VkImageAspectFlags pending_load_aspects;
bool fast_clear;
VkClearValue clear_value;
- bool clear_color_is_zero_one;
bool clear_color_is_zero;
/* When multiview is active, attachments with a renderpass clear
union isl_color_value clear_color = {};
anv_clear_color_from_att_state(&clear_color, att_state, iview);
- att_state->clear_color_is_zero_one =
+ const bool clear_color_is_zero_one =
isl_color_value_is_zero_one(clear_color, iview->planes[0].isl.format);
att_state->clear_color_is_zero =
isl_color_value_is_zero(clear_color, iview->planes[0].isl.format);
att_state->fast_clear = false;
/* On Broadwell and earlier, we can only handle 0/1 clear colors */
- if (GEN_GEN <= 8 && !att_state->clear_color_is_zero_one)
+ if (GEN_GEN <= 8 && !clear_color_is_zero_one)
att_state->fast_clear = false;
/* If the clear color is one that would require non-trivial format
att_state->aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE;
att_state->input_aux_usage = ISL_AUX_USAGE_NONE;
- /* This is unused for depth/stencil but valgrind complains if it
- * isn't initialized
- */
- att_state->clear_color_is_zero_one = false;
if (GEN_GEN == 7) {
/* We don't do any HiZ or depth fast-clears on gen7 yet */
att_state->fast_clear = false;
* color or auxiliary buffer usage isn't supported by the sampler.
const bool input_needs_resolve =
- (att_state->fast_clear && !att_state->clear_color_is_zero_one) ||
+ (att_state->fast_clear && !att_state->clear_color_is_zero) ||
att_state->input_aux_usage != att_state->aux_usage;
VkImageLayout target_layout;