din.length.eq(value[aw:aw+lw]),
- fifo.din.start.eq(~fifo.readable),
- fifo.we.eq(we)
- )
- ]
- # read part
- self.comb += [
- source.stb.eq(fifo.readable),
- & source.ack),
- source.address.eq(fifo.dout.address),
- source.length.eq(fifo.dout.length)
- ]
- # loop_index, loop_count
- # used by the software for synchronization in
- # "loop" mode
- self.sync += \
- If(flush,
- loop_index.eq(0),
- loop_count.eq(0),
- ).Elif(source.stb & source.ack,
- If(fifo.dout.start,
- loop_index.eq(0),
- loop_count.eq(loop_count+1)
- ).Else(
- loop_index.eq(loop_index+1)
- )
- )
- # IRQ
- self.comb += self.irq.eq(source.stb & source.ack)
-class DMARequestSplitter(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, max_size, buffered=True):
- self.sink = sink = Sink(descriptor_layout())
- if buffered:
- self.submodules.buffer = Buffer(descriptor_layout(True))
- source = self.buffer.d
- self.source = self.buffer.q
- else:
- self.source = source = Source(descriptor_layout(True))
- # # #
- offset = Signal(32)
- clr_offset = Signal()
- inc_offset = Signal()
- self.sync += \
- If(clr_offset,
- offset.eq(0)
- ).Elif(inc_offset,
- offset.eq(offset + max_size)
- )
- user_id = Signal(8)
- self.sync += \
- If(sink.stb & sink.ack,
- user_id.eq(user_id+1)
- )
- fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
- self.submodules += fsm
- length = Signal(16)
- update_length = Signal()
- self.sync += If(update_length, length.eq(sink.length))
- fsm.act("IDLE",
- sink.ack.eq(1),
- clr_offset.eq(1),
- If(sink.stb,
- update_length.eq(1),
- sink.ack.eq(0),
- NextState("RUN")
- )
- )
- fsm.act("RUN",
- source.stb.eq(1),
- source.address.eq(sink.address + offset),
- source.user_id.eq(user_id),
- If((length - offset) > max_size,
- source.length.eq(max_size),
- inc_offset.eq(source.ack)
- ).Else(
- source.length.eq(length - offset),
- If(source.ack,
- NextState("ACK")
- )
- )
- )
- fsm.act("ACK",
- sink.ack.eq(1),
- NextState("IDLE")
- )
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import *
-from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState
-from migen.actorlib.fifo import SyncFIFO as FIFO
-from import *
-from import *
-from import *
-class DMAReader(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, endpoint, port, table_depth=256):
- self.source = Source(dma_layout(endpoint.phy.dw))
- self._enable = CSRStorage()
- # # #
- enable =
- max_words_per_request = max_request_size//(endpoint.phy.dw//8)
- max_pending_words = endpoint.max_pending_requests*max_words_per_request
- fifo_depth = 2*max_pending_words
- # Request generation
- # requests from table are splitted in chunks of "max_size"
- self.table = table = DMARequestTable(table_depth)
- splitter = InsertReset(DMARequestSplitter(endpoint.phy.max_request_size))
- self.submodules += table, splitter
- self.comb += splitter.reset.eq(~enable)
- self.comb += table.source.connect(splitter.sink)
- # Request FSM
- self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
- request_ready = Signal()
- fsm.act("IDLE",
- If(request_ready,
- NextState("REQUEST"),
- )
- )
- fsm.act("REQUEST",
- port.source.stb.eq(1),
- port.source.user_id.eq(splitter.source.user_id),
- port.source.sop.eq(1),
- port.source.eop.eq(1),
- port.source.we.eq(0),
- port.source.adr.eq(splitter.source.address),
- port.source.len.eq(splitter.source.length[2:]),
- port.source.req_id.eq(,
- port.source.dat.eq(0),
- If(port.source.ack,
- splitter.source.ack.eq(1),
- NextState("IDLE"),
- )
- )
- # Data FIFO
- # issue read requests when enough space available in fifo
- fifo = InsertReset(FIFO(dma_layout(endpoint.phy.dw), fifo_depth, buffered=True))
- self.submodules += fifo
- self.comb += fifo.reset.eq(~enable)
- last_user_id = Signal(8, reset=255)
- self.sync += \
- If(port.sink.stb & port.sink.sop & port.sink.ack,
- last_user_id.eq(port.sink.user_id)
- )
- self.comb += [
- fifo.sink.stb.eq(port.sink.stb),
- fifo.sink.sop.eq(port.sink.sop & (port.sink.user_id != last_user_id)),
- port.sink.ack.eq(fifo.sink.ack | ~enable),
- ]
- self.comb += Record.connect(fifo.source, self.source)
- fifo_ready = fifo.fifo.level < (fifo_depth//2)
- self.comb += request_ready.eq(splitter.source.stb & fifo_ready)
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import *
-from migen.genlib.fifo import SyncFIFOBuffered as SyncFIFO
-from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState
-from import *
-from import *
-from import *
-class DMAWriter(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, endpoint, port, table_depth=256):
- self.sink = sink = Sink(dma_layout(endpoint.phy.dw))
- self._enable = CSRStorage()
- # # #
- enable =
- max_words_per_request = max_request_size//(endpoint.phy.dw//8)
- fifo_depth = 4*max_words_per_request
- # Data FIFO
- # store data until we have enough data to issue a
- # write request
- fifo = InsertReset(SyncFIFO(endpoint.phy.dw, fifo_depth))
- self.submodules += fifo
- self.comb += [
- fifo.we.eq(sink.stb & enable),
- sink.ack.eq(fifo.writable & sink.stb & enable),
- fifo.din.eq(,
- fifo.reset.eq(~enable)
- ]
- # Request generation
- # requests from table are splitted in chunks of "max_size"
- self.table = table = DMARequestTable(table_depth)
- splitter = InsertReset(DMARequestSplitter(endpoint.phy.max_payload_size))
- self.submodules += table, splitter
- self.comb += splitter.reset.eq(~enable)
- self.comb += table.source.connect(splitter.sink)
- # Request FSM
- cnt = Signal(max=(2**flen(endpoint.phy.max_payload_size))/8)
- clr_cnt = Signal()
- inc_cnt = Signal()
- self.sync += \
- If(clr_cnt,
- cnt.eq(0)
- ).Elif(inc_cnt,
- cnt.eq(cnt + 1)
- )
- self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
- request_ready = Signal()
- fsm.act("IDLE",
- clr_cnt.eq(1),
- If(request_ready,
- NextState("REQUEST"),
- )
- )
- fsm.act("REQUEST",
- inc_cnt.eq(port.source.stb & port.source.ack),
- port.source.stb.eq(1),
- port.source.user_id.eq(splitter.source.user_id),
- port.source.sop.eq(cnt == 0),
- port.source.eop.eq(cnt == splitter.source.length[3:]-1),
- port.source.we.eq(1),
- port.source.adr.eq(splitter.source.address),
- port.source.req_id.eq(,
- port.source.tag.eq(0),
- port.source.len.eq(splitter.source.length[2:]),
- port.source.dat.eq(fifo.dout),
- If(port.source.ack,
- If(port.source.eop,
- splitter.source.ack.eq(1),
- NextState("IDLE"),
- )
- )
- )
- fifo_ready = fifo.level >= splitter.source.length[3:]
- self.sync += request_ready.eq(splitter.source.stb & fifo_ready)
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from migen.genlib.fsm import FSM, NextState
-from migen.bus import wishbone
-from import *
-class LitePCIeWishboneBridge(Module):
- def __init__(self, endpoint, address_decoder):
- self.wishbone = wishbone.Interface()
- # # #
- port = endpoint.crossbar.get_slave_port(address_decoder)
- self.submodules.fsm = fsm = FSM()
- fsm.act("IDLE",
- If(port.sink.stb & port.sink.sop,
- If(port.sink.we,
- NextState("WRITE"),
- ).Else(
- NextState("READ")
- )
- ).Else(
- port.sink.ack.eq(port.sink.stb)
- )
- )
- fsm.act("WRITE",
- self.wishbone.adr.eq(port.sink.adr[2:]),
- self.wishbone.dat_w.eq(port.sink.dat[:32]),
- self.wishbone.sel.eq(0xf),
- self.wishbone.stb.eq(1),
- self.wishbone.we.eq(1),
- self.wishbone.cyc.eq(1),
- If(self.wishbone.ack,
- port.sink.ack.eq(1),
- NextState("IDLE")
- )
- )
- fsm.act("READ",
- self.wishbone.adr.eq(port.sink.adr[2:]),
- self.wishbone.stb.eq(1),
- self.wishbone.we.eq(0),
- self.wishbone.cyc.eq(1),
- If(self.wishbone.ack,
- NextState("COMPLETION")
- )
- )
- self.sync += \
- If(self.wishbone.stb & self.wishbone.ack,
- port.source.dat.eq(self.wishbone.dat_r),
- )
- fsm.act("COMPLETION",
- port.source.stb.eq(1),
- port.source.sop.eq(1),
- port.source.eop.eq(1),
- port.source.len.eq(1),
- port.source.err.eq(0),
- port.source.tag.eq(port.sink.tag),
- port.source.adr.eq(port.sink.adr),
- port.source.cmp_id.eq(,
- port.source.req_id.eq(port.sink.req_id),
- If(port.source.ack,
- port.sink.ack.eq(1),
- NextState("IDLE")
- )
- )
+++ /dev/null
-import os
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from import *
-from import *
-def get_gt(device):
- if device[:4] == "xc7k":
- return "GTX"
- elif device[:4] == "xc7a":
- return "GTP"
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unsupported device"+device)
-class S7PCIEPHY(Module, AutoCSR):
- def __init__(self, platform, dw=64, link_width=2, bar0_size=1*MB):
- pads = platform.request("pcie_x"+str(link_width))
- device = platform.device
- self.dw = dw
- self.link_width = link_width
- self.sink = Sink(phy_layout(dw))
- self.source = Source(phy_layout(dw))
- self.interrupt = Sink(interrupt_layout())
- = Signal(16)
- self.tx_buf_av = Signal(8)
- self.tx_terr_drop = Signal()
- self.tx_cfg_req = Signal()
- self.tx_cfg_gnt = Signal(reset=1)
- self.rx_np_ok = Signal(reset=1)
- self.rx_np_req = Signal(reset=1)
- self.cfg_to_turnoff = Signal()
- self._lnk_up = CSRStatus()
- self._msi_enable = CSRStatus()
- self._bus_master_enable = CSRStatus()
- self._max_request_size = CSRStatus(16)
- self._max_payload_size = CSRStatus(16)
- self.max_request_size = self._max_request_size.status
- self.max_payload_size = self._max_payload_size.status
- self.bar0_size = bar0_size
- self.bar0_mask = get_bar_mask(bar0_size)
- # SHARED clock
- # In case we want to use the second QPLL of the quad
- self.shared_qpll_pd = Signal(reset=1)
- self.shared_qpll_rst = Signal(reset=1)
- self.shared_qpll_refclk = Signal()
- self.shared_qpll_outclk = Signal()
- self.shared_qpll_outrefclk = Signal()
- self.shared_qpll_lock = Signal()
- # # #
- clk100 = Signal()
- self.specials += Instance("IBUFDS_GTE2",
- i_CEB=0,
- i_I=pads.clk_p,
- i_IB=pads.clk_n,
- o_O=clk100,
- o_ODIV2=Signal()
- )
- bus_number = Signal(8)
- device_number = Signal(5)
- function_number = Signal(3)
- command = Signal(16)
- dcommand = Signal(16)
- self.specials += Instance("pcie_phy",
- p_C_DATA_WIDTH=dw,
- p_C_PCIE_GT_DEVICE=get_gt(device),
- p_C_BAR0=get_bar_mask(self.bar0_size),
- i_sys_clk=clk100,
- i_sys_rst_n=pads.rst_n,
- o_pci_exp_txp=pads.tx_p,
- o_pci_exp_txn=pads.tx_n,
- i_pci_exp_rxp=pads.rx_p,
- i_pci_exp_rxn=pads.rx_n,
- o_user_clk=ClockSignal("clk125"),
- o_user_reset=ResetSignal("clk125"),
- o_user_lnk_up=self._lnk_up.status,
- o_tx_buf_av=self.tx_buf_av,
- o_tx_terr_drop=self.tx_terr_drop,
- o_tx_cfg_req=self.tx_cfg_req,
- i_tx_cfg_gnt=self.tx_cfg_gnt,
- i_s_axis_tx_tvalid=self.sink.stb,
- i_s_axis_tx_tlast=self.sink.eop,
- o_s_axis_tx_tready=self.sink.ack,
- i_s_axis_tx_tdata=self.sink.dat,
- i_s_axis_tx_tuser=0,
- i_rx_np_ok=self.rx_np_ok,
- i_rx_np_req=self.rx_np_req,
- o_m_axis_rx_tvalid=self.source.stb,
- o_m_axis_rx_tlast=self.source.eop,
- i_m_axis_rx_tready=self.source.ack,
- o_m_axis_rx_tdata=self.source.dat,
- o_m_axis_rx_tuser=Signal(4),
- o_cfg_to_turnoff=self.cfg_to_turnoff,
- o_cfg_bus_number=bus_number,
- o_cfg_device_number=device_number,
- o_cfg_function_number=function_number,
- o_cfg_command=command,
- o_cfg_dcommand=dcommand,
- o_cfg_interrupt_msienable=self._msi_enable.status,
- i_cfg_interrupt=self.interrupt.stb,
- o_cfg_interrupt_rdy=self.interrupt.ack,
- i_cfg_interrupt_di=self.interrupt.dat,
- i_SHARED_QPLL_PD=self.shared_qpll_pd,
- i_SHARED_QPLL_RST=self.shared_qpll_rst,
- i_SHARED_QPLL_REFCLK=self.shared_qpll_refclk,
- o_SHARED_QPLL_OUTCLK=self.shared_qpll_outclk,
- o_SHARED_QPLL_OUTREFCLK=self.shared_qpll_outrefclk,
- o_SHARED_QPLL_LOCK=self.shared_qpll_lock,
- )
- # id
- self.comb +=, device_number, bus_number))
- # config
- def convert_size(command, size):
- cases = {}
- value = 128
- for i in range(6):
- cases[i] = size.eq(value)
- value = value*2
- return Case(command, cases)
- self.sync += [
- self._bus_master_enable.status.eq(command[2]),
- convert_size(dcommand[12:15], self.max_request_size),
- convert_size(dcommand[5:8], self.max_payload_size)
- ]
- if hasattr(platform, "misoc_path"):
- misoc_path = platform.misoc_path
- else:
- misoc_path = "./"
- litepcie_phy_wrapper_path = os.path.join(misoc_path, "extcores", "litepcie_phy_wrappers")
- platform.add_source_dir(os.path.join(litepcie_phy_wrapper_path, "xilinx", "7-series", "common"))
- if device[:4] == "xc7k":
- platform.add_source_dir(os.path.join(litepcie_phy_wrapper_path, "xilinx", "7-series", "kintex7"))
- elif device[:4] == "xc7a":
- platform.add_source_dir(os.path.join(litepcie_phy_wrapper_path, "xilinx", "7-series", "artix7"))
+++ /dev/null
-# Makefile for kernel module
-KERNEL_VERSION:=$(shell uname -r)
-obj-m = litepcie.o
-litepcie-objs = main.o
-all: litepcie.ko
-litepcie.ko: main.c
- make -C $(KERNEL_PATH) M=$(PWD) modules
- make -C $(KERNEL_PATH) M=$(PWD) clean
- rm -f *~
+++ /dev/null
-- Use 'make' to build the driver
-- Install the driver and create the device with :
- ./
-- Remove driver with
- rmmod litepcie
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef __HW_CONFIG_H
-#define __HW_CONFIG_H
-/* pci */
-#define PCI_FPGA_VENDOR_ID 0x10ee
-#define PCI_FPGA_DEVICE_ID 0x7022
-#define PCI_FPGA_BAR0_SIZE 0xa000
-/* dma */
-#define DMA_BUFFER_COUNT 128
-#endif /* __HW_CONFIG_H */
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef __HW_FLAGS_H
-#define __HW_FLAGS_H
-/* dma */
-#define DMA_TABLE_LOOP_INDEX 1 << 0
-#define DMA_TABLE_LOOP_COUNT 1 << 16
-#endif /* __HW_FLAGS_H */
+++ /dev/null
-# TODO: use udev instead
-insmod litepcie.ko
-major=$(awk '/ litepcie$/{print $1}' /proc/devices)
-mknod -m 666 /dev/litepcie0 c $major 0
+++ /dev/null
- * LitePCIe driver
- *
- */
-#include <linux/types.h>
-struct litepcie_ioctl_mmap_info {
- unsigned long reg_offset;
- unsigned long reg_size;
- unsigned long dma_tx_buf_offset;
- unsigned long dma_tx_buf_size;
- unsigned long dma_tx_buf_count;
- unsigned long dma_rx_buf_offset;
- unsigned long dma_rx_buf_size;
- unsigned long dma_rx_buf_count;
-struct litepcie_ioctl_dma_start {
- __u32 dma_flags; /* see LITEPCIE_DMA_FLAGS_x */
- __u32 tx_buf_size; /* in bytes, must be < dma_buf_pitch. 0 means no TX */
- __u32 tx_buf_count;
- __u32 rx_buf_size; /* in bytes, must be < dma_buf_pitch. 0 means no RX */
- __u32 rx_buf_count;
-/* if tx_wait is true, wait until the current TX bufffer is
- different from tx_buf_num. If tx_wait is false, wait until the
- current RX buffer is different from rx_buf_num. Return the last
- TX buffer in tx_buf_num and the last RX buffer in
- rx_buf_num. */
-struct litepcie_ioctl_dma_wait {
- __s32 timeout; /* in ms. Return -EAGAIN if timeout occured without event */
- __u32 tx_wait;
- __u32 tx_buf_num; /* read/write */
- __u32 rx_buf_num; /* read/write */
-#define LITEPCIE_IOCTL_GET_MMAP_INFO _IOR(LITEPCIE_IOCTL, 0, struct litepcie_ioctl_mmap_info)
-#define LITEPCIE_IOCTL_DMA_START _IOW(LITEPCIE_IOCTL, 1, struct litepcie_ioctl_dma_start)
-#define LITEPCIE_IOCTL_DMA_WAIT _IOWR(LITEPCIE_IOCTL, 3, struct litepcie_ioctl_dma_wait)
-#endif /* _LINUX_LITEPCIE_H */
+++ /dev/null
- * LitePCIe driver
- *
- */
-#include <linux/kernel.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <linux/ioctl.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/fs.h>
-#include <linux/mmtimer.h>
-#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
-#include <linux/posix-timers.h>
-#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-#include <linux/time.h>
-#include <linux/math64.h>
-#include <linux/mutex.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/pci.h>
-#include <linux/pci_regs.h>
-#include <linux/delay.h>
-#include <linux/wait.h>
-#include "litepcie.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "csr.h"
-#include "flags.h"
-#define LITEPCIE_NAME "litepcie"
-typedef struct {
- int minor;
- struct pci_dev *dev;
- phys_addr_t bar0_phys_addr;
- uint8_t *bar0_addr; /* virtual address of BAR0 */
- uint8_t *dma_tx_bufs[DMA_BUFFER_COUNT];
- unsigned long dma_tx_bufs_addr[DMA_BUFFER_COUNT];
- uint8_t *dma_rx_bufs[DMA_BUFFER_COUNT];
- unsigned long dma_rx_bufs_addr[DMA_BUFFER_COUNT];
- uint8_t tx_dma_started;
- uint8_t rx_dma_started;
- wait_queue_head_t dma_waitqueue;
-} LitePCIeState;
-static dev_t litepcie_cdev;
-static struct cdev litepcie_cdev_struct;
-static LitePCIeState *litepcie_minor_table[LITEPCIE_MINOR_COUNT];
-static void litepcie_end(struct pci_dev *dev, LitePCIeState *s);
-static int litepcie_dma_stop(LitePCIeState *s);
-static inline uint32_t litepcie_readl(LitePCIeState *s, uint32_t addr)
- return readl(s->bar0_addr + addr);
-static inline void litepcie_writel(LitePCIeState *s, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val)
- return writel(val, s->bar0_addr + addr);
-static void litepcie_enable_interrupt(LitePCIeState *s, int irq_num)
- uint32_t v;
- v = litepcie_readl(s, CSR_IRQ_CONTROLLER_ENABLE_ADDR);
- v |= (1 << irq_num);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_IRQ_CONTROLLER_ENABLE_ADDR, v);
-static void litepcie_disable_interrupt(LitePCIeState *s, int irq_num)
- uint32_t v;
- v = litepcie_readl(s, CSR_IRQ_CONTROLLER_ENABLE_ADDR);
- v &= ~(1 << irq_num);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_IRQ_CONTROLLER_ENABLE_ADDR, v);
-static int litepcie_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- LitePCIeState *s;
- int minor;
- /* find PCI device */
- minor = iminor(inode);
- if (minor < 0 || minor >= LITEPCIE_MINOR_COUNT)
- return -ENODEV;
- s = litepcie_minor_table[minor];
- if (!s)
- return -ENODEV;
- file->private_data = s;
- return 0;
-/* mmap the DMA buffers and registers to user space */
-static int litepcie_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
- LitePCIeState *s = file->private_data;
- unsigned long pfn;
- int is_tx, i;
- if (vma->vm_pgoff == 0) {
- if (vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start != DMA_BUFFER_MAP_SIZE)
- return -EINVAL;
- is_tx = 1;
- goto remap_ram;
- } else if (vma->vm_pgoff == (DMA_BUFFER_MAP_SIZE >> PAGE_SHIFT)) {
- if (vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start != DMA_BUFFER_MAP_SIZE)
- return -EINVAL;
- is_tx = 0;
- remap_ram:
- for(i = 0; i < DMA_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) {
- if (is_tx)
- pfn = __pa(s->dma_tx_bufs[i]) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- else
- pfn = __pa(s->dma_rx_bufs[i]) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- /* Note: the memory is cached, so the user must explicitly
- flush the CPU caches on architectures which require it. */
- if (remap_pfn_range(vma, vma->vm_start + i * DMA_BUFFER_SIZE, pfn,
- DMA_BUFFER_SIZE, vma->vm_page_prot)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " remap_pfn_range failed\n");
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- }
- } else if (vma->vm_pgoff == ((2 * DMA_BUFFER_MAP_SIZE) >> PAGE_SHIFT)) {
- if (vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start != PCI_FPGA_BAR0_SIZE)
- return -EINVAL;
- pfn = s->bar0_phys_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- /* not cached */
- vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
- vma->vm_flags |= VM_IO;
- if (io_remap_pfn_range(vma, vma->vm_start, pfn,
- vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start,
- vma->vm_page_prot)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " io_remap_pfn_range failed\n");
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- } else {
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
-static int litepcie_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- LitePCIeState *s = file->private_data;
- litepcie_dma_stop(s); /* just in case: stop the DMA */
- return 0;
-static irqreturn_t litepcie_interrupt(int irq, void *data)
- LitePCIeState *s = data;
- uint32_t clear_mask, irq_vector;
- irq_vector = litepcie_readl(s, CSR_IRQ_CONTROLLER_VECTOR_ADDR);
- clear_mask = 0;
- if (irq_vector & (IRQ_MASK_DMA_READER | IRQ_MASK_DMA_WRITER)) {
- /* wake up processes waiting on dma_wait() */
- wake_up_interruptible(&s->dma_waitqueue);
- }
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_IRQ_CONTROLLER_CLEAR_ADDR, clear_mask);
- return IRQ_HANDLED;
-static int litepcie_dma_start(LitePCIeState *s, struct litepcie_ioctl_dma_start *m)
- int i, val;
- if (s->tx_dma_started || s->rx_dma_started)
- return -EIO;
- if (m->tx_buf_size == 0 && m->rx_buf_size == 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* check alignment (XXX: what is the exact constraint ?) */
- if ((m->tx_buf_size & 7) != 0 ||
- (m->rx_buf_size & 7) != 0 ||
- m->tx_buf_size > DMA_BUFFER_SIZE ||
- m->rx_buf_size > DMA_BUFFER_SIZE)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* check buffer count */
- if (m->tx_buf_count > DMA_BUFFER_COUNT)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (m->rx_buf_count > DMA_BUFFER_COUNT)
- return -EINVAL;
- val = ((m->dma_flags & DMA_LOOPBACK_ENABLE) != 0);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_LOOPBACK_ENABLE_ADDR, val);
- /* init DMA write */
- if (m->rx_buf_size != 0) {
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_ENABLE_ADDR, 0);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_TABLE_FLUSH_ADDR, 1);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_TABLE_LOOP_PROG_N_ADDR, 0);
- for(i = 0; i < m->rx_buf_count; i++) {
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_TABLE_VALUE_ADDR, m->rx_buf_size);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_TABLE_VALUE_ADDR + 4,
- s->dma_rx_bufs_addr[i]);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_TABLE_WE_ADDR, 1);
- }
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_TABLE_LOOP_PROG_N_ADDR, 1);
- }
- /* init DMA read */
- if (m->tx_buf_size != 0) {
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_ENABLE_ADDR, 0);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_TABLE_FLUSH_ADDR, 1);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_TABLE_LOOP_PROG_N_ADDR, 0);
- for(i = 0; i < m->tx_buf_count; i++) {
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_TABLE_VALUE_ADDR, m->tx_buf_size);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_TABLE_VALUE_ADDR + 4,
- s->dma_tx_bufs_addr[i]);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_TABLE_WE_ADDR, 1);
- }
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_TABLE_LOOP_PROG_N_ADDR, 1);
- }
- /* start DMA */
- if (m->rx_buf_size != 0) {
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_ENABLE_ADDR, 1);
- s->rx_dma_started = 1;
- }
- if (m->tx_buf_size != 0) {
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_ENABLE_ADDR, 1);
- s->tx_dma_started = 1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int litepcie_dma_wait(LitePCIeState *s, struct litepcie_ioctl_dma_wait *m)
- unsigned long timeout;
- int ret, last_buf_num;
- DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
- if (m->tx_wait) {
- if (!s->tx_dma_started)
- return -EIO;
- last_buf_num = m->tx_buf_num;
- litepcie_enable_interrupt(s, DMA_READER_INTERRUPT);
- } else {
- if (!s->rx_dma_started)
- return -EIO;
- last_buf_num = m->rx_buf_num;
- litepcie_enable_interrupt(s, DMA_WRITER_INTERRUPT);
- }
- add_wait_queue(&s->dma_waitqueue, &wait);
- timeout = jiffies + msecs_to_jiffies(m->timeout);
- for (;;) {
- /* set current buffer */
- if (s->tx_dma_started) {
- m->tx_buf_num = (litepcie_readl(s, CSR_DMA_READER_TABLE_LOOP_STATUS_ADDR) & 0xffff);
- } else {
- m->tx_buf_num = 0;
- }
- if (s->rx_dma_started) {
- m->rx_buf_num = (litepcie_readl(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_TABLE_LOOP_STATUS_ADDR) & 0xfffff);
- } else {
- m->rx_buf_num = 0;
- }
- if (m->tx_wait) {
- if (m->tx_buf_num != last_buf_num)
- break;
- } else {
- if (m->rx_buf_num != last_buf_num)
- break;
- }
- if ((long)(jiffies - timeout) > 0) {
- ret = -EAGAIN;
- goto done;
- }
- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- if (signal_pending(current)) {
- ret = -EINTR;
- goto done;
- }
- schedule();
- }
- ret = 0;
- done:
- if (m->tx_wait) {
- litepcie_disable_interrupt(s, DMA_READER_INTERRUPT);
- } else {
- litepcie_disable_interrupt(s, DMA_WRITER_INTERRUPT);
- }
- __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
- remove_wait_queue(&s->dma_waitqueue, &wait);
- return ret;
-static int litepcie_dma_stop(LitePCIeState *s)
- /* just to be sure, we disable the interrupts */
- litepcie_disable_interrupt(s, DMA_READER_INTERRUPT);
- litepcie_disable_interrupt(s, DMA_WRITER_INTERRUPT);
- s->tx_dma_started = 0;
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_TABLE_LOOP_PROG_N_ADDR, 0);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_TABLE_FLUSH_ADDR, 1);
- udelay(100);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_READER_ENABLE_ADDR, 0);
- s->rx_dma_started = 0;
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_TABLE_LOOP_PROG_N_ADDR, 0);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_TABLE_FLUSH_ADDR, 1);
- udelay(100);
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_DMA_WRITER_ENABLE_ADDR, 0);
- return 0;
-static long litepcie_ioctl(struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
- LitePCIeState *s = file->private_data;
- long ret;
- switch(cmd) {
- {
- struct litepcie_ioctl_mmap_info m;
- m.dma_tx_buf_offset = 0;
- m.dma_tx_buf_size = DMA_BUFFER_SIZE;
- m.dma_tx_buf_count = DMA_BUFFER_COUNT;
- m.dma_rx_buf_offset = DMA_BUFFER_MAP_SIZE;
- m.dma_rx_buf_size = DMA_BUFFER_SIZE;
- m.dma_rx_buf_count = DMA_BUFFER_COUNT;
- m.reg_offset = 2 * DMA_BUFFER_MAP_SIZE;
- m.reg_size = PCI_FPGA_BAR0_SIZE;
- if (copy_to_user((void *)arg, &m, sizeof(m))) {
- ret = -EFAULT;
- break;
- }
- ret = 0;
- }
- break;
- {
- struct litepcie_ioctl_dma_start m;
- if (copy_from_user(&m, (void *)arg, sizeof(m))) {
- ret = -EFAULT;
- break;
- }
- ret = litepcie_dma_start(s, &m);
- }
- break;
- {
- ret = litepcie_dma_stop(s);
- }
- break;
- {
- struct litepcie_ioctl_dma_wait m;
- if (copy_from_user(&m, (void *)arg, sizeof(m))) {
- ret = -EFAULT;
- break;
- }
- ret = litepcie_dma_wait(s, &m);
- if (ret == 0) {
- if (copy_to_user((void *)arg, &m, sizeof(m))) {
- ret = -EFAULT;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return ret;
-static const struct file_operations litepcie_fops = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .unlocked_ioctl = litepcie_ioctl,
- .open = litepcie_open,
- .release = litepcie_release,
- .mmap = litepcie_mmap,
- .llseek = no_llseek,
-static int litepcie_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *dev, const struct pci_device_id *id)
- LitePCIeState *s = NULL;
- uint8_t rev_id;
- int ret, minor, i;
- printk(KERN_INFO LITEPCIE_NAME " Probing device\n");
- /* find available minor */
- for(minor = 0; minor < LITEPCIE_MINOR_COUNT; minor++) {
- if (!litepcie_minor_table[minor])
- break;
- }
- if (minor == LITEPCIE_MINOR_COUNT) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Cannot allocate a minor\n");
- ret = -ENODEV;
- goto fail1;
- }
- s = kzalloc(sizeof(LitePCIeState), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!s) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Cannot allocate memory\n");
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail1;
- }
- s->minor = minor;
- s->dev = dev;
- pci_set_drvdata(dev, s);
- ret = pci_enable_device(dev);
- if (ret != 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Cannot enable device\n");
- goto fail1;
- }
- /* check device version */
- pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &rev_id);
- if (rev_id != 1) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Unsupported device version %d\n", rev_id);
- goto fail2;
- }
- if (pci_request_regions(dev, LITEPCIE_NAME) < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Could not request regions\n");
- goto fail2;
- }
- /* check BAR0 config */
- if (!(pci_resource_flags(dev, 0) & IORESOURCE_MEM)) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Invalid BAR0 config\n");
- goto fail3;
- }
- s->bar0_phys_addr = pci_resource_start(dev, 0);
- s->bar0_addr = pci_ioremap_bar(dev, 0);
- if (!s->bar0_addr) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Could not map BAR0\n");
- goto fail3;
- }
- pci_set_master(dev);
- ret = pci_set_dma_mask(dev, DMA_BIT_MASK(32));
- if (ret) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Failed to set DMA mask\n");
- goto fail4;
- };
- ret = pci_enable_msi(dev);
- if (ret) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Failed to enable MSI\n");
- goto fail4;
- }
- if (request_irq(dev->irq, litepcie_interrupt, IRQF_SHARED, LITEPCIE_NAME, s) < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Failed to allocate irq %d\n", dev->irq);
- goto fail5;
- }
- /* soft reset */
- litepcie_writel(s, CSR_CRG_SOFT_RST_ADDR, 1);
- udelay(5);
- /* allocate DMA buffers */
- for(i = 0; i < DMA_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) {
- s->dma_tx_bufs[i] = kzalloc(DMA_BUFFER_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA32);
- if (!s->dma_tx_bufs[i]) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Failed to allocate dma_tx_buf\n");
- goto fail6;
- }
- s->dma_tx_bufs_addr[i] = pci_map_single(dev, s->dma_tx_bufs[i],
- if (!s->dma_tx_bufs_addr[i]) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail6;
- }
- }
- for(i = 0; i < DMA_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) {
- s->dma_rx_bufs[i] = kzalloc(DMA_BUFFER_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL | GFP_DMA32);
- if (!s->dma_rx_bufs[i]) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Failed to allocate dma_rx_buf\n");
- goto fail6;
- }
- s->dma_rx_bufs_addr[i] = pci_map_single(dev, s->dma_rx_bufs[i],
- if (!s->dma_rx_bufs_addr[i]) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto fail6;
- }
- }
- init_waitqueue_head(&s->dma_waitqueue);
- litepcie_minor_table[minor] = s;
- printk(KERN_INFO LITEPCIE_NAME " Assigned to minor %d\n", minor);
- return 0;
- fail6:
- litepcie_end(dev, s);
- free_irq(dev->irq, s);
- fail5:
- pci_disable_msi(dev);
- fail4:
- pci_iounmap(dev, s->bar0_addr);
- fail3:
- pci_release_regions(dev);
- fail2:
- pci_disable_device(dev);
- ret = -EIO;
- fail1:
- kfree(s);
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Error while probing device\n");
- return ret;
-static void litepcie_end(struct pci_dev *dev, LitePCIeState *s)
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < DMA_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) {
- if (s->dma_tx_bufs_addr[i]) {
- dma_unmap_single(&dev->dev, s->dma_tx_bufs_addr[i],
- }
- kfree(s->dma_tx_bufs[i]);
- }
- for(i = 0; i < DMA_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) {
- if (s->dma_rx_bufs_addr[i]) {
- dma_unmap_single(&dev->dev, s->dma_rx_bufs_addr[i],
- }
- kfree(s->dma_rx_bufs[i]);
- }
-static void litepcie_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *dev)
- LitePCIeState *s = pci_get_drvdata(dev);
- printk(KERN_INFO LITEPCIE_NAME " Removing device\n");
- litepcie_minor_table[s->minor] = NULL;
- litepcie_end(dev, s);
- free_irq(dev->irq, s);
- pci_disable_msi(dev);
- pci_iounmap(dev, s->bar0_addr);
- pci_disable_device(dev);
- pci_release_regions(dev);
- kfree(s);
-static const struct pci_device_id litepcie_pci_ids[] = {
- { 0, }
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, litepcie_pci_ids);
-static struct pci_driver litepcie_pci_driver = {
- .name = LITEPCIE_NAME,
- .id_table = litepcie_pci_ids,
- .probe = litepcie_pci_probe,
- .remove = litepcie_pci_remove,
-static int __init litepcie_module_init(void)
- int ret;
- ret = pci_register_driver(&litepcie_pci_driver);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Error while registering PCI driver\n");
- goto fail1;
- }
- ret = alloc_chrdev_region(&litepcie_cdev, 0, LITEPCIE_MINOR_COUNT, LITEPCIE_NAME);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Could not allocate char device\n");
- goto fail2;
- }
- cdev_init(&litepcie_cdev_struct, &litepcie_fops);
- ret = cdev_add(&litepcie_cdev_struct, litepcie_cdev, LITEPCIE_MINOR_COUNT);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR LITEPCIE_NAME " Could not register char device\n");
- goto fail3;
- }
- return 0;
- fail3:
- unregister_chrdev_region(litepcie_cdev, LITEPCIE_MINOR_COUNT);
- fail2:
- pci_unregister_driver(&litepcie_pci_driver);
- fail1:
- return ret;
-static void __exit litepcie_module_exit(void)
- cdev_del(&litepcie_cdev_struct);
- unregister_chrdev_region(litepcie_cdev, LITEPCIE_MINOR_COUNT);
- pci_unregister_driver(&litepcie_pci_driver);
+++ /dev/null
-CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -g -I../kernel -MMD
-all: $(PROGS)
-litepcie_util: litepcie_util.o litepcie_lib.o
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ -lrt -lm
- rm -f $(PROGS) *.o *.a *.d *~
-%.o: %.c
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
--include $(wildcard *.d)
+++ /dev/null
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <immintrin.h>
-#ifndef _BOOL_defined
-#define _BOOL_defined
-#undef FALSE
-#undef TRUE
-typedef int BOOL;
-enum {
- FALSE = 0,
- TRUE = 1,
-static inline int sub_mod_int(int a, int b, int m)
- a -= b;
- if (a < 0)
- a += m;
- return a;
-static inline int add_mod_int(int a, int b, int m)
- a += b;
- if (a >= m)
- a -= m;
- return a;
+++ /dev/null
- * LitePCIe library
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include "litepcie.h"
-#include "cutils.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "csr.h"
-#include "flags.h"
-#include "litepcie_lib.h"
- - DMA overflow/underflow detection
-void *litepcie_malloc(int size)
- return malloc(size);
-void *litepcie_mallocz(int size)
- void *ptr;
- ptr = litepcie_malloc(size);
- if (!ptr)
- return NULL;
- memset(ptr, 0, size);
- return ptr;
-void litepcie_free(void *ptr)
- free(ptr);
-void __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) litepcie_log(LitePCIeState *s, const char *fmt, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, fmt);
- vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
- va_end(ap);
-/* in ms */
-int64_t litepcie_get_time_ms(void)
- struct timespec ts;
- clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &ts);
- return (int64_t)ts.tv_sec * 1000 + (ts.tv_nsec / 1000000U);
-LitePCIeState *litepcie_open(const char *device_name)
- LitePCIeState *s;
- s = litepcie_mallocz(sizeof(LitePCIeState));
- if (!s)
- return NULL;
- s->litepcie_fd = open(device_name, O_RDWR);
- if (s->litepcie_fd < 0) {
- perror(device_name);
- goto fail;
- }
- /* map the DMA buffers */
- if (ioctl(s->litepcie_fd, LITEPCIE_IOCTL_GET_MMAP_INFO, &s->mmap_info) != 0) {
- exit(1);
- }
- s->dma_tx_buf = mmap(NULL, s->mmap_info.dma_tx_buf_size *
- s->mmap_info.dma_tx_buf_count,
- PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, s->litepcie_fd,
- s->mmap_info.dma_tx_buf_offset);
- if (s->dma_tx_buf == MAP_FAILED) {
- perror("mmap1");
- exit(1);
- }
- s->dma_rx_buf = mmap(NULL, s->mmap_info.dma_rx_buf_size *
- s->mmap_info.dma_rx_buf_count,
- PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, s->litepcie_fd,
- s->mmap_info.dma_rx_buf_offset);
- if (s->dma_rx_buf == MAP_FAILED) {
- perror("mmap2");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* map the registers */
- s->reg_buf = mmap(NULL, s->mmap_info.reg_size,
- PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, s->litepcie_fd,
- s->mmap_info.reg_offset);
- if (s->reg_buf == MAP_FAILED) {
- perror("mmap2");
- exit(1);
- }
- s->dma_tx_buf_size = s->mmap_info.dma_tx_buf_size;
- s->dma_rx_buf_size = s->mmap_info.dma_rx_buf_size;
- pthread_mutex_init(&s->fifo_mutex, NULL);
- return s;
- fail:
- litepcie_close(s);
- return NULL;
-void litepcie_dma_start(LitePCIeState *s, int buf_size, int buf_count, BOOL is_loopback)
- struct litepcie_ioctl_dma_start dma_start;
- if (buf_count > DMA_BUFFER_COUNT) {
- litepcie_log(s, "unsupported buf_count\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- s->tx_buf_size = s->rx_buf_size = buf_size;
- s->tx_buf_count = s->rx_buf_count = buf_count;
- dma_start.dma_flags = 0;
- if (is_loopback)
- dma_start.dma_flags |= DMA_LOOPBACK_ENABLE;
- dma_start.tx_buf_size = s->tx_buf_size;
- dma_start.tx_buf_count = s->tx_buf_count;
- dma_start.rx_buf_size = s->rx_buf_size;
- dma_start.rx_buf_count = s->rx_buf_count;
- if (ioctl(s->litepcie_fd, LITEPCIE_IOCTL_DMA_START, &dma_start) < 0) {
- }
-void litepcie_dma_stop(LitePCIeState *s)
- if (ioctl(s->litepcie_fd, LITEPCIE_IOCTL_DMA_STOP, NULL) < 0) {
- }
-void litepcie_writel(LitePCIeState *s, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val)
- *(volatile uint32_t *)(s->reg_buf + addr) = val;
-uint32_t litepcie_readl(LitePCIeState *s, uint32_t addr)
- return *(volatile uint32_t *)(s->reg_buf + addr);
-void litepcie_close(LitePCIeState *s)
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&s->fifo_mutex);
- if (s->dma_tx_buf) {
- munmap(s->dma_tx_buf, s->mmap_info.dma_tx_buf_size *
- s->mmap_info.dma_tx_buf_count);
- }
- if (s->dma_rx_buf) {
- munmap(s->dma_rx_buf, s->mmap_info.dma_rx_buf_size *
- s->mmap_info.dma_rx_buf_count);
- }
- if (s->reg_buf)
- munmap(s->reg_buf, s->mmap_info.reg_size);
- if (s->litepcie_fd >= 0)
- close(s->litepcie_fd);
- litepcie_free(s);
+++ /dev/null
- * LitePCIe library
- *
- */
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#define LITEPCIE_FILENAME "/dev/litepcie0"
-typedef struct {
- int litepcie_fd;
- struct litepcie_ioctl_mmap_info mmap_info;
- uint8_t *dma_tx_buf;
- int dma_tx_buf_size;
- uint8_t *dma_rx_buf;
- int dma_rx_buf_size;
- uint8_t *reg_buf;
- unsigned int tx_buf_size; /* in bytes */
- unsigned int tx_buf_count; /* number of buffers */
- unsigned int rx_buf_size; /* in bytes */
- unsigned int rx_buf_count; /* number of buffers */
- unsigned int tx_buf_len; /* in samples */
- unsigned int rx_buf_len; /* in samples */
- pthread_mutex_t fifo_mutex;
- int64_t rx_timestamp; /* timestamp (in samples) of the current RX buffer */
- unsigned int rx_buf_index; /* index of the current RX buffer */
- unsigned int rx_buf_next; /* index of the next buffer after the
- last received buffer */
- BOOL has_rx_timestamp; /* true if received at least one buffer */
- int64_t tx_underflow_count; /* TX too late */
- int64_t rx_overflow_count; /* RX too late */
-} LitePCIeState;
-void *litepcie_malloc(int size);
-void *litepcie_mallocz(int size);
-void litepcie_free(void *ptr);
-void __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) litepcie_log(LitePCIeState *s, const char *fmt, ...);
-int64_t litepcie_get_time_ms(void);
-LitePCIeState *litepcie_open(const char *device_name);
-void litepcie_close(LitePCIeState *s);
-void litepcie_dma_start(LitePCIeState *s, int buf_size, int buf_count, BOOL is_loopback);
-void litepcie_dma_stop(LitePCIeState *s);
-void litepcie_writel(LitePCIeState *s, uint32_t addr, uint32_t val);
-uint32_t litepcie_readl(LitePCIeState *s, uint32_t addr);
-#endif /* LITEPCIE_LIB_H */
+++ /dev/null
- * LitePCIe utilities
- *
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "litepcie.h"
-#include "cutils.h"
-#include "config.h"
-#include "csr.h"
-#include "flags.h"
-#include "litepcie_lib.h"
-static inline uint32_t seed_to_data(uint32_t seed)
-#if 1
- /* more random but slower */
- return seed * 0x31415976 + 1;
- /* simplify debug: just copy the counter */
- return seed;
-static void write_pn_data(uint32_t *dst, int count, uint32_t *pseed)
- int i;
- uint32_t seed;
- seed = *pseed;
- for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- dst[i] = seed_to_data(seed);
- seed++;
- }
- *pseed = seed;
-/* Return the number of errors */
-static int check_pn_data(const uint32_t *tab, int count,
- uint32_t *pseed)
- int i, errors;
- uint32_t seed;
- errors = 0;
- seed = *pseed;
- for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- if (tab[i] != seed_to_data(seed)) {
- errors++;
- }
- seed++;
- }
- *pseed = seed;
- return errors;
-#define MAX_SHIFT_OFFSET 128
-/* test DMA with a buffer size of buf_size bytes in loopback
- mode. */
-void dma_test(LitePCIeState *s, int buf_size, int buf_count, BOOL is_loopback)
- int is_first, tx_buf_num, buf_num_cur, buf_num_next;
- struct litepcie_ioctl_dma_wait dma_wait;
- int buf_stats_count; /* statistics */
- int64_t last_time;
- uint32_t tx_seed, rx_seed;
- int buf_rx_count, first_rx_buf, rx_errors, shift, d, tx_underflows;
- litepcie_dma_start(s, buf_size, buf_count, is_loopback);
- is_first = 1;
- buf_num_cur = 0; /* next buffer to receive */
- /* PN data TX and RX state */
- tx_seed = MAX_SHIFT_OFFSET;
- rx_seed = 0;
- buf_rx_count = 0;
- first_rx_buf = 1;
- /* statistics */
- buf_stats_count = 0;
- last_time = litepcie_get_time_ms();
- rx_errors = 0;
- shift = 0;
- tx_underflows = 0;
- for(;;) {
- /* wait until at least one buffer is received */
- dma_wait.timeout = 1000; /* 1 second timeout */
- dma_wait.tx_wait = FALSE;
- dma_wait.tx_buf_num = -1; /* not used */
- if (is_first) {
- dma_wait.rx_buf_num = -1; /* don't wait, just get the last
- received buffer number */
- } else {
- dma_wait.rx_buf_num = sub_mod_int(buf_num_cur, 1, buf_count);
- }
- /* wait until the current buffer number is different from
- dma_wait.buf_num */
- if (ioctl(s->litepcie_fd, LITEPCIE_IOCTL_DMA_WAIT, &dma_wait) < 0) {
- }
- if (is_first) {
- buf_num_cur = dma_wait.rx_buf_num;
- is_first = 0;
- }
- buf_num_next = add_mod_int(dma_wait.rx_buf_num, 1, buf_count);
- while (buf_num_cur != buf_num_next) {
- /* write the TX data 4/10 of a DMA cycle in the future */
- tx_buf_num = add_mod_int(buf_num_cur, 4*buf_count/10, buf_count);
- d = sub_mod_int(tx_buf_num, buf_num_next, buf_count);
- if (d >= (buf_count / 2)) {
- /* we are too late in writing data, which necessarily
- gives read errors. */
- tx_underflows++;
- }
- write_pn_data((uint32_t *)(s->dma_tx_buf +
- tx_buf_num * s->dma_tx_buf_size),
- s->tx_buf_size >> 2, &tx_seed);
- if (buf_rx_count >= 4*buf_count/10) {
- const uint32_t *rx_buf;
- int rx_buf_len;
- rx_buf = (uint32_t *)(s->dma_rx_buf + buf_num_cur * s->dma_rx_buf_size);
- rx_buf_len = s->rx_buf_size >> 2;
- if (first_rx_buf) {
- uint32_t seed;
- /* find the initial shift */
- for(shift = 0; shift < 2 * MAX_SHIFT_OFFSET; shift++) {
- seed = rx_seed + shift;
- rx_errors = check_pn_data(rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &seed);
- if (rx_errors <= (rx_buf_len / 2)) {
- rx_seed = seed;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (shift == 2 * MAX_SHIFT_OFFSET) {
- printf("Cannot find initial data\n");
- exit(1);
- } else {
- printf("RX shift = %d\n",
- -(shift - MAX_SHIFT_OFFSET));
- }
- first_rx_buf = 0;
- } else {
- /* count the number of errors */
- rx_errors += check_pn_data(rx_buf, rx_buf_len, &rx_seed);
- }
- } else {
- buf_rx_count++;
- }
- buf_num_cur = add_mod_int(buf_num_cur, 1, buf_count);
- /* statistics */
- if (++buf_stats_count == 10000) {
- int64_t duration;
- duration = litepcie_get_time_ms() - last_time;
- printf("%0.1f Gb/sec %0.1f bufs/sec tx_underflows=%d errors=%d\n",
- (double)buf_stats_count * buf_size * 8 / ((double)duration * 1e6),
- (double)buf_stats_count * 1000 / (double)duration,
- tx_underflows, rx_errors);
- last_time = litepcie_get_time_ms();
- buf_stats_count = 0;
- tx_underflows = 0;
- rx_errors = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- litepcie_dma_stop(s);
-void dma_loopback_test(void)
- LitePCIeState *s;
- s = litepcie_open(LITEPCIE_FILENAME);
- if (!s) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not init driver\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- dma_test(s, 16*1024, DMA_BUFFER_COUNT, TRUE);
- litepcie_close(s);
-void dump_version(void)
- LitePCIeState *s;
- s = litepcie_open(LITEPCIE_FILENAME);
- if (!s) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Could not init driver\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("sysid=0x%x\n", litepcie_readl(s, CSR_IDENTIFIER_SYSID_ADDR));
- printf("frequency=%d\n", litepcie_readl(s, CSR_IDENTIFIER_FREQUENCY_ADDR));
- litepcie_close(s);
-void help(void)
- printf("usage: litepcie_util cmd [args...]\n"
- "\n"
- "available commands:\n"
- "dma_loopback_test test DMA loopback operation\n"
- "version return fpga version\n"
- );
- exit(1);
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- const char *cmd;
- int c;
- for(;;) {
- c = getopt(argc, argv, "h");
- if (c == -1)
- break;
- switch(c) {
- case 'h':
- help();
- break;
- default:
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- if (optind >= argc)
- help();
- cmd = argv[optind++];
- if (!strcmp(cmd, "dma_loopback_test")) {
- dma_loopback_test();
- } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "version")) {
- dump_version();
- } else {
- help();
- }
- return 0;
+++ /dev/null
-import string
-import mmap
-import sys
-from import *
-class LitePCIeWishboneDriverLinux:
- def __init__(self, bar, bar_size, addrmap=None, busword=8, debug=False):
- = bar
- self.bar_size = bar_size
- self.debug = debug
- self.f = None
- self.mmap = None
- self.regs = build_map(addrmap, busword,, self.write)
- def open(self):
- self.f = open(, "r+b")
- self.f.flush()
- self.mmap = mmap.mmap(self.f.fileno(), self.bar_size)
- def close(self):
- self.mmap.close()
- self.f.close()
- def read(self, addr, burst_length=1):
- datas = []
- for i in range(burst_length):
- + 4*i)
- dat =
- val = dat[3] << 24
- val |= dat[2] << 16
- val |= dat[1] << 8
- val |= dat[0] << 0
- if self.debug:
- print("RD {:08X} @ {:08X}".format(val, addr + 4*i))
- datas.append(val)
- if burst_length == 1:
- return datas[0]
- else:
- return datas
- def write(self, addr, data):
- if isinstance(data, list):
- burst_length = len(data)
- else:
- burst_length = 1
- data = [data]
- for i, dat in enumerate(data):
- dat_bytes = [0, 0, 0, 0]
- dat_bytes[3] = (dat >> 24) & 0xff
- dat_bytes[2] = (dat >> 16) & 0xff
- dat_bytes[1] = (dat >> 8) & 0xff
- dat_bytes[0] = (dat >> 0) & 0xff
- self.mmap[addr + 4*i:addr + 4*(i+1)] = bytes(dat_bytes)
- if self.debug:
- print("WR {:08X} @ {:08X}".format(dat, (addr + i)*4))
-def LitePCIeWishboneDriver(*args, **kwargs):
- if sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "cygwin":
- raise NotImplementedError
- else:
- return LitePCIeWishboneDriverLinux(*args, **kwargs)
+++ /dev/null
-MSCDIR = ../../../../
-PYTHON = python3
- $(CMD)
- $(CMD)
+++ /dev/null
-import random
-def print_with_prefix(s, prefix=""):
- if not isinstance(s, str):
- s = s.__repr__()
- s = s.split("\n")
- for l in s:
- print(prefix + l)
-def seed_to_data(seed, random=True):
- if random:
- return (seed * 0x31415979 + 1) & 0xffffffff
- else:
- return seed
-def check(ref, res):
- if isinstance(ref, int):
- return 0, 1, int(ref != res)
- else:
- shift = 0
- while((ref[0] != res[0]) and (len(res) > 1)):
- res.pop(0)
- shift += 1
- length = min(len(ref), len(res))
- errors = 0
- for i in range(length):
- if ref.pop(0) != res.pop(0):
- errors += 1
- return shift, length, errors
-def randn(max_n):
- return random.randint(0, max_n-1)
+++ /dev/null
-import random
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from migen.sim.generic import run_simulation
-from migen.actorlib.structuring import Converter
-from import *
-from import Endpoint
-from import interrupt_controller
-from import writer, reader
-from import *
-from import *
-root_id = 0x100
-endpoint_id = 0x400
-max_length = Signal(8, reset=128)
-dma_size = 1024
-class DMADriver():
- def __init__(self, dma, selfp):
- self.dma = dma
- self.selfp = selfp
- def set_prog_mode(self):
- dma = getattr(self.selfp, self.dma)
- = 0
- yield
- def set_loop_mode(self):
- dma = getattr(self.selfp, self.dma)
- = 1
- yield
- def flush(self):
- dma = getattr(self.selfp, self.dma)
- = 1
- yield
- = 0
- yield
- def program_descriptor(self, address, length):
- value = address
- value |= (length << 32)
- dma = getattr(self.selfp, self.dma)
- = value
- dma.table._we.r = 1
- = 1
- yield
- = 0
- yield
- def enable(self):
- dma = getattr(self.selfp, self.dma)
- = 1
- yield
- def disable(self):
- dma = getattr(self.selfp, self.dma)
- = 0
- yield
-class InterruptHandler(Module):
- def __init__(self, debug=False):
- self.debug = debug
- self.sink = Sink(interrupt_layout())
- self.dma_writer_irq = 0
- def set_tb_selfp(self, tb_selfp):
- self.tb_selfp = tb_selfp
- def do_simulation(self, selfp):
- tb_selfp = self.tb_selfp
- tb_selfp.irq_controller._clear.r = 0
- = 0
- selfp.sink.ack = 1
- self.dma_writer_irq = 0
- if selfp.sink.stb and (selfp.simulator.cycle_counter%4 == 0):
- # get vector
- irq_vector = tb_selfp.irq_controller._vector.status
- # handle irq
- if irq_vector & DMA_READER_IRQ:
- if self.debug:
- print("DMA_READER IRQ : {}".format(tb_selfp.dma_reader.table._index.status))
- # clear irq_controller
- = 1
- tb_selfp.irq_controller._clear.r |= DMA_READER_IRQ
- if irq_vector & DMA_WRITER_IRQ:
- if self.debug:
- print("DMA_WRITER IRQ : {}".format(tb_selfp.dma_writer.table._index.status))
- # clear irq_controller
- = 1
- tb_selfp.irq_controller._clear.r |= DMA_WRITER_IRQ
- self.dma_writer_irq = 1
-test_size = 16*1024
-class TB(Module):
- def __init__(self, with_converter=False):
- = Host(64, root_id, endpoint_id,
- phy_debug=False,
- chipset_debug=False, chipset_split=True, chipset_reordering=True,
- host_debug=True)
- self.submodules.endpoint = Endpoint(, max_pending_requests=8, with_reordering=True)
- self.submodules.dma_reader = reader.DMAReader(self.endpoint, self.endpoint.crossbar.get_master_port(read_only=True))
- self.submodules.dma_writer = writer.DMAWriter(self.endpoint, self.endpoint.crossbar.get_master_port(write_only=True))
- if with_converter:
- self.submodules.up_converter = Converter(dma_layout(16), dma_layout(64))
- self.submodules.down_converter = Converter(dma_layout(64), dma_layout(16))
- self.comb += [
- self.dma_reader.source.connect(self.down_converter.sink),
- self.down_converter.source.connect(self.up_converter.sink),
- self.up_converter.source.connect(self.dma_writer.sink)
- ]
- else:
- self.comb += self.dma_reader.source.connect(self.dma_writer.sink)
- self.submodules.irq_controller = interrupt_controller.InterruptController(2)
- self.comb += [
- self.irq_controller.irqs[log2_int(DMA_READER_IRQ)].eq(self.dma_reader.table.irq),
- self.irq_controller.irqs[log2_int(DMA_WRITER_IRQ)].eq(self.dma_writer.table.irq)
- ]
- self.submodules.irq_handler = InterruptHandler()
- self.comb += self.irq_controller.source.connect(self.irq_handler.sink)
- def gen_simulation(self, selfp):
-, test_size*2)
- host_datas = [seed_to_data(i, True) for i in range(test_size//4)]
-, host_datas)
- dma_reader_driver = DMADriver("dma_reader", selfp)
- dma_writer_driver = DMADriver("dma_writer", selfp)
- self.irq_handler.set_tb_selfp(selfp)
- yield from dma_reader_driver.set_prog_mode()
- yield from dma_reader_driver.flush()
- for i in range(8):
- yield from dma_reader_driver.program_descriptor((test_size//8)*i, test_size//8)
- yield from dma_writer_driver.set_prog_mode()
- yield from dma_writer_driver.flush()
- for i in range(8):
- yield from dma_writer_driver.program_descriptor(test_size + (test_size//8)*i, test_size//8)
- yield from dma_reader_driver.enable()
- yield from dma_writer_driver.enable()
- i = 0
- while i != 8:
- i += self.irq_handler.dma_writer_irq
- yield
- for i in range(100):
- yield
- loopback_datas =, test_size)
- s, l, e = check(host_datas, loopback_datas)
- print("shift " + str(s) + " / length " + str(l) + " / errors " + str(e))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- run_simulation(TB(with_converter=False), ncycles=4000, vcd_name="my.vcd", keep_files=True)
+++ /dev/null
-from import *
-from import *
-from import *
-from import *
-def print_chipset(s):
- print_with_prefix(s, "[CHIPSET] ")
-def find_cmp_tags(queue):
- tags = []
- for tag, dwords in queue:
- if tag not in tags:
- tags.append(tag)
- return tags
-def find_first_cmp_msg(queue, msg_tag):
- for i, (tag, dwords) in enumerate(queue):
- if tag == msg_tag:
- return i
-# Chipset model
-class Chipset(Module):
- def __init__(self, phy, root_id, debug=False, with_reordering=False):
- self.phy = phy
- self.root_id = root_id
- self.debug = debug
- self.with_reordering = with_reordering
- ###
- self.rd32_data = []
- self.cmp_queue = []
- self.en = False
- def set_host_callback(self, callback):
- self.host_callback = callback
- def enable(self):
- self.en = True
- def disable(self):
- self.en = False
- def wr32(self, adr, data):
- wr32 = WR32()
- wr32.fmt = 0b10
- wr32.type = 0b00000
- wr32.length = len(data)
- wr32.first_be = 0xf
- wr32.address = adr
- wr32.requester_id = self.root_id
- dwords = wr32.encode_dwords(data)
- if self.debug:
- print_chipset(">>>>>>>>")
- print_chipset(parse_dwords(dwords))
- yield from self.phy.send_blocking(dwords)
- def rd32(self, adr, length=1):
- rd32 = RD32()
- rd32.fmt = 0b00
- rd32.type = 0b00000
- rd32.length = length
- rd32.first_be = 0xf
- rd32.address = adr
- rd32.requester_id = self.root_id
- dwords = rd32.encode_dwords()
- if self.debug:
- print_chipset(">>>>>>>>")
- print_chipset(parse_dwords(dwords))
- yield from self.phy.send_blocking(dwords)
- dwords = None
- while dwords is None:
- dwords = self.phy.receive()
- yield
- cpld = CPLD(dwords)
- self.rd32_data =
- if self.debug:
- print_chipset("<<<<<<<<")
- print_chipset(cpld)
- def cmp(self, req_id, data, byte_count=None, lower_address=0, tag=0, with_split=False):
- if with_split:
- d = random.choice([64, 128, 256])
- n = byte_count//d
- if n == 0:
- self.cmp(req_id, data, byte_count=byte_count, tag=tag)
- else:
- for i in range(n):
- cmp_data = data[i*byte_count//(4*n):(i+1)*byte_count//(4*n)]
- self.cmp(req_id, cmp_data, byte_count=byte_count-i*byte_count//n, tag=tag)
- else:
- if len(data) == 0:
- fmt = 0b00
- cpl = CPL()
- else:
- fmt = 0b10
- cpl = CPLD()
- cpl.fmt = fmt
- cpl.type = 0b01010
- cpl.length = len(data)
- cpl.lower_address = lower_address
- cpl.requester_id = req_id
- cpl.completer_id = self.root_id
- if byte_count is None:
- cpl.byte_count = len(data)*4
- else:
- cpl.byte_count = byte_count
- cpl.tag = tag
- if len(data) == 0:
- dwords = cpl.encode_dwords()
- else:
- dwords = cpl.encode_dwords(data)
- self.cmp_queue.append((tag, dwords))
- def cmp_callback(self):
- if len(self.cmp_queue):
- if self.with_reordering:
- tags = find_cmp_tags(self.cmp_queue)
- tag = random.choice(tags)
- n = find_first_cmp_msg(self.cmp_queue, tag)
- tag, dwords = self.cmp_queue.pop(n)
- else:
- tag, dwords = self.cmp_queue.pop(0)
- if self.debug:
- print_chipset(">>>>>>>>")
- print_chipset(parse_dwords(dwords))
- self.phy.send(dwords)
- def gen_simulation(self, selfp):
- while True:
- if self.en:
- dwords = self.phy.receive()
- if dwords is not None:
- msg = parse_dwords(dwords)
- if self.debug:
- print_chipset(" <<<<<<<< (Callback)")
- print_chipset(msg)
- self.host_callback(msg)
- self.cmp_callback()
- yield
+++ /dev/null
-from import *
-from import *
-from import *
-from import PHY
-from import *
-from import Chipset
-def print_host(s):
- print_with_prefix(s, "[HOST] ")
-# Host model
-class Host(Module):
- def __init__(self, dw, root_id, endpoint_id, bar0_size=1*MB,
- phy_debug=False,
- chipset_debug=False, chipset_split=False, chipset_reordering=False,
- host_debug=False):
- self.debug = host_debug
- self.chipset_split = chipset_split
- ###
- self.submodules.phy = PHY(dw, endpoint_id, bar0_size, phy_debug)
- self.submodules.chipset = Chipset(self.phy, root_id, chipset_debug, chipset_reordering)
- self.chipset.set_host_callback(self.callback)
- self.rd32_queue = []
- def malloc(self, base, length):
- self.base = base
- self.buffer = [0]*(length//4)
- def write_mem(self, adr, data):
- if self.debug:
- print_host("Writing {} bytes at 0x{:08x}".format(len(data)*4, adr))
- current_adr = (adr-self.base)//4
- for i in range(len(data)):
- self.buffer[current_adr+i] = data[i]
- def read_mem(self, adr, length=1):
- if self.debug:
- print_host("Reading {} bytes at 0x{:08x}".format(length, adr))
- current_adr = (adr-self.base)//4
- data = []
- for i in range(length//4):
- data.append(self.buffer[current_adr+i])
- return data
- def callback(self, msg):
- if isinstance(msg, WR32):
- address = msg.address*4
- self.write_mem(address,
- elif isinstance(msg, RD32):
- self.rd32_queue.append(msg)
- def gen_simulation(self, selfp):
- while True:
- if len(self.rd32_queue):
- msg = self.rd32_queue.pop(0)
- address = msg.address*4
- length = msg.length*4
- data = self.read_mem(address, length)
- self.chipset.cmp(msg.requester_id, data, byte_count=length, tag=msg.tag, with_split=self.chipset_split)
- else:
- yield
+++ /dev/null
-import math
-from import *
-from import *
-from import *
-def print_chipset(s):
- print_with_prefix(s, "[PHY] ")
-# PHY Layer model
-class PHYPacket():
- def __init__(self, dat=[], be=[]):
- self.dat = dat
- = be
- self.start = 1
- self.done = 0
-class PHYSource(Module):
- def __init__(self, dw):
- self.source = Source(phy_layout(dw))
- ###
- self.packets = []
- self.packet = PHYPacket()
- self.packet.done = 1
- def send(self, packet):
- self.packets.append(packet)
- def send_blocking(self, packet):
- self.send(packet)
- while packet.done == 0:
- yield
- def do_simulation(self, selfp):
- if len(self.packets) and self.packet.done:
- self.packet = self.packets.pop(0)
- if self.packet.start and not self.packet.done:
- selfp.source.stb = 1
- selfp.source.sop = 1
- selfp.source.dat = self.packet.dat.pop(0)
- =
- self.packet.start = 0
- elif selfp.source.stb == 1 and selfp.source.ack == 1:
- selfp.source.sop = 0
- selfp.source.eop = (len(self.packet.dat) == 1)
- if len(self.packet.dat) > 0:
- selfp.source.stb = 1
- selfp.source.dat = self.packet.dat.pop(0)
- =
- else:
- self.packet.done = 1
- selfp.source.stb = 0
-class PHYSink(Module):
- def __init__(self, dw):
- self.sink = Sink(phy_layout(dw))
- ###
- self.packet = PHYPacket()
- def receive(self):
- self.packet.done = 0
- while self.packet.done == 0:
- yield
- def do_simulation(self, selfp):
- self.packet.done = 0
- selfp.sink.ack = 1
- if selfp.sink.stb == 1 and selfp.sink.sop == 1:
- self.packet.start = 1
- self.packet.dat = [selfp.sink.dat]
- = []
- elif selfp.sink.stb:
- self.packet.start = 0
- self.packet.dat.append(selfp.sink.dat)
- if (selfp.sink.stb == 1 and selfp.sink.eop == 1):
- self.packet.done = 1
-class PHY(Module):
- def __init__(self, dw, id, bar0_size, debug):
- self.dw = dw
- = id
- self.bar0_size = bar0_size
- self.bar0_mask = get_bar_mask(bar0_size)
- self.max_request_size = 512
- self.max_payload_size = 128
- self.submodules.phy_source = PHYSource(dw)
- self.submodules.phy_sink = PHYSink(dw)
- self.source = self.phy_source.source
- self.sink = self.phy_sink.sink
- def dwords2packet(self, dwords):
- ratio = self.dw//32
- length = math.ceil(len(dwords)/ratio)
- dat = [0]*length
- be = [0]*length
- for n in range(length):
- for i in reversed(range(ratio)):
- dat[n] = dat[n] << 32
- be[n] = be[n] << 4
- try:
- dat[n] |= dwords[2*n+i]
- be[n] |= 0xF
- except:
- pass
- return dat, be
- def send(self, dwords):
- dat, be = self.dwords2packet(dwords)
- packet = PHYPacket(dat, be)
- self.phy_source.send(packet)
- def send_blocking(self, dwords):
- dat, be = self.dwords2packet(dwords)
- packet = PHYPacket(dat, be)
- yield from self.phy_source.send_blocking(packet)
- def packet2dwords(self, p_dat, p_be):
- ratio = self.dw//32
- dwords = []
- for dat, be in zip(p_dat, p_be):
- for i in range(ratio):
- dword_be = (be >> (4*i)) & 0xf
- dword_dat = (dat >> (32*i)) & 0xffffffff
- if dword_be == 0xf:
- dwords.append(dword_dat)
- return dwords
- def receive(self):
- if self.phy_sink.packet.done:
- self.phy_sink.packet.done = 0
- return self.packet2dwords(self.phy_sink.packet.dat,
- else:
- return None
+++ /dev/null
-from import *
-from import *
-# TLP Layer model
-def get_field_data(field, dwords):
- return (dwords[field.byte//4] >> field.offset) & (2**field.width-1)
-tlp_headers_dict = {
- "RD32": tlp_request_header,
- "WR32": tlp_request_header,
- "CPLD": tlp_completion_header,
- "CPL": tlp_completion_header
-class TLP():
- def __init__(self, name, dwords=[0, 0, 0]):
- = name
- self.header = dwords[:3]
- = dwords[3:]
- self.dwords = self.header +
- self.decode_dwords()
- def decode_dwords(self):
- for k, v in tlp_headers_dict[].fields.items():
- setattr(self, k, get_field_data(v, self.header))
- def encode_dwords(self, data=[]):
- self.header = [0, 0, 0]
- for k, v in tlp_headers_dict[].fields.items():
- field = tlp_headers_dict[].fields[k]
- self.header[field.byte//4] |= (getattr(self, k) << field.offset)
- = data
- self.dwords = self.header +
- return self.dwords
- def __repr__(self):
- r = + "\n"
- r += "--------\n"
- for k in sorted(tlp_headers_dict[].keys()):
- r += k + " : 0x{:x}".format(getattr(self, k) + "\n")
- if len( != 0:
- r += "data:\n"
- for d in
- r += "{:08x}\n".format(d)
- return r
-class RD32(TLP):
- def __init__(self, dwords=[0, 0, 0]):
- TLP.__init__(self, "RD32", dwords)
-class WR32(TLP):
- def __init__(self, dwords=[0, 0, 0]):
- TLP.__init__(self, "WR32", dwords)
-class CPLD(TLP):
- def __init__(self, dwords=[0, 0, 0]):
- TLP.__init__(self, "CPLD", dwords)
-class CPL():
- def __init__(self, dwords=[0, 0, 0]):
- TLP.__init__(self, "CPL", dwords)
-class Unknown():
- def __repr__(self):
- r = "UNKNOWN\n"
- return r
-fmt_type_dict = {
- fmt_type_dict["mem_rd32"]: (RD32, 3),
- fmt_type_dict["mem_wr32"]: (WR32, 4),
- fmt_type_dict["cpld"]: (CPLD, 4),
- fmt_type_dict["cpl"]: (CPL, 3)
-def parse_dwords(dwords):
- f = get_field_data(tlp_common_header.fields["fmt"], dwords)
- t = get_field_data(tlp_common_header.fields["type"], dwords)
- fmt_type = (f << 5) | t
- try:
- tlp, min_len = fmt_type_dict[fmt_type]
- if len(dwords) >= min_len:
- return tlp(dwords)
- else:
- return Unknown()
- except:
- return Unknown()
+++ /dev/null
-from migen.fhdl.std import *
-from migen.bus import wishbone
-from migen.sim.generic import run_simulation
-from import Endpoint
-from import WishboneBridge
-from import *
-from import *
-root_id = 0x100
-endpoint_id = 0x400
-class TB(Module):
- def __init__(self):
- = Host(64, root_id, endpoint_id,
- phy_debug=False,
- chipset_debug=False,
- host_debug=False)
- self.submodules.endpoint = Endpoint(
- self.submodules.wishbone_bridge = WishboneBridge(self.endpoint, lambda a: 1)
- self.submodules.sram = wishbone.SRAM(1024, bus=self.wishbone_bridge.wishbone)
- def gen_simulation(self, selfp):
- wr_datas = [seed_to_data(i, True) for i in range(64)]
- for i in range(64):
- yield from, [wr_datas[i]])
- rd_datas = []
- for i in range(64):
- yield from
- rd_datas.append([0])
- s, l, e = check(wr_datas, rd_datas)
- print("shift " + str(s) + " / length " + str(l) + " / errors " + str(e))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- run_simulation(TB(), ncycles=1000, vcd_name="my.vcd", keep_files=True)