Migen generates behavioural V*HDL code that should be compatible with all simulators and, if the number of ports is <= 2, most FPGA synthesizers. If a specific code is needed, the memory handler can be overriden using the appropriate parameter of the V*HDL conversion function.
+Inline synthesis directives
+Inline synthesis directives (pseudo-comments such as ``// synthesis attribute keep of clock_signal_name is true``) are supported using the ``SynthesisDirective`` object. Its constructor takes as parameters a string containing the body of the directive, and optional keyword parameters that are used to replace signal names similarly to the Python string method ``format``. The above example could be represented as follows: ::
+ SynthesisDirective("attribute keep of {clksig} is true", clksig=clock_domain.clk)
A "fragment" is a unit of logic, which is composed of:
from migen.fhdl.structure import *
+from migen.fhdl.specials import SynthesisDirective
from migen.fhdl import verilog
# convert pulse into level change
+# disable shift register extraction
+disable_srl = {
+ SynthesisDirective("attribute shreg_extract of {signal} is no", signal=slevel[0]),
+ SynthesisDirective("attribute shreg_extract of {signal} is no", signal=slevel[1])
# regenerate pulse
o = Signal()
comb = [o.eq(slevel[1] ^ slevel[2])]
-f = Fragment(comb, {"i": isync, "o": osync})
-v = verilog.convert(f, ios={i, o})
+f = Fragment(comb, {"i": isync, "o": osync}, specials=disable_srl)
+v = verilog.convert(f, {i, o})
r += "end\n\n"
return r
+class SynthesisDirective(Special):
+ def __init__(self, template, **signals):
+ Special.__init__(self)
+ self.template = template
+ self.signals = signals
+ def list_ios(self, ins, outs, inouts):
+ return set()
+ @staticmethod
+ def emit_verilog(directive, ns, clock_domains):
+ name_dict = dict((k, ns.get_name(sig)) for k, sig in directive.signals.items())
+ formatted = directive.template.format(**name_dict)
+ return "// synthesis " + formatted + "\n"