--- /dev/null
+/********************* */
+/*! \file array_proof_reconstruction.h
+ ** \verbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief Array-specific proof construction logic to be used during the
+ ** equality engine's path reconstruction
+ **/
+#include "theory/arrays/array_proof_reconstruction.h"
+namespace CVC4 {
+namespace theory {
+namespace arrays {
+ArrayProofReconstruction::ArrayProofReconstruction(const eq::EqualityEngine* equalityEngine)
+ : d_equalityEngine(equalityEngine) {
+void ArrayProofReconstruction::notify(eq::MergeReasonType reasonType, Node reason, Node a, Node b,
+ std::vector<TNode>& equalities, eq::EqProof* proof) const {
+ Debug("pf::array") << "ArrayProofReconstruction::notify( "
+ << reason << ", " << a << ", " << b << std::endl;
+ switch (reasonType) {
+ case eq::MERGED_ARRAYS_EXT: {
+ if (proof) {
+ // Todo: here we assume that a=b is an assertion. We should probably call explain()
+ // recursively, to explain this.
+ eq::EqProof* childProof = new eq::EqProof;
+ childProof->d_node = reason;
+ proof->d_children.push_back(childProof);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case eq::MERGED_ARRAYS_ROW: {
+ // ROW rules mean that (i==k) OR ((a[i]:=t)[k] == a[k])
+ // The equality here will be either (i == k) because ((a[i]:=t)[k] != a[k]),
+ // or ((a[i]:=t)[k] == a[k]) because (i != k).
+ if (proof) {
+ if (a.getNumChildren() == 2) {
+ // This is the case of ((a[i]:=t)[k] == a[k]) because (i != k).
+ // The edge is ((a[i]:=t)[k], a[k]), or (a[k], (a[i]:=t)[k]). This flag should be
+ // false in the first case and true in the second case.
+ bool currentNodeIsUnchangedArray;
+ Assert(a.getNumChildren() == 2);
+ Assert(b.getNumChildren() == 2);
+ if (a[0].getKind() == kind::VARIABLE || a[0].getKind() == kind::SKOLEM) {
+ currentNodeIsUnchangedArray = true;
+ } else if (b[0].getKind() == kind::VARIABLE || b[0].getKind() == kind::SKOLEM) {
+ currentNodeIsUnchangedArray = false;
+ } else {
+ Assert(a[0].getKind() == kind::STORE);
+ Assert(b[0].getKind() == kind::STORE);
+ if (a[0][0] == b[0]) {
+ currentNodeIsUnchangedArray = false;
+ } else if (b[0][0] == a[0]) {
+ currentNodeIsUnchangedArray = true;
+ } else {
+ Unreachable();
+ }
+ }
+ Node indexOne = currentNodeIsUnchangedArray ? a[1] : a[0][1];
+ Node indexTwo = currentNodeIsUnchangedArray ? b[0][1] : b[1];
+ // Some assertions to ensure that the theory of arrays behaves as expected
+ Assert(a[1] == b[1]);
+ if (currentNodeIsUnchangedArray) {
+ Assert(a[0] == b[0][0]);
+ } else {
+ Assert(a[0][0] == b[0]);
+ }
+ Debug("pf::ee") << "Getting explanation for ROW guard: "
+ << indexOne << " != " << indexTwo << std::endl;
+ eq::EqProof* childProof = new eq::EqProof;
+ d_equalityEngine->explainEquality(indexOne, indexTwo, false, equalities, childProof);
+ proof->d_children.push_back(childProof);
+ } else {
+ // This is the case of (i == k) because ((a[i]:=t)[k] != a[k]),
+ Node indexOne = a;
+ Node indexTwo = b;
+ Debug("pf::ee") << "The two indices are: " << indexOne << ", " << indexTwo << std::endl
+ << "The reason for the edge is: " << reason << std::endl;
+ Assert(reason.getNumChildren() == 2);
+ Debug("pf::ee") << "Getting explanation for ROW guard: " << reason[1] << std::endl;
+ eq::EqProof* childProof = new eq::EqProof;
+ d_equalityEngine->explainEquality(reason[1][0], reason[1][1], false, equalities, childProof);
+ proof->d_children.push_back(childProof);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case eq::MERGED_ARRAYS_ROW1: {
+ // No special handling required at this time
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+}/* CVC4::theory::arrays namespace */
+}/* CVC4::theory namespace */
+}/* CVC4 namespace */
Assert(d_disequalityReasonsMap.find(pair) != d_disequalityReasonsMap.end(), "Don't ask for stuff I didn't notify you about");
DisequalityReasonRef reasonRef = d_disequalityReasonsMap.find(pair)->second;
- for (unsigned i = reasonRef.mergesStart; i < reasonRef.mergesEnd; ++ i) {
- EqualityPair toExplain = d_deducedDisequalityReasons[i];
- }
for (unsigned i = reasonRef.mergesStart; i < reasonRef.mergesEnd; ++ i) {
EqualityPair toExplain = d_deducedDisequalityReasons[i];
eqpc = new EqProof;
- // Some edges have the form ((a == b) == false). Translate this into (not (a == b)).
- // Assert(d_nodes[toExplain.first] != NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false));
getExplanation(toExplain.first, toExplain.second, equalities, eqpc);
- // if (eqpc) {
- // eqp->d_children.push_back(eqpc);
- // }
if (eqpc) {
Debug("pf::ee") << "Child proof is:" << std::endl;
eqpc->debug_print("pf::ee", 1);
currentNode = bfsQueue[currentIndex].nodeId;
EqualityNodeId edgeNode = d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getNodeId();
MergeReasonType reasonType = d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReasonType();
+ Node reason = d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReason();
Debug("equality") << d_name << "::eq::getExplanation(): currentEdge = " << currentEdge << ", currentNode = " << currentNode << std::endl;
Debug("equality") << d_name << " targetNode = " << d_nodes[edgeNode] << std::endl;
eqpc = new EqProof;
eqpc->d_id = reasonType;
// Add the actual equality to the vector
switch (reasonType) {
const FunctionApplication& f1 = d_applications[currentNode].original;
const FunctionApplication& f2 = d_applications[edgeNode].original;
- Debug("pf::ee") << "We need to prove two equalities:" << std::endl;
- Debug("pf::ee") << "\tLHS: " << d_nodes[f1.a] << " = " << d_nodes[f2.a] << std::endl;
- Debug("pf::ee") << "\tRHS: " << d_nodes[f1.b] << " = " << d_nodes[f2.b] << std::endl;
Debug("equality") << push;
Debug("equality") << "Explaining left hand side equalities" << std::endl;
EqProof * eqpc1 = eqpc ? new EqProof : NULL;
if( eqpc ){
eqpc->d_children.push_back( eqpc1 );
eqpc->d_children.push_back( eqpc2 );
- Debug("pf::ee") << "Congruence : " << d_nodes[currentNode] << " " << d_nodes[edgeNode] << std::endl;
if( d_nodes[currentNode].getKind()==kind::EQUAL ){
//leave node null for now
eqpc->d_node = Node::null();
- }else{
- Debug("pf::ee") << d_nodes[f1.a] << " / " << d_nodes[f2.a] << ", " << d_nodes[f1.b] << " / " << d_nodes[f2.b] << std::endl;
+ } else {
if(d_nodes[f1.a].getKind() == kind::APPLY_UF ||
d_nodes[f1.a].getKind() == kind::SELECT ||
d_nodes[f1.a].getKind() == kind::STORE) {
eqpc->d_node = d_nodes[f1.a];
} else {
- Debug("pf::ee") << "f1.a is: " << d_nodes[f1.a]
- << ". kind is: " << d_nodes[f1.a].getKind() << std::endl;
if (d_nodes[f1.a].getKind() == kind::BUILTIN && d_nodes[f1.a].getConst<Kind>() == kind::SELECT) {
- Debug("pf::ee") << "f1.a getConst<kind> is: " << d_nodes[f1.a].getConst<Kind>() << std::endl;
eqpc->d_node = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::PARTIAL_SELECT_1, d_nodes[f1.b]);
- // The first child is a PARTIAL_SELECT_0. Give it a child so that we know what kind of (read) it is, when we dump to LFSC.
- Debug("pf::ee") << "eqpc->d_children[0]->d_node.getKind() == " << eqpc->d_children[0]->d_node.getKind() << std::endl;
+ // The first child is a PARTIAL_SELECT_0.
+ // Give it a child so that we know what kind of (read) it is, when we dump to LFSC.
Assert(eqpc->d_children[0]->d_node.getKind() == kind::PARTIAL_SELECT_0);
Assert(eqpc->d_children[0]->d_children.size() == 0);
- Debug("pf::ee") << "Dumping the equality proof before:" << std::endl;
- eqpc->debug_print("pf::ee", 1);
- eqpc->d_children[0]->d_node = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::PARTIAL_SELECT_0, d_nodes[f1.b]);
- Debug("pf::ee") << "Dumping the equality proof after:" << std::endl;
- eqpc->debug_print("pf::ee", 1);
- //eqpc->d_children[0]->d_node.append(d_nodes[f1.b]);
+ eqpc->d_children[0]->d_node = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::PARTIAL_SELECT_0,
+ d_nodes[f1.b]);
} else {
eqpc->d_node = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode(kind::PARTIAL_APPLY_UF,
- Debug("pf::ee") << "New d_node is: " << eqpc->d_node << std::endl;
Debug("equality") << pop;
// x1 == x1
Debug("equality") << d_name << "::eq::getExplanation(): due to reflexivity, going deeper" << std::endl;
// f(c1, ..., cn) = c semantically, we can just ignore it
Debug("equality") << d_name << "::eq::getExplanation(): due to constants, explain the constants" << std::endl;
Debug("equality") << pop;
- break;
- }
- Debug("equality") << d_name << "::eq::getExplanation(): MERGED_ARRAYS_EXT" << std::endl;
- if (eqpc) {
- Node a = d_nodes[d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getNodeId()];
- Node b = d_nodes[currentNode];
- // GK: todo: here we assume that a=b is an assertion. We should probably call explain()
- // recursively, to explain this.
- if (a == NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false)) {
- eqpc->d_node = b.notNode();
- } else if (b == NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false)) {
- eqpc->d_node = a.notNode();
- } else {
- eqpc->d_node = a.eqNode(b);
- }
- EqProof* eqpc1 = new EqProof;
- eqpc1->d_node = d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReason();
- eqpc->d_children.push_back( eqpc1 );
- eqpc1->debug_print("pf::ee", 1);
- eqpc->debug_print("pf::ee", 1);
- }
- // We push the reason into "equalities" because that's what the theory of arrays expects.
- equalities.push_back(d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReason());
- break;
- Debug("equality") << d_name << "::eq::getExplanation(): MERGED_ARRAYS_ROW" << std::endl;
- // ROW rules mean that (i==k) OR ((a[i]:=t)[k] == a[k])
- // The equality here will be either (i == k) because ((a[i]:=t)[k] != a[k]),
- // or ((a[i]:=t)[k] == a[k]) because (i != k).
- if (eqpc) {
- if (d_nodes[currentNode].getNumChildren() == 2) {
- // This is the case of ((a[i]:=t)[k] == a[k]) because (i != k).
- // The edge is ((a[i]:=t)[k], a[k]), or (a[k], (a[i]:=t)[k]). This flag should be
- // false in the first case and true in the second case.
- bool currentNodeIsUnchangedArray;
- Assert(d_nodes[currentNode].getNumChildren() == 2);
- Assert(d_nodes[edgeNode].getNumChildren() == 2);
- if (d_nodes[currentNode][0].getKind() == kind::VARIABLE ||
- d_nodes[currentNode][0].getKind() == kind::SKOLEM) {
- currentNodeIsUnchangedArray = true;
- } else if (d_nodes[edgeNode][0].getKind() == kind::VARIABLE ||
- d_nodes[edgeNode][0].getKind() == kind::SKOLEM) {
- currentNodeIsUnchangedArray = false;
- } else {
- Assert(d_nodes[currentNode][0].getKind() == kind::STORE);
- Assert(d_nodes[edgeNode][0].getKind() == kind::STORE);
- if (d_nodes[currentNode][0][0] == d_nodes[edgeNode][0]) {
- currentNodeIsUnchangedArray = false;
- } else if (d_nodes[edgeNode][0][0] == d_nodes[currentNode][0]) {
- currentNodeIsUnchangedArray = true;
- } else {
- Unreachable();
- }
- }
- Node indexOne =
- currentNodeIsUnchangedArray ? d_nodes[currentNode][1] : d_nodes[currentNode][0][1];
- Node indexTwo =
- currentNodeIsUnchangedArray ? d_nodes[edgeNode][0][1] : d_nodes[edgeNode][1];
- // Some assertions to ensure that the theory of arrays behaves as expected
- Assert(d_nodes[currentNode][1] == d_nodes[edgeNode][1]);
- if (currentNodeIsUnchangedArray) {
- Assert(d_nodes[currentNode][0] == d_nodes[edgeNode][0][0]);
- } else {
- Assert(d_nodes[currentNode][0][0] == d_nodes[edgeNode][0]);
- }
- Debug("pf::ee") << "Getting explanation for ROW guard: "
- << indexOne << " != " << indexTwo << std::endl;
- EqProof* eqpcc = eqpc ? new EqProof : NULL;
- explainEquality(indexOne, indexTwo, false, equalities, eqpcc);
- Debug("pf::ee") << "The two indices are: " << indexOne << ", " << indexTwo << std::endl;
- Debug("pf::ee") << "And the explanation of their disequality is: " << std::endl;
- eqpcc->debug_print("pf::ee", 1);
- eqpc->d_children.push_back(eqpcc);
- } else {
- // This is the case of (i == k) because ((a[i]:=t)[k] != a[k]),
- Debug("pf::ee") << "In the new case of ROW!" << std::endl;
- Node indexOne = d_nodes[currentNode];
- Node indexTwo = d_nodes[edgeNode];
- Debug("pf::ee") << "The two indices are: " << indexOne << ", " << indexTwo << std::endl;
- Debug("pf::ee") << "The reason for the edge is: " << d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReason()
- << std::endl;
- Assert(d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReason().getNumChildren() == 2);
- Node reason = d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReason()[1];
- Debug("pf::ee") << "Getting explanation for ROW guard: " << reason << std::endl;
- EqProof* eqpcc = eqpc ? new EqProof : NULL;
- explainEquality(reason[0], reason[1], false, equalities, eqpcc);
- if (eqpc) {
- Debug("pf::ee") << "The guard's explanation is: " << std::endl;
- eqpcc->debug_print("pf::ee", 1);
- eqpc->d_children.push_back(eqpcc);
- }
- }
- Node a = d_nodes[d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getNodeId()];
- Node b = d_nodes[currentNode];
- if (a == NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false)) {
- eqpc->d_node = b.notNode();
- } else if (b == NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false)) {
- eqpc->d_node = a.notNode();
- } else {
- eqpc->d_node = a.eqNode(b);
- }
- }
- // We push the reason into "equalities" because that's what the theory of arrays expects.
- equalities.push_back(d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReason());
default: {
// Construct the equality
- Debug("equality") << d_name << "::eq::getExplanation(): adding: " << d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReason() << std::endl;
+ Debug("equality") << d_name << "::eq::getExplanation(): adding: "
+ << reason << std::endl;
Debug("equality") << d_name << "::eq::getExplanation(): reason type = " << reasonType << std::endl;
+ Node a = d_nodes[currentNode];
+ Node b = d_nodes[d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getNodeId()];
+ if (d_pathReconstructionTriggers.find(reasonType) != d_pathReconstructionTriggers.end()) {
+ d_pathReconstructionTriggers.find(reasonType)->second->notify(reasonType, reason, a, b,
+ equalities, eqpc);
+ }
if (eqpc) {
if (reasonType == MERGED_THROUGH_EQUALITY) {
- eqpc->d_node = d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReason();
+ eqpc->d_node = reason;
} else {
- // The LFSC translator prefers (not (= a b)) over (= (a==b) false)
- Node a = d_nodes[d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getNodeId()];
- Node b = d_nodes[currentNode];
+ // The LFSC translator prefers (not (= a b)) over (= (= a b) false)
if (a == NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false)) {
eqpc->d_node = b.notNode();
} else if (b == NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst(false)) {
eqpc->d_node = a.notNode();
} else {
- eqpc->d_node = a.eqNode(b);
+ eqpc->d_node = b.eqNode(a);
- Debug("pf::ee") << "theory eq : " << eqpc->d_node << std::endl;
eqpc->d_id = reasonType;
- equalities.push_back(d_equalityEdges[currentEdge].getReason());
+ equalities.push_back(reason);
return false;
-size_t EqualityEngine::getSize(TNode t)
+size_t EqualityEngine::getSize(TNode t) {
// Add the term
return getEqualityNode(getEqualityNode(t).getFind()).getSize();
+void EqualityEngine::addPathReconstructionTrigger(MergeReasonType trigger, const PathReconstructionNotify* notify) {
+ // Currently we can only inform one callback per trigger
+ Assert(d_pathReconstructionTriggers.find(trigger) == d_pathReconstructionTriggers.end());
+ d_pathReconstructionTriggers[trigger] = notify;
void EqualityEngine::addTriggerTerm(TNode t, TheoryId tag)
Debug("equality::trigger") << d_name << "::eq::addTriggerTerm(" << t << ", " << tag << ")" << std::endl;