+// IO- "$__" cells for the iopadmap pass. These are temporary cells not meant
+// to be instantiated by the end user. They are required in this file for
+// attrmvcp to work.
+(* blackbox *)
+module \$__FACADE_OUTPAD (input I, output O); endmodule
+(* blackbox *)
+module \$__FACADE_INPAD (input I, output O); endmodule
+(* blackbox *)
+module \$__FACADE_TOUTPAD (input I, OE, output O); endmodule
+(* blackbox *)
+module \$__FACADE_TINOUTPAD (input I, OE, output O, inout B); endmodule
if (check_label("begin"))
- run("read_verilog -lib +/machxo2/cells_sim.v");
+ run("read_verilog -lib -icells +/machxo2/cells_sim.v");
run(stringf("hierarchy -check %s", help_mode ? "-top <top>" : top_opt.c_str()));
if (check_label("map_ios"))
if (!noiopad || help_mode)
+ {
run("iopadmap -bits -outpad $__FACADE_OUTPAD I:O -inpad $__FACADE_INPAD O:I -toutpad $__FACADE_TOUTPAD OE:I:O -tinoutpad $__FACADE_TINOUTPAD OE:O:I:B A:top", "(skip if '-noiopad')");
+ run("attrmvcp -attr src -attr LOC t:$__FACADE_OUTPAD %x:+[O] t:$__FACADE_TOUTPAD %x:+[O] t:$__FACADE_TINOUTPAD %x:+[B]", "(skip if '-noiopad')");
+ run("attrmvcp -attr src -attr LOC -driven t:$__FACADE_INPAD %x:+[I]", "(skip if '-noiopad')");
+ }
if (check_label("map_ffs"))