unsigned iid = d_inst_id_counter;
Node inst = d_inverter->solve_bv_lit( sv, slit, true, path, &m, d_inst_id_to_status[iid] );
if( !inst.isNull() ){
+ inst = Rewriter::rewrite(inst);
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << "...solved form is " << inst << std::endl;
// store information for id and increment
d_var_to_inst_id[pv].push_back( iid );
d_inst_id_to_term[iid] = inst;
d_inst_id_to_alit[iid] = alit;
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << "...failed to solve." << std::endl;
// cleanup information if we failed to solve
d_inst_id_to_status.erase( iid );
return lit;
} else {
+ bool useSlack = false;
+ if (k == EQUAL) {
+ // always use slack for disequalities
+ useSlack = true;
+ } else if (k == BITVECTOR_ULT || k == BITVECTOR_SLT) {
+ if (options::cbqiBvSlackIneq()) {
+ useSlack = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // others should be rewritten
+ Assert(false);
+ return Node::null();
+ }
// for all other predicates, we convert them to a positive equality based on
// the current model M, e.g.:
// (not) s ~ t ---> s = t + ( s^M - t^M )
- if (k == EQUAL || k == BITVECTOR_ULT || k == BITVECTOR_ULE ||
+ if (useSlack) {
Node s = atom[0];
Node t = atom[1];
// only handle equalities between bitvectors
Assert(!sm.isNull() && sm.isConst());
Node tm = ci->getModelValue(t);
Assert(!tm.isNull() && tm.isConst());
+ Node ret;
if (sm != tm) {
Node slack =
Rewriter::rewrite(nm->mkNode(kind::BITVECTOR_SUB, sm, tm));
// remember the slack value for the asserted literal
d_alit_to_model_slack[lit] = slack;
- Node ret = nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, s,
- nm->mkNode(kind::BITVECTOR_PLUS, t, slack));
+ ret = nm->mkNode(kind::EQUAL, s,
+ nm->mkNode(kind::BITVECTOR_PLUS, t, slack));
Trace("cegqi-bv") << "Process " << lit << " as " << ret
<< ", slack is " << slack << std::endl;
- return ret;
+ }else{
+ ret = s.eqNode(t);
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << "Process " << lit << " as " << ret << std::endl;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // otherwise, we optimistically solve for the boundary point of an inequality
+ // for example
+ // for s < t, we solve s+1 = t
+ // for ~( s < t ), we solve s = t
+ // notice that this equality does not necessarily hold in the model, and
+ // hence the corresponding instantiation strategy is not guaranteed to be
+ // monotonic.
+ Node ret;
+ if (!pol) {
+ ret = atom[0].eqNode(atom[1]);
+ } else {
+ unsigned one = 1;
+ BitVector bval(atom[0].getType().getConst<BitVectorSize>(), one);
+ Node bv_one = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst<BitVector>(bval);
+ ret = NodeManager::currentNM()
+ ->mkNode(kind::BITVECTOR_PLUS, atom[0], bv_one)
+ .eqNode(atom[1]);
+ return ret;
return Node::null();
std::unordered_map< Node, std::vector< unsigned >, NodeHashFunction >::iterator iti = d_var_to_inst_id.find( pv );
if( iti!=d_var_to_inst_id.end() ){
Trace("cegqi-bv") << "BvInstantiator::processAssertions for " << pv << std::endl;
- // get inst id list
- Trace("cegqi-bv") << " " << iti->second.size() << " candidate instantiations for " << pv << " : " << std::endl;
- // the order of instantiation ids we will try
- std::vector< unsigned > inst_ids_try;
- // until we have a model-preserving selection function for BV, this must be heuristic (we only pick one literal)
- // hence we randomize the list
- // this helps robustness, since picking the same literal every time may be lead to a stream of value instantiations
- std::random_shuffle( iti->second.begin(), iti->second.end() );
+ // if interleaving, do not do inversion half the time
+ if (!options::cbqiBvInterleaveValue() || rand() % 2 == 0) {
+ // get inst id list
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << " " << iti->second.size()
+ << " candidate instantiations for " << pv << " : "
+ << std::endl;
+ // the order of instantiation ids we will try
+ std::vector<unsigned> inst_ids_try;
+ // until we have a model-preserving selection function for BV, this must
+ // be heuristic (we only pick one literal)
+ // hence we randomize the list
+ // this helps robustness, since picking the same literal every time may
+ // lead to a stream of value instantiations, whereas with randomization
+ // we may find an invertible literal that leads to a useful instantiation.
+ std::random_shuffle(iti->second.begin(), iti->second.end());
- for( unsigned j=0; j<iti->second.size(); j++ ){
- unsigned inst_id = iti->second[j];
- Assert( d_inst_id_to_term.find(inst_id)!=d_inst_id_to_term.end() );
- Node inst_term = d_inst_id_to_term[inst_id];
- Assert(d_inst_id_to_alit.find(inst_id) != d_inst_id_to_alit.end());
- Node alit = d_inst_id_to_alit[inst_id];
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < iti->second.size(); j++) {
+ unsigned inst_id = iti->second[j];
+ Assert(d_inst_id_to_term.find(inst_id) != d_inst_id_to_term.end());
+ Node inst_term = d_inst_id_to_term[inst_id];
+ Assert(d_inst_id_to_alit.find(inst_id) != d_inst_id_to_alit.end());
+ Node alit = d_inst_id_to_alit[inst_id];
- // get the slack value introduced for the asserted literal
- Node curr_slack_val;
- std::unordered_map<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction>::iterator itms =
- d_alit_to_model_slack.find(alit);
- if (itms != d_alit_to_model_slack.end()) {
- curr_slack_val = itms->second;
- }
- // debug printing
- if( Trace.isOn("cegqi-bv") ){
- Trace("cegqi-bv") << " [" << j << "] : ";
- Trace("cegqi-bv") << inst_term << std::endl;
- if (!curr_slack_val.isNull()) {
- Trace("cegqi-bv") << " ...with slack value : " << curr_slack_val
- << std::endl;
+ // get the slack value introduced for the asserted literal
+ Node curr_slack_val;
+ std::unordered_map<Node, Node, NodeHashFunction>::iterator itms =
+ d_alit_to_model_slack.find(alit);
+ if (itms != d_alit_to_model_slack.end()) {
+ curr_slack_val = itms->second;
- // process information about solved status
- std::unordered_map< unsigned, BvInverterStatus >::iterator its = d_inst_id_to_status.find( inst_id );
- Assert( its!=d_inst_id_to_status.end() );
- if( !(*its).second.d_conds.empty() ){
- Trace("cegqi-bv") << " ...with " << (*its).second.d_conds.size() << " side conditions : " << std::endl;
- for( unsigned k=0; k<(*its).second.d_conds.size(); k++ ){
- Node cond = (*its).second.d_conds[k];
- Trace("cegqi-bv") << " " << cond << std::endl;
+ // debug printing
+ if (Trace.isOn("cegqi-bv")) {
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << " [" << j << "] : ";
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << inst_term << std::endl;
+ if (!curr_slack_val.isNull()) {
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << " ...with slack value : " << curr_slack_val
+ << std::endl;
+ }
+ // process information about solved status
+ std::unordered_map<unsigned, BvInverterStatus>::iterator its =
+ d_inst_id_to_status.find(inst_id);
+ Assert(its != d_inst_id_to_status.end());
+ if (!its->second.d_conds.empty()) {
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << " ...with " << its->second.d_conds.size()
+ << " side conditions : " << std::endl;
+ for (unsigned k = 0; k < its->second.d_conds.size(); k++) {
+ Node cond = its->second.d_conds[k];
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << " " << cond << std::endl;
+ }
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << std::endl;
- Trace("cegqi-bv") << std::endl;
- }
- // currently we take select the first literal
- if( inst_ids_try.empty() ){
- // try the first one
- inst_ids_try.push_back( inst_id );
- } else {
- // selection criteria across multiple literals goes here
+ // currently we select the first literal
+ if (inst_ids_try.empty()) {
+ // try the first one
+ inst_ids_try.push_back(inst_id);
+ } else {
+ // selection criteria across multiple literals goes here
+ }
- }
- // now, try all instantiation ids we want to try
- // typically size( inst_ids_try )=0, otherwise worst-case performance for constructing
- // instantiations is exponential on the number of variables in this quantifier
- for( unsigned j = 0; j<inst_ids_try.size(); j++ ){
- unsigned inst_id = iti->second[j];
- Assert( d_inst_id_to_term.find(inst_id)!=d_inst_id_to_term.end() );
- Node inst_term = d_inst_id_to_term[inst_id];
- // try instantiation pv -> inst_term
- TermProperties pv_prop_bv;
- Trace("cegqi-bv") << "*** try " << pv << " -> " << inst_term << std::endl;
- d_var_to_curr_inst_id[pv] = inst_id;
- if( ci->doAddInstantiationInc( pv, inst_term, pv_prop_bv, sf, effort ) ){
- return true;
+ // now, try all instantiation ids we want to try
+ // typically size( inst_ids_try )=0, otherwise worst-case performance for
+ // constructing
+ // instantiations is exponential on the number of variables in this
+ // quantifier
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < inst_ids_try.size(); j++) {
+ unsigned inst_id = iti->second[j];
+ Assert(d_inst_id_to_term.find(inst_id) != d_inst_id_to_term.end());
+ Node inst_term = d_inst_id_to_term[inst_id];
+ // try instantiation pv -> inst_term
+ TermProperties pv_prop_bv;
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << "*** try " << pv << " -> " << inst_term
+ << std::endl;
+ d_var_to_curr_inst_id[pv] = inst_id;
+ if (ci->doAddInstantiationInc(pv, inst_term, pv_prop_bv, sf, effort)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << "...failed to add instantiation for " << pv
+ << std::endl;
+ d_var_to_curr_inst_id.erase(pv);
+ } else {
+ Trace("cegqi-bv") << "...do not do instantiation for " << pv
+ << " (skip, based on heuristic)" << std::endl;
- Trace("cegqi-bv") << "...failed to add instantiation for " << pv << std::endl;
- d_var_to_curr_inst_id.erase( pv );
return false;