In the UAPI, the first BO is the destination, and the one the kernel
should do an exclusive reservation on. Currently we only do exclusive
reservations, anyway. However, in the simulator path I was only copying
back the "destination" BO (actually src in this case), and this caused
regressions once I fixed the simulator to actually complete TFU before
returning (since otherwise, the TFU op would happen at the start of the
next CL submit and the draw would get the right contents).
Fixes: 976ea90bdca2 ("v3d: Add support for using the TFU to do some blits.")
struct drm_v3d_submit_tfu tfu = {
.ios = (height << 16) | width,
.bo_handles = {
- src->bo->handle,
- src != dst ? dst->bo->handle : 0
+ dst->bo->handle,
+ src != dst ? src->bo->handle : 0
.in_sync = v3d->out_sync,
.out_sync = v3d->out_sync,